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Karakura News | The fall of Metagarou and Reizo


Level 72
The fall of Metagarou and Reizo.gif

Umeda Kame

Yesterday was a tragic loss for the city of Karakura. Leading to the events that have happened, I’ll get into them in a few. Police Commissioner Reizo Tokushima, K115 had passed away in an all-out shoot-off with Metagarou Tachitsu, an ex-mercenary, and ex-Kishi lead. This gunfight resulted in both of their deaths.

Let's jump into how the brawl began, and the events following it. The whole situation began when Tachitsu scaled the side of the KPD, going to the roof of the station in an attempt to hijack a helicopter, in the hope of most likely fleeing the country due to not being able to go through normal airports. Just as he started taking off, Tokushima ran up and hopped onto the helicopter, and began their fist-fight with the helicopter starting to move erratically with nobody piloting it... Officers had charged to the rooftop, in an attempt to figure out what was going on!

Tachitsu attempted to shoot Tokushima, however, Tokushima kicked the gun out of his hand, refusing usage of the gun. From this, a few gunshots went off, however, I don't know exactly who shot them, nor how many.

Suddenly, the helicopter spiraled out of control, and crash-landed outside the front of the police department, ending the lives of both Tachitsu and Tokushima. The officers rushed down and carried the two to the nearby Karakura General Hospital where they were both confirmed dead on-site, with multiple gunshot wounds and 3rd-degree burns.

That day, we lost a great commissioner as well as the person who has been tormenting the city. We at the Karakura News station are in grievance with the commissioners family, and the surrounding officers, feel free to reach out to us if needed.

I interviewed some of the officers and asked them for a quote about our commissioner, you can read them here:

"Though I am quite new, I am thankful for the opportunity he gave me by taking me into the Karakura Police Academy" - Marsijou Saiky

"Commissioner Reizo Tokushima might not have been someone everyone was fond of but he risked his life for others. That is a true hero." - Jackson Kinoshira

"He and I liked the same type of wine . . what a great man." - Royce Bennett

"Tokushima was a great man. I remember when he asked me about tikblock dances, thinking that would make the teenagers in Karakura think he was cool... He will be missed." - LT Hart

"Sadness is not enough to describe what the force is feeling with the loss of our Commissioner, but we are proud to see him go in the same way he joined the force; with the one and only will to protect and serve." - Yonio Schwartz

"Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts." - Zeus Valen

"I'm going to miss him. He used to sing inside his office at night. I don't know, he'd always turn down hanging out so I really don't know much about him but he always piqued my curiosity." - Pavel Popovich


Level 37
I was/felt too awkward to DM you a quote [insert skull emoji] but if I did.. it would have been..

"Despite getting mad at me because I couldn't do 100 burpees correctly and accidentally jumped at him, he still had terrible alcohol tolerance; we will always love and miss you despite not being a natural blonde." - Boba Murphy


Level 72
Thread starter
I was/felt too awkward to DM you a quote [insert skull emoji] but if I did.. it would have been..

"Despite getting mad at me because I couldn't do 100 burpees correctly and accidentally jumped at him, he still had terrible alcohol tolerance; we will always love and miss you despite not being a natural blonde." - Boba Murphy
its okaaayy it was last minute and I was 2 lazy do to stuff icy


Level 72
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The quotes at the end are so sad what the heck man :(

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