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Level 9
IGN: jenau

DATE: 19/8/21

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: petition for trusted councillors to use intercoms.

I expect this will advantage the school/council community. In any case, SLTS and teachers aren’t continuously available/active at whatever point a issue happens inside the school, a few councilors are anticipated to be there to unravel the issue most of the time. I am mindful that councilors aren’t considered staff individuals, in spite of the fact that this point has it claims preferences and impediments. Being able to do intercoms would be valuable for councilors to call on the students who are required to be in the detention room. for example; we have to void the issue we happened and illuminated at school, in the event that there aren’t school staff or SLTS around to do the intercoms for the students we have difficult time finding, who knows it’s simple for them to escape detention and effortlessly run away from councilors, it’d be less demanding to use intercoms, for us to keep proceeding to do our jobs and never void it to be


Level 155
This has come up before, I'm not really sure the state of it all currently. Last I heard, we were working towards at least the leads being able to, however judging by this post; it didn't work out. I could understand councillors having it, but at the same time; how do you judge who is trustworthy? As a former councillor, I understand and sympathize, but I can definitely see points on both sides! ALSO if they don't show up and all that, don't waste your breath, just another offense to add to their list and SLT or the Leads will deal with it in due time!


Level 211
+1 / 0
As a councillor I totally understand how much we need Intercoms to detention, flash event, and among other things. The council presidents have it already, but it's only 2 people for 20+ councillors, not being able to be online at all times. If the Vice-presidents could have it as well would be way easier and help a lot.​


Level 35

this is from an outside perspective so i apologize i haven't been on council in over a year

respectfully from what i've seen if intercom were to be given to the... what is it, like 20 councillors? obviously, they're not all online at once but to add onto mookie's points, with so many people being managed by only 2/4 leads it's difficult to trust that the intercom will always be used properly, won't be spammed, etc. what makes it good with faculty is that faculty has basically formatting in place to assure intercom is simple for them to all use properly. there'd have to be something really strict in place to avoid miscomprehended situations especially with jockrp

it also may help to be more effective when dealing with detention situations as you say, but at the same time people will just find more loopholes to intercom. having earbuds in, claiming not to have heard it, etc. since most situations that are probably drastic enough probably would make their way to council leads anyways, i don't see why it's necessary

i totally agree with vps getting it though, kinda surprised u guys didn't have it earlier so hard +1 on that


Level 355
HS Sports Lead

This currently isn't possible with our role system, however we can work on getting Council President's full access to use their respective intercom.​
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