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PAC Leader Application


Level 4
IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):

RPName of Club Leader:
Miku T. Cortez

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):

Club name of the club you are apply for the leadership position:
Performing Arts Club

Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?

I've been a part of the Performing Arts Club for a while and I know that I have the leadership and organisation skills to properly lead the members. I have the patience and would be open to however many questions the members may have about club activities and events. I already have a few event ideas in mind that I know the members would enjoy, and I would be able to properly explain each event and activity that we may hold and break it down as much as I need to to make sure everyone is confident with what is happening and what we are doing. I'm not afraid to ask questions or reach out to others for help such as if we need builders or stock for an event that we may be holding


What is your motivation for becoming the new leader of this club:
(150 Words)

This club has been around for a while and the activities that we have participated in have been so enjoyable for all members taking part. I want to be able to hold more enjoyable activities for the club that everyone feels comfortable and confident taking part in. I want to give students a safe place to go to and a group that they feel comfortable with. I feel that i have the skills and patience to be able to lead the group and i have many more ideas for future events that I’m sure everyone will be able to enjoy. The club allows them to express themselves and enter worlds different from ours and make friends with people that they’d never usually see themselves becoming friends with. It encourages students to be more confident when using their imagination and creativity and I feel that we don’t have enough of this in our school.

What activities will the club do?:
(Work out one club members only activity & one school club event)

Club members only event - We would gather in the club room during school time either the morning of or the day before, depending on what times everyone can make it, or we can gather at different times to make sure everyone can be there at least once. I would assign partners and they would each come up with an interesting character for their partner to play and they would announce their partners for the group and I would keep a note. Accessories would be provided by me if I feel it is necessary for the character they have been given. We would then meet back up in the club room after school late after hours, because the school is large, only the second floor would be available to have access to the club room. They would then spread out and interact with each other as they think their characters would. I would then provide a scenario, such as a murder or a school breakin and they would have to act accordingly to their characters personality and solve the problem. I feel like this would be a way for each member to get involved, and it would give them more confidence to talk to each other as they are acting as their characters and not themselves. This would also help the club become closer to one another and make everyone more comfortable with each other for future events.

School Club Event - Murder Mystery event! This would either take place during school time or after school and the students would all gather in the gym. This is where I would announce that there is a dead body in one of the classrooms! I would also assign the role of murderer and detective to a few students that the club think would be fit for. The students would then search the school for the body while the ‘murderers’ went around ‘killing’ students, without getting caught. If they were caught they would be sent to the club room where they would further be questioned by the ‘detectives’ on who they have killed. If all the murderers are caught the civilians win and if all the civilians are killed the murderers win. Although it may seem complicated, our members would be in separate parts of the school the whole time answering any questions and making sure everyone was playing their role and that it was fair for everyone. People that we thought played their role exceptionally well have a further advantage if they were to ever apply to the club. Club meetings would be held beforehand to make sure everyone was on the same page and knew exactly what they were doing and what was happening.

How will the club benefit the School?:

It allows students to express themselves in ways they may not usually feel comfortable doing. It may give them a larger sense of confidence when talking to new people. It’s also an opportunity for students to get more involved within the school and take part in club activities. It would provide an overall positive environment around the school and promote friendships and individuality. It also allows students to be apart of a group that they feel safe with which is something that everybody looks for.

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:

Obviously all members are required to be active to an extent. They will be expected to show up to at least some meetings and provide a valid reason if they can’t make one. Before joining, members would need to fill out the application easily located in the discord to good detail.​
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Level 172
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Thank you for applying, even though the application has enough detail in it the events in general do not fit with the theme of the club. Please reply to this thread with another event worked out for the club which fits with the theme of the club more. If you´re no longer interested in this role reply to this thread stating that or inform me over DM´s


Level 4
Thread starter
Thank you for applying, even though the application has enough detail in it the events in general do not fit with the theme of the club. Please reply to this thread with another event worked out for the club which fits with the theme of the club more. If you´re no longer interested in this role reply to this thread stating that or inform me over DM´s
Club only event - Charades sleep over! We would meet up in the club room at night and each member would be given a character from a famous movie or book. Then one at at time they would stand at the front and be asked questions about their life, they would have to answer and act as if their character would and the other members would have to guess who they were. Prizes would be given out to those who performed the best!

School event - Students would gather in the gym either by themselves or in a group. They would take it in turns to stand on the stage and perform a scene from their favourite movie or book. Students would vote on who did the best and prizes would be given out accordingly. The club would also give their input. Costumes and such would not be mandatory but would give them an advantage, and anyone can take part! A snack bar and information booth would also be there to attract more people.


Level 172
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Though some parts of the application could've been worked out better I am willing to give you a chance. Please ping @Tippie#6666 in the Karakura Academics discord for your roles and read the pinned messages for everything you need to know.

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