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Denied mcdonaldscheeese P.E application

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): its

Do you have a microphone?:

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
yes, I am.

Describe your activity on the server
: I come online almost every day, usually for 2-5 hours.

Do you have any previous bans?:
no, I don’t have any bans.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:


What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[17] [grade 12]


What subject are you applying to teach?:

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I really enjoy P.E lessons on the server, and it’s interesting to see how creative People can be when it comes to detailRP. I also like the way that teaching is done on the server, how it is run by its players. I like P.E in real life and it would be enjoyable for me to be part of teaching students, P.E so that I could share my motivation with the students.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
yes, I understand this.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Class logs are how teachers keep track of the classes that they have hosted, and are also used as evidence towards the teacher's paycheck, so that SLT knows that the teacher is frequently holding classes and teaching as often as is expected of them.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

-No phones or other electronics during class.

- No eating or no drinking.

- don’t disrupt the class.

-if you have something to say, raise your hand.

-being respectful of others, whether they are faculty or your classmate.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I’ve been playing on SRP for 6 months, but for 3 months of it, I wasn't very active, due to real life school stuff - (exams, etc). But for 2-3 months, I have frequently been active on this server, because I really love to roleplay, there are many players to RP with. I also play on a cityRP server, where I am a helper; which means if they need any help managing the sever, I can sort out various issues. I have experience with a few different types of RP, such as detailRP and romanceRP.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department

↳ Description: The head of whichever subject they are teaching. Oversee all teachers of lower status within this subject, helping the UT teachers with their training. HD’s don’t need permissions to hold classes, as they are high up enough to have the authority to host classes whenever they like within school hours.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: QT’s can host classes whenever they like, with no permission required. They don’t need help anymore from their HD, as they are experienced in their job and know what to do with a little bit support from teachers with higher positions.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified teacher
↳ Description: NQT is the second role a teacher gets, after their training. Due to them being new to Karakura’s faculty, they need guidance from teachers with higher positions than NQT, mainly HD’s, but also QT’s. They need permission from HD’s to host classes, because of their lack of teaching experience.

- UT
↳ Meaning: Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description:
UT is the first stage a teacher enters when their application is accepted. In this stage, UT's observe classes, do their teacher training, and perform a practice lesson, before gaining the NQT role.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers teach in different styles, such as visual learning and sensory learning. Most teachers use a range of different teaching styles, but many have a preference. They must be mindful of how effective their preferred style is in class, with all different students. Some responsibilities of teachers include class preparation and follow-up work In their spare time, planning their next lessons, going shopping, roleplaying with their friends, etc. Teacher roleplay is not just limited to school life. SRP teachers earn a base salary of ¥450,000, when they complete 15 classes in a month, logging all of them. This salary can then increase to ¥500,000 but only if the teacher then completes 10 additional classes.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers keep the server running during school hours – ensuring that students busy and having fun. Without this servers’ teachers, the roleplay wouldn’t work properly, with them holding such an important role. In my experience, teachers are great roleplay guides, as they help all players, especially new players to learn how the server and the RP system works.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school uses a MoScO system (Must have, Should have, Could have.)

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?

Appearance: She has short brunette hair, brown eyes, and soft skin. She never wears makeup and always wearing her hair up. she is 5"9 tall.

Personality: Jihyun’s personality is friendly, she cares very much for other people. She isn't the kind of person to raise her voice immediately, she tries to diffuse situations in a calm manner at first, but isn't afraid to raise her voice if she must. In her free time, she likes to go jogging, so she always stays fit. At the weekend, she goes climbing in the mountains with her friends, which she enjoys very much.

Plans for the future: Her future plans are to marry her fiancée and to start a family with her. She really wants to help students who are giving up on P.E, who are losing their motivation for any kind of sport. She would love to help them see that they can do anything. She wants to help the students in this way due to her childhood P.E teacher, who helped her and gave her motivation to try harder. They really inspired her and heavily impacted on her, making her want to do the same for the younger generation.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
At first, I would tell them to stop using this language because its against the school rules, after I warned them, I would keep an eye open the next time I’m walking around school, if I catch them again, they get a last warning, and if they act disrespectfully after this, I would give them detention.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?: First Jihyun would clap 3 times ,because she only raises her voice if she has to, but if they still not listening, she would raise her voice a little bit and says : “ Can I get your attention for five minutes, or we won’t start with our P.E lesson”. If this wasn’t effective, I would warn the Students who are loud, when they got warned 3 times I would kick them out, as I had given them 3 chances.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Jihyun would make a short bow to the other teachers. Most of her time in the teacher’s lounge would be spent planning her next P.E lessons or reading a book. Jihyun is a kind, lively person, and isn’t afraid of talking with other teachers – if approached, she would be very friendly with the other teachers.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

noticing that the class wasn't listening to what she was saying, she'd clap her hands three times to get their attention.

she would drop to the floor, performing five pushups as a demonstration to the class.

/me she would jog around the sports grounds, to make sure every student is alright.

/me seeing that the students were finished with the warmup, she’d call everyone back to where she stands, so that she can explain the next step.



Bae Jihyun was born in Busan, S.Korea, Deokcheon 1 dong. She’d lived in a small Hanok (a traditional Korean house). She had a very close relationship with her father, who always played volleyball with her in the backyard. She loved to challenge herself in every kind of sport, but she discovered her passion for Sport in Deoksang primary school. Her P.E teacher gave her the motivation to compete at sports day, because she was one of the sporty kids at school. She said yes, and all her friends, Parents and even the teachers supported her. After she won the Sport event, she knew she only made it because of the motivation her P.E teacher, her idol. gave her. After receiving a good education from the Busan International Highschool, she left the school, and her P.E teacher gave her the advice to be a P.E teacher one day, as she believed in Jihyun.

Moving to Japan

three weeks after Jihyun turned 17, her dad lost his job, and told her that they were moving to Karakura, Japan, as he got a Job offer in the city. So, they moved to Japan, into a small apartment. Jihyun lost all her friends due to the move, but instead of being sad about it, she focused on exercising every day to stay fit, which really helped her mental and physical health, and she didn’t want to disappoint her old P.E teacher who helped her so much.

University and teaching

Jihyun really loved her university experience, where she majored in Physical Education and minored in History and Art. Since she was a child, she dreamt of being a P.E teacher, so that she could help others like her teacher helped her. When she saw that there was a free position at Karakura High, she applied for it immediately, so she can live her dream and help Karakura’s students.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Bae Jihyun
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss) : Miss
Given Name(s): Jihyun
Preferred Name: Bae

Age (Minimum is 27):
Gender: female
Religious Denomination: Christian
Marital Status: Engaged

Current Location: Karakura Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation: 2014
Major(s): Physical Education
Minors: History and Art

Native Languages:
Other Languages: Japanese

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
No, I do not.



Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for applying, however, your Teacher application won't be accepted today.

- As you know from your School Employee application, plagiarism is in no way acceptable when applying for roles on the forums.
- The spacing between your questions made the application look pretty messy & hard to read. Nevertheless, thank you for taking the time to apply.

Source: Aiylana's English Teacher Application

↳ Meaning: Head of Department
The head of whichever subject they teach. Oversee all teachers of lower status within this subject, helping the UT teachers with their training and give permissions to NQT teachers to host lessons. HD’s do not need permissions to hold classes, as they are high up enough to have the authority to host classes whenever they like.

↳ Meaning: Qualified Teacher
QT’s also have permissions to host classes whenever they like. They don’t need guidance from their HD, as they are experienced in their job and know what to do with minimal help from teachers with higher positions.

↳ Meaning: Newly Qualified teacher
NQT’s are new to karakura’s faculty, and therefore need guidance from teachers with higher positions than themselves, particularly HD’s. They need permission from HD’s in order to host classes, due to their lack of teaching experience.
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: The head of whichever subject they are teaching. Oversee all teachers of lower status within this subject, helping the UT teachers with their training. HD’s don’t need permissions to hold classes, as they are high up enough to have the authority to host classes whenever they like within school hours.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: QT’s can host classes whenever they like, with no permission required. They don’t need help anymore from their HD, as they are experienced in their job and know what to do with a little bit support from teachers with higher positions.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified teacher
↳ Description: NQT is the second role a teacher gets, after their training. Due to them being new to Karakura’s faculty, they need guidance from teachers with higher positions than NQT, mainly HD’s, but also QT’s. They need permission from HD’s to host classes, because of their lack of teaching experience.

Blue highlighted text is original, the rest is copied

You are now blacklisted from applying for Highschool Teacher
Reason: Plagiarism
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