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GoreRP/SadRP/Permissions | Suggestion

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I feel as though extensive gore and/or combatrp should not be permitted at all, or at least restricted, and if this has already been suggested please forgive me. Extensive gore can make players feel extremely uncomfortable, along with other sensitive topics. This may include triggering topics, so if you're sensitive to such, please click off.


For example, one of my characters was killed brutally. It started with him slowly being cut open, and his organs being thrown against the wall as people stomped on him, causing his blood to spill all over the floor. This is so incredibly disturbing, and to any passers-by, could cause unwanted stress and a possible panic attack due to any past trauma. I feel as though you should have to go through a process if you would like to have an extremely gore-y murder.

First, you must get the OOC consent of anybody involved in said murder. This includes the victim! Make sure they are all comfortable with it, and that there is a guarantee nobody will be disturbed. If there is somebody who does not comply, especially the victim, the process MUST BE f2b'd. If all consent to the gore, then it will all be done in /mec in case of anybody in the area hearing it.

Moving onto the next subject, Extensive Depression/SadRP. We all know that everybody loves giving their characters mental disorders right? Although I'm not one to really speak on how much you can give a character. Anyways, most mental disorders come with, you guessed it, depression! This can range from depression that is an inconvenience, to suicidal depression.

Characters/people with suicidal depression might tend to self harm, or attempt suicide. While this IS realistic, it's not... fun. We're, realistically, making light of an extreme mental disorder. I'm not perfect either, as I've done this many a time, and have only recently realized how messed up it is. Self harm RP/Suicide RP is EXTREMELY TRIGGERING to some, and is honestly just not a good topic to roleplay? It does nothing but go "boo hoo sad" and trigger some people in the process. Instead, why don't you get therapy for your character? Maybe make them some friends? Suicide/Self Harm RP just honestly adds nothing overall.

Onto one of my last topics, kill permissions. While these make sense in some manner, it honestly doesn't otherwise. What happens if you aren't aware you're giving somebody KPS with an action with a character you're emotionally attached to? Do you just... let them die and just suffer for weeks (or months)? Do you beg the person you gave KPS to not to kill them? I feel like, if you accidently give somebody kill permissions, there should be a warning system. The person you gave permissions to might instead have major. I'm not sure how this would be enforced and how you could make sure the person isn't lying about not knowing about it, but I feel like it could really benefit some players.

In conclusion, there are some disturbing factors to SRP that will hopefully be changed. I apologize if this has already been suggested, and for the painfully long text. If this didn't make sense to you, honestly it didn't make sense to me either, I just wanted to get my thoughts out there. Cheers!



Level 38
I completely agree with this. I remember that one time when my character Asuka was killed off in the grossest and most disturbing way I could've ever seen (however it got voided due to the perms being invalid) and I for real couldn't sleep well for 3 days. One can say "it's only roleplay", but there are certain topics that shouldn't be gone into further detail as it actually can disturb/trigger people OOCly. I'd add to this f2b if the person doesn't consent in /looc so it would prevent third parties getting some kind of trigger/feel uncomfortable over the situation.


Level 39

In regards to the f2b of a gory murder, this should be added. ALTHOUGH, I feel like this can be added yourself just by simply asking in looc “Are you going to make a very detailed gory action? If so, please f2b the death instead.” Though either way about making this a rule or something close to this is fine with me. In shorter words, yes. LOOC consent should be made allowed when dealing with gory murders and etc.

Secondly, I don’t believe I have seen anyone self-harm roleplay, nor do I want to. I’m sure if they were to commit harm upon their own character using a weapon or etc, they should f2b the process instead for anyone who can possibly hear it. Anything other than the graphic/gory topics of self harm should be allowed. (Such as SPOILER jumping off some place..)

I’m not so sure why people are so keen on k—-ing off their characters when there is tons of space for character development! In the future, please develop your characters unless you definitely have a good reason to —— them off.
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Level 87

Finally someone said something about what’s been on my mind these past few weeks. I don’t know how goreRP gets casually grazed over yet birthRP and intercourse etc. is and rightfully roleplayed through /f2b. I’ve had a character I’ve been so attached too (this was way before they decided to make safezones on school grounds
) be brutally murdered first by being knocked out and once she awaken, gets her neck snapped. I’m not sure how people actually enjoy detailing gore when it comes to murdering someone and I’m not here to judge but god I can feel that pain in my own body sometimes and it don’t sit right with me.


Level 110
If you're someone reading this and feeling the need to disagree with it, please understand how your actions can make others uncomfortable. The concerns in this thread are completely valid and shouldn't be overlooked just because one turns a blind eye to it. Explicit depictions of gore through roleplay and the misrepresentation of suicide are infamously common themes on the server that we try to address at a moment's notice. If you see someone describing things like this, please report it. It is not allowed and it is frankly disrespectful to those who have experienced the things being used for entertainment on a roleplay server.

Indeed, this is already a rule on the server. It is morally bound to discomforting other players on the server through triggering/sensitive topics (rule 8a of Roleplay Rules). By all means, I don't want to restrict anyone's roleplay, but understand that this is a school roleplay server and no one exactly signs up to have their character gutted through disgusting descriptions (regardless of how kill permissions work). Please ask permission of the other party before going through the process of describing these things, as it's the least you can do.

For now, I agree with this being more unambiguous in the rules. No one should be doing these things in a public setting and without consent.

TL;DR, this has nothing to do with permissions and not wanting your character to die; rather, the misrepresentation of mental affliction and explicit descriptions of gore.


Level 34
+1 / -1

There are people who would like to go into detail in game, asking them if they are going go into detail before they actually do is a good idea but maybe don't do things that will give off perms to do so in the first place. Yeah it makes people uncomfortable, but say that in /looc!! If they do not listen just simply get staff. Gore once in a while is fine but when it's too much I just ask in /looc if they can chill a bit.

michelle <3

Level 6

In my opinion, if you're not comfortable with gore-y situations, you shouldn't be gangrping at all.

EDIT: I also feel this would completely destroy the point of GangRP, there's no fun in GangRP without detail. . there would truly be no point in majoring/killing someone without it being atleast a tad bit gore-y, and no I'm not saying everyone who gangrps are psychos, gore just simply follows through with the meaning/point of GangRP. Like I stated above, if you're not comfortable or gore-y situations triggers your trauma, you shouldn't be gangrping at all- nor allowing people to have permissions on your character.


Level 86
Community Team
Lore Team
okay i have finally decided to reply to this
for the most part im neutral->+1

Hi, so something I noticed is that those who put -1 are usually the ones doing the graphic actions, and they also don't leave an explanation as to why overly graphic depictions of murder should stay. There isn't any dying need to have those depictions, and half the time they're graphic in the wrong direction (like missing how blood gets on the attacker's clothes) I've always thought that overly graphic actions for gangrp would count under ERP as they are.. kinda erotic in a sense (they're fueled by strong, and questionable feelings at times). The issue here is then.. what counts as overly graphic? Some amount of detail is needed because of how weird the human body is (EMS need those details wooo)

Yes, I do think /me stabs is a terrible action and that gangrpers should git gud and not do it, but that's led us to the issue of actions that can make other people uncomfortable. The easy solution to this may be the whole consent thing, I personally am fine with gore, but that doesn't mean everyone is. Most of the people who seem to have an issue with the depictions look like the kind of people to unintentionally get mixed up with gangrp, and tbh I think it falls onto gangrper's fault for going after them. There's no dying need for characters to get killed either. Those are just things to take into account.

I don't think gangrp should depend on HEAVY gore for appeal either, that's kinda messed up if you think about it. (Maybe try more dramatic, theatrical approaches! Like gambling rings or fist fights!)

Maybe we should just make weapons super rare so everything's fist fights instead (satire) character death is overrated and kills tension which ends possibilities for proper rivalries with repeating characters
edit #2: heavy gore =/= normal gore. if i roleplay out stabbing you yes im going to describe how deep im going/the knife being shiny and my character looking psycho insane


Level 5
Thread starter
To clear up any possible confusion in that post, It was honestly just a bunch of word vomit that I needed to get out. To sum it up quickly, I meant that if you had accidently given somebody perms on your character/comfort character and they were killed in a gorey type of way, it can upset many. Even if you don't usually gangrp or combatrp it does happen! And people may have past violence related trauma that could be triggered, or they may just be sensitive to such. ♥


Level 11

In my opinion, if you're not comfortable with gore-y situations, you shouldn't be gangrping at all.

EDIT: I also feel this would completely destroy the point of GangRP, there's no fun in GangRP without detail. . there would truly be no point in majoring/killing someone without it being atleast a tad bit gore-y, and no I'm not saying everyone who gangrps are psychos, gore just simply follows through with the meaning/point of GangRP. Like I stated above, if you're not comfortable or gore-y situations triggers your trauma, you shouldn't be gangrping at all- nor allowing people to have permissions on your character.
Totally agree with this. There is rules on how people can gain perms on your character therefore just avoid those thing and you won't get killed. It will completely ruin gangrp since the only fun to it is to do gory detailed kills.


Level 38
this would completely destroy the point of GangRP
Thing it, it has never had an actual point. As it was said, GangRP does not need to be all graphic and overly disturbing, the issue I see here is that those -1 are from people that gangrps and mostly do these kind of gross actions. This is a school roleplay server, people playing SRP are looking to have a nice time roleplaying as a student, yes if you don't want your character killed off then don't GangRP, I tried it once and thankfully I made it with no problems on my character. People gets disturbed easily, so it is needed to understand that.


Level 34
I'd understand if you feel uncomfortable about it if they detail it too much so I'd like to agree with what brat said telling them to calm down in /looc and if they don't you can always tell staff it is making you uncomfortable and they don't stop but if you don't like getting your character killed you can just re-read the rules and make it so they don't get perms by refraining to do the things that give off perms because if they do add this rule it would kill character development because like it or not gangrp has a place in character development

^^ What he said. Yes, half of the ones who did put -1 are the same people who do it but think about it. GangRP is mostly perms because we need perms to do so. GangRP is for fun, it shouldn't be taken so seriously. When people detailrp their actions I find it fun since there's a purpose to actually you know GangRP. The ones that take it really far you can always ask them to stop and you don't feel comfy with them doing so. We all should have the mouth to say stop when it's needed. Therefore - when feeling like they are going to far just say stop. If they keep going, get staff.


Level 34
I know some people who bait perms, is that fun? No, it isn't. Baiting perms is not fun and shouldn't be done.

Baiting Perms is not allowed, it is a rule last time I checked. You stated that you know some, but most people don't because we know it's wrong. The one who bait perms are the same ones who don't know how to gangrp. So when someone does bait perms, just tell staff man.


Level 35
Very aggressive +1s to both Cloud and Hebwig's points

To the people saying 'if you're affected by gore don't gangrp' the issue is that some people literally don't. Not quoting because there's like 5 different people saying the same thing in different ways. KPS given from snitching and perm baiting are both unfortunately very consistent on SRP and oftentimes unavoidable. Normal characters morally don't always stand for being provoked and will; like most people, do something about it. That's not at all a solution to this and shouldn't be, either. Not saying that thse actions shouldn't at all be done, but they should only be done if everyone involved feels comfortable and consents to this sort of...detail. Yeesh.
Gangrpers shouldn't be expected to be mentally prepared and willing for their characters to get hit with gruesome and gory deaths to the point where it is enough to make people oocly uncomfortable. From even just occasionally taking glances at GangRP screenshots and deaths (the example I have in mind is Prosthettics) character deaths and killings can be done, and well detailed without the necessity for brutal, horror movie-type actions that might affect younger members of the SRP player base. Don't get me wrong- you can still action deaths- but you don't have to fixate on the events and the visuals nor make it grosser than it has to be. Cloud's noting of some excessively erotic motives in GangRP goes into this as well. This also goes into how I feel like GangRP shouldn't just be gatekept to assault and murder and other, unique aspects of crime should be explored (ex: the recent hostage event done with Touko and @Tarxan ).

TLDR; Sometimes you can't avoid explicitly gorey actions being done to your character even if you don't gangrp. Characters will typically snitch and perms are often baited. If you think that the only way to do fun situations and DetailRP in GangRP is doing the most violent and brutal deaths possible regardless of what the victim feels about it, you should probably rethink why you're doing GangRP completely.

michelle <3

Level 6
People gets disturbed easily, so it is needed to understand that.

I'm pretty sure it is understood, many just don't speak up and let others know it's too gore-y for them to handle. I mean no disrespect whatsoever when I say this, but if someone is making somewhat gore-y actions on your character and you're uncomfortable with it- and you do NOT speak up, that's your problem. If you tell them to take it down a notch and they don't, simply call staff. If no staff are on, report it to a staff member through DMs. There is truly no reason to eliminate gore from GangRP, people just don't speak for themselves.
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