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VGL suggestion


Level 101
IGN: Veganlaser
DATE: Monday, Aug 1

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I want to suggest that characters under 19 cannot get their gangs verified, because have a middle schooler with a verified gang but still have to FearRP teachers and such doesn't really make logical sense Example; Say a gang called Mobieus was created it got members and is able to be verified and the leader is 18 and still in school, it's one of the biggest gangs in karakura with 20+ members, and the leader is the richest and most powerful person in the city, yet they still fear teachers and detention. Doesn't make much sense if you think about it, and some VG may have the rule you have to FearRP the leader and some characters could be years older than them yet still have to fear them maybe have the restriction only 20+yo can own a verified gang or something like that.

This could benefit the GangRP community by filtering out low effort and stop random gangs that don't last longer than a few months from popping up and it would reduce the amount of pointless gang fights because someone called their gang lead a "kid" or a "loser" and basically fights over immature things. This would make gang activity more purposeful and. nature since the leaders would be mature themselves.

This may be updated in the future
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Level 130
I think this would be an excellent idea, but I don't think it should be limited to 19. I feel as if it should be limited to the Adult role unless it's some delinquent gang. Now I know that this is SchoolRP, but the gangs never have anything to do with the School anyways. It doesn't make sense that tons of high school students have gangs full of serial killers; when has a student ever been able to assemble that many people, let alone multiple.
This also ties in with another thing though, gangs shouldn't kill unless it truly benefits the story. Typing /me stabs carotid isn't fun and is simply a waste of a character that could've been developed a lot more.


Level 183
That's not how FearRP works. When a teacher threatens a student he doesn't have to be like YES TEACHER *SHAKES OUT OF FEAR*

It's actually basically only respecting the teacher just to avoid further consequences. Meaning your character doesn't actually fear him, the character can hate him and not fear hin. However, it respects the teacher to basically avoid any further consequences

Nor do I think someone that acts disobedient and unprofessional enough that teachers keep handling him would ever be fit for leading a gang. If some kids hard to handle its not other's problem not to be able to create and lead gangs and make them verified.​
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Level 22
-1 not how fearrp works so what if your the boss of a gang so what if you the richest LMFAO your reputation or fame dont mean you dont have to fearrp its dumb.


Level 130
-1 not how fearrp works so what if your the boss of a gang so what if you the richest LMFAO your reputation or fame dont mean you dont have to fearrp its dumb.

You're completely missing his point, having an 18-year-old run one of the largest gangs in the city is simply impossible.


Level 10
May I cross-examine exactly why you hate this idea? I don't know about you, but I've never seen an 18-year-old wealthy gang leader who has a kill count of 500,000
Too lazy to explain, but nor have I seen a wealthy adult gang leader who has a kill count of 500,000 so


Level 22
You're completely missing his point, having an 18-year-old run one of the largest gangs in the city is simply impossible.
Okay fair point but also dumb cause then the gang lead will have to be adult and you know how much gangs will be verified if we needed the adult to be leader so it "makes sense" yeah only like 2 or 3 he says andything under 19 wont makes sense cause as 18 year old you have to fearrp teacher but 19 and 20 year old have to fearrp too? so whats his point? his point is anything under 19 cant run a gang cause they have to fearrp teachers? but 19 and 20 years olds still need to fearrp cause they go to college too so either way this makes no sense unless he makes it so that the gang lead has to be a adult to make it verified but who the fuck would work 2-3 ooc months just for a gang to be verified stupid imo.


Level 101
Thread starter
Okay fair point but also dumb cause then the gang lead will have to be adult and you know how much gangs will be verified if we needed the adult to be leader so it "makes sense" yeah only like 2 or 3 he says andything under 19 wont makes sense cause as 18 year old you have to fearrp teacher but 19 and 20 year old have to fearrp too? so whats his point? his point is anything under 19 cant run a gang cause they have to fearrp teachers? but 19 and 20 years olds still need to fearrp cause they go to college too so either way this makes no sense unless he makes it so that the gang lead has to be a adult to make it verified but who the fuck would work 2-3 ooc months just for a gang to be verified stupid imo.
You guys are focusing on the one point I made not thinking further into it, give it a good thought and see how it turns out


Level 211
As PashOP said, that's not how FearRP works. The thing you 'fear' is, for example, having to spend lots of boring hours locked in school doing detention work. Or for another example, leaving school (being expelled/suspended) being a teenager (19 and below). If you want to be more realistic doesn't make any sence a bunch of teenagers killing each other daily. But since getting the adult role is not that easy and 18 years old being part of gangs works on srp, I don't see how this suggestion can change significant things..​


Level 217

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with FeedBack, though we have chosen to deny the following;

- As a Gang-Lead you are more than welcome to discuss how to develop your character with me, though only select hand-picked gangs are Verified that are performing the best compared to any other Adverted Gang. Ideally, we would not be selecting gangs that provide minimal or low effort roleplay to contribute to the map as VGL's or VGMs. To add a cap or barrier to this would simply just be useless and not all gang structures need to be the exact same, as it's still possible to run a gang without them actually being based around united killing and can find different IC-Reasonings as to why their group has been formed and act as a group. Most definitely so with upcoming politics starting to form; that may cause IC-Drama or divide players for wanting to create gangs just as an example.

With future updates to come, Verified Gangs will become much more competitive to maintain slots on the roster, meaning that Gang-Leads will have a bigger target on their back as well. Gangs will fluctuate more throughout the roster more often than it is currently done now.

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