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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Spartans v. Bobcats!


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[The report would start off with a clip filled with photos of the Spartan and Bobcat Teams.]

The Spartan and Bobcats. If you joined the Spartans, you would automatically become rivals with the Bobcats. And if you joined the Bobcats, you would have to become rivals with the Spartans. These sports teams have been here for what feels like forever. Hell, I’m in one myself! But what’s the point of view out of my shoes? Random individuals from the school, both students and faculty. What are their thoughts on this so-called “rivalry”?

I’ve went around the school to interview random people from teams, faculty or just normal students

[A clip showing Felix in a college basketball jacket and another in a high school basketball jacket on the gymnasium bleachers. There would be a girl standing next to the two of them.]
“Two questions! One, what’s your name and two, what are your thoughts on the Spartan v. Bobcat rivalry?”

[!] Before the question had even been answered by the male, a loud screech, “SPARTANS ON TOP!” would be heard from the female next to him. [!]
“Well my name is Jaise Popovich, I mean I’m a proud representative of one of our bobcat teams, I might say the rivalry, it makes it more fun, you know? Keeps tension going throughout matches.”

[The clip would end, following to the next.]

[This clip showed Felix at the Nurse’s Office along with a Nurse on the other end.]
“I have two questions for ya’! What’s your name and what are your thoughts on the rivalry with the Spartans and Bobcats?”
“I’m Tucker and… I honestly couldn’t care less.”
“... Ooookay… Bye!”

[The clip would quickly cut after that, following to the next.]

[This clip showed Felix and a group of people. However, he only focused on one.]

[!] Before she could answer, Felix grabbed both her shoulders and shook her. “ANSWER!!” Violent… [!]
“My name is Juliana. Biano. Helvete. AND I think SPARTANS rule. But I generally think both are better.”
“Okay thanks bye.”
“Bye loser.”

[The clip ended and showed the next person.]

[The clip showed Felix and a Track Team member.]
“So what’s your name and thoughts on the rivalry?”
She’d hold up a peace sign. “Mochi Nakami and my view on the rivalry is that it can be healthy to have light rivalry. But the current rivalry isn’t going to help anyone. It causes senseless violence and arguments leading to a lot of people being hurt physically and mentally. It really needs to change.”

[The clip ended and showed another person.]

[The clip showed Felix on the volleyball court talking to a volleyball member.]
“What’s your name and your thoughts on the rivalry with the teams?”
"My name is Chloe Inoue, I am 18 years of age, and for those who don’t know, I am a member of the Female Bobcats. The rivalry is a complicated topic. It’s hard to describe but it’s built off a sense of competitiveness. It’s an athlete’s drive to get better. I find that these athletes take it too far sometimes, but at the end of the day, it’s a pride thing. So I agree to some extent but I don't agree with how far some go with it.”

[The clip ended, showing one final person.]

[The following clip showed a conversation between Felix and Aoi Soda-Akihito just outside of the school gates.]
“Hello! Can I ask you some questions?”
“Oh.. sure.”
“Great! What's your name and what are your thoughts on the rivalry with the teams at school?”
“I’m Aoi Soda-Akihito… I think it’s great when it’s a healthy rivalry! Competition exists for that, it’s a great booster for our sports team members to give their best.”
“If you were to choose between the Bobcats and Spartans, which one would you choose?”
“Bobcats. I am the Vice-Principal after all.”
“Were you aware of the argument at the pool only moments ago? It might still be happening..." He'd turn to the direction of the school pool and then back at the Vice-Principal.
“Argument? Not really.”
“Yeah there were some jocks fightin’ or somethin’. They tackled each other into the pool.”
“Uh, no, I’m not aware of that.”
“Speaking of pools, have you ever been tackled into the pool by any of the team members?”
“Not really. I think… they wouldn’t do that to me.”
“Are you reaaaaally sure?”
“I hope so. It’s the smart choice.”
“Okay, who’s your favorite sports team member, from any team?”
Chloe would butt in- “It’s totally me. I’m totally the favoritest team member because of my kindness and skill.”
“Well, I’d choose both my children… Seno Soda, high school cheer captain and Sadao Soda, college football.”

[!] The rest of the clip was redacted and cut off until one small audio clip glitched back in. [!]



“What did you say to the vice-principal?”

“I was interviewing her for a report, why?”

“Just asking- [REDACTED]”

[!] The audio clip ended along with the report. [!]
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