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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Journalists In The Wild

[The title ‘Journalists In The Wild’ displayed on the screen of the journalist club spinning around on the floor like the mature individuals they were then the scene cut to the introduction with Etsuba sitting inside the clubroom sipping hot chocolate and pretending it was coffee]

“Hello all and welcome to my first report of September. Today we’ll be talking about the journalist club and how mature and serious we are when it comes to journalism”

He’d say with a slight smile, sitting up very straight as if trying to prove something.

“Today you'll be able to take a listen into the very serious business we deal with in meetings and the very important matters we discuss.”

[The screen cut to Etsuba recording outside of the fence with Felix inside the school helping Mookie, Iroha, and Etsuba of course get inside the school, clearly not trespassing]

“Right now we're using our very legal sneaky entrance to the school for our meeting…”

Etsuba would say to the camera in a hushed voice as if someone would actually hear him. After Mookie, Etsuba got in and then he’d help Iroha over the fence.

“We’re in...“ Etsuba said dramatically.

They ran over to the back entrance but then… Tragedy struck... and Mookie got hit by Felix who was on his bike…

“Oh no!” Etsuba exclaimed.

“You killed Mookie!” Iroha cried. Mookie lay still on the concrete just outside the entrance to the school.

[The camera zoomed in on Mookie who let out a few dramatic gasps, flopping fish-like; he heaved as he prepared his Oscar-winning performance. He turned his head to face them and managed to slightly open his eyes]

“Oh- woe is me! I was too young to die… So much life to live, so many things to do, cut so very short. I feel the end drawing near… the warm… the embrace… darkness.. closing in… B-but I see the light! Grandpa? Is that you? I am at peace… and with that… I die!”

To seal the deal, he gave one more flop before somehow forcing his eyes into cartoonish looking Xs and sticking his tongue out with a “Blah!”

[A few moments passed before Felix spoke]

“Okay. Anyway-” Felix nodded,

“Fine by me.” Iroha agreed as the three of them started to walk away.

“I call dibs on being club president!”

Mookie looked up in despair “You fools! It’ll take a lot more than the “Grim Reaper” to do this guy in!”

[They arrived at the clubroom after consoling and reassuring Mookie that they were joking but before they began doing their ‘Hardcore Parkour’ on the tables and discussed the applicants, Mookie spotted someone in the alleyway next to the school]

"Look at the peasant,” Mookie said, looking down at them from the second floor.

[The four of them immediately began staring out the window at the passerby like a gang of 5-year-olds who just discovered their own shadow. They were about to start shouting at them but it was too late. They were out of earshot...]

“I wanted to say hi…” Etsuba said sadly

“I know right…” Felix agreed.

“We’ll get ‘em next time.” Mookie reassured.

[Narrowing it down to two applicants who Mookie informed that they were accepted, Miyu, the newest member, showed up to the meeting and joined the clubroom parkour. The other member, Kaji, was probably asleep… Like a normal person...]

“Are all the meetings normally like this…?” Miyu asked and Etsuba pointed the camera at her.

“Yeah we're SUPER productive as you can see.” He said smiling.

“We parkour on the tables, commit murders, trespass on school properties, All sorts of good stuff!” Felix continued.

“Isn't that illegal?” Miyu expressed with slight concern.

“It sure is if you get caught!” Etsuba said proudly.

“No but it actually is illegal we just have the schools permission-” Mookie said for legal reasons.

'Well that's no fun....” Iroha said unhappily

“Y’know what would be fun?” Felix said mischievously.

“Now, now, Felix, what did we say about showing people the picture?” Mookie said with all the nuance of a mother about to whoop her child, a cheerful, smiling face that barely hit the rage slowly boiling towards the surface; a menacing tone.

Felix proceeded to swiftly and sadly pushed the picture of Mookiella back into his pocket.

“Now we’ve completed our parkour session, the majority of us are here and we've concealed my secret identity as a drag queen, let's take club pictures!” Mookie said happily,

“What was that last part?” Miyu asked.

“Let's take club pictures?” Mookie repeated and Miyu gave up.

They all tried laying down in a J formation for Journalism, which ended up failing so while some remained trying, the intelligent ones decided to start spinning around on the floor.

[After finally getting a good picture, the meeting concluded so Felix and Etsuba decided to discuss the horrors of life such as… School locker rooms… and… how Felix stole someone's birth certificate in a prank war…? Regardless, the meeting was a successful and productive meeting with two new members, floor spinning, hardcore clubroom parkour, the murder of Mookie Aldridge, and trespassing onto a school zone at midnight. Overall, a very productive meeting.]

“I've gotta go burn all evidence of mookiella- I mean- I have to host baseball practice, yeahhhh, catch ya on the flip!” Mookie said before heading off.

The night ended with Etsuba terrorizing Felix with spiders before they all parted ways.

[The video finally cut to morning time in the clubroom with Etsuba recording the outro.]

“As you can see by the very professional representatives of the journalist club and our performance at the meeting, This club is very good at what we do…”

Etsuba paused, almost questioning himself.

“Anyways that's it.. I'm gonna get a snack now…”

[Etsuba said walking off screen and several seconds later footsteps and heavy breathing could be heard before Etsubas face appeared in front of the camera like that one jumpscare people put on videos like a decade ago and the mic muffled as the camera shifted around before the camera shut off, Ending the report.]


Level 110
how Felix stole someone's birth certificate in a prank war…?
It was a family photo and a school diploma... but okay!

“Now, now, Felix, what did we say about showing people the picture?” Mookie said with all the nuance of a mother about to whoop her child, a cheerful, smiling face that barely hit the rage slowly boiling towards the surface; a menacing tone.
@L.F.Fox I'm officially taking this IC and owning a photo of Mookiella.

“Okay. Anyway-” Felix nodded,
Very much describes me, yes.

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