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Kobe T. Namaah | Biography


Level 1

Everything you could want (or not want) to know about Kobe T. Namaah the 20 Yr old kid addicted to living the best life he can.
Just wanna have fun, yah know?

General Information

First Name:
Preferred Name:
Tetsuya is another last name. Otherwise N/A or whatever someone calls him.
82 kgs
Skin Colour:
Eye Colour:
Heterochromatic, Blue and Green
Hair Style:
Short cut with fringe
Hair Colour:
Black with purple frosted tips in the fringe
Kobe likes to be stylish, putting together outfits that make the eye envious, however if you don't like the outfit, he doesn’t care, he doesn’t dress for you.
Heterochromia (All though that’s not that abnormal on this server)
Date of Birth:
27th of November 2001
Place of Birth:
Kobe, Japan
Japanese born
Japanese/American Mix
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
Agnostic, he can’t be sure of anything until it's proven.
Political Beliefs:
Doesn’t care

General Appearance/Personality

Looking at Kobe You’d see the purple to pink side of the colour (yes C O L O U R) spectrum. Rocking a dark purple/reddish jacket most of the time. black hair with a Purple streak fringe and he wears earrings… cause he likes them. white/olive skin with Hetero chromatic eyes. He always smelled like roses…​

Kobe has a unique personality (And so do you!) He has a very certain viewpoint on life. Most days, He’s just trying to have a good time, Yah know? We need to make the most of our small blip on the timeline of earth.

But beyond that he has a very specific set of values and beliefs. His biggest value that he follows is making the most of knowing people. He values the people he knows and loves socializing with anyone he can, but will also defend anyone dear to him, at all costs.

He also knows what is right and wrong to him, and understands that not everyone would see the way he does; and tries to respect the fact that everyone has their own opinions. This also allows him to not really care what people think of him, if someone doesn’t like him, so what, he doesn’t NEED them in his life.

Character Voice:
Though his Dad is American, Kobe never met him, this meant he was immersed in the life of Japanese culture and has only spoken Japanese. (He’s trying to learn French)

  • Phone​
  • Watch​
  • Fishing Rod​
  • School Bag​
  • Apple​
  • “School Items”​
  • Cigarettes​
Kobe has a range of different hobbies, from a range of categories. On one hand Kobe loves sports, always being naturally gifted with an athletic body he was drawn towards activity; He grew up swimming and playing basketball mostly and also developed an affinity for craftsmanship and fishing.

On the other hand he LOVES socializing, he likes meeting people and forming friendships, and even more so hanging out with friends and family. He will always try to be around people when he can, whether it's an adventure, at a swim meet or simply chilling in the library.

Then on the third weird hand that shouldn’t be there, he low-key a bit of a nerd, he loves manga and playing games, living a story told at his fingertips is something he thoroughly enjoys.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Kobe is lazy and a procrastinator, TO THE LIMIT, but only when it comes to school work and building a career, he’s actually generally pretty tidy at chores around the house, but couldn’t for the life of him get a job or hand in assignments at the last minute.

He is also a slight kleptomaniac, he can't help taking something when no one is looking.

He certainly is also addicted to nicotine.

Suffers from a deep within held anxiety.
  • Great Fisherman​
  • Great Swimmer​
  • Socially adept​
  • Very skilled at reading people's personalities​
  • Skilled in literature​
  • Decent Craftsman (Building and interior designing etc.)​
  • Can sing well surprisingly​
  • Will say random isht and do random isht at any given moment​
  • Has almost no shame or accountability (unless he genuinely believes he’s in the wrong)​

Family Tree:

Red Text means deceased
Green Text means ALIVE (YAY)
Biological Family
  • Sama Tetsuya: Little Sister
  • Adamu Tetsuya: Little Brother
  • Haiji Tetsuya: Mother
  • Unknown: Father
Non-Biological Family
  • Maku Tetsuya: Step Father
  • Layla Sakai: Adoptive Sister
  • Maddison Sakai: Adoptive Sister
  • Skyler Saikai: Adopted Sister
  • Kwan Dal Namaah: Adoptive Father
  • Haruki Hamilton: Step Father
  • Remiru S. Namaah: Adoptive Sister
  • Kashii N. Cortez: Adoptive Sister
  • Kaito Y. Namaah: Adoptive Brother
  • Stefan K. Namaah: Adoptive Brother
  • Yuki T. Namaah: Adoptive Sister
  • Sungmin S: Adoptive Sister
  • Seok Namaah: Adoptive Brother
  • Amber L. Namaah: Adoptive Sister
  • Clover O. Namaah: Adoptive Sister
  • Akari O. S. Namaah: Adoptive Sister
  • Alana N. Paquette: Adoptive Sister
  • Ray K. Namaah: Adoptive Brother

Kobe’s Backstory(LORE!!!)

Kobe grew up with his family as the eldest of 3 in Kobe, Japan (inspiration for his name), he had a brother, Adamu and a sister, Sama. His mother, Haiji, was kind and he never met his father who left before he was born. However his mother remarried to a kind man named Maku. They grew up as a working class family and it provided them with a fine life. Kobe was full of life and loved being around people. However when he reached 17 Kobe attended a party one night. During this party, via a detrimental accident, a fire set a blaze to Kobe’s family in the night, not having any clue till the early hours of the next day.

Stricken with grief and depression, Kobe didn't know what to do, to get away from the horrible place that reminded him of his family, he moved to Karakura to study, Where he slowly began to regain life and was adopted into a new family, though he never felt close to them, the Sakais. After a couple of months he was thrown to the streets when he turned 18 they didn't want a "depressed boy haunting their halls any longer". He took refuge anywhere he could, but he was broken. He had nothing… FELT nothing, he was but a soulless husk withering away, waiting for something ANYTHING to happen to him. He was mugged, cursed at, nobody cared and why should they, right? We’re all just trying to make it through our own lives.

He cleaned himself in the ponds in the forest. And one day while fishing, He met a girl, Vivienne, who gave him an apple. This small act of compassion was the beacon of hope Kobe needed, this one small act meant everything to Kobe simply because, not a single other person Kobe had met in this entire town could show even a fraction of kindness this one girl had shown him. They talked, hit it off, fell… In love. She became his girlfriend, she helped rebuild himself, he went back to college, stayed in a clean home and felt HAPPY again!

But… due to issues, (We all have them) they broke up, but Kobe still felt good. He felt that connection to people again he made new friends and he became good friends with a girl named Indigo. Who, after seeing his talents in the pool extended the invitation to join the College swim team. He didn’t know that upon joining he’d meet someone who’d change his life. Akari Namaah. They started talking and were already great friends in a week, he learnt all about her family and what they stood for. He got to meet her father Kwan, whomst upon meeting might seem like an odd guy, but he has the purest heart alive. After months of bonding with this family, Kobe was extended an invitation to be adopted into it. This family… a place to, TO BELONG again. But not just any family, the Namaah family, A special family with an awesome history and he now bore the name as well.

Namaah Family History(LORE!!!)

The Namaah family is currently dated back to the early 1800s When Aiko Nami, married Daichi Namaah and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who was named Maru. A year later they had a second child named Ezume. The Namaah family was very wealthy and thus provided Maru and her brother with a life that proved better than most. Their Father, all though strict, was very loving, so it hurt the family when he passed away due to disease. Thus when Maru had her own baby boy he was given the name Daichi and Ezume's first born, Hikaru (Their fathers middle name). As Maru married into another family, Ezume was to carry on the family name and by extension, Hikaru. Hikaru grew up with the same benefits as his father and aunt, except when coming of age his family was put under pressure by a rival one. The Hayami Crime family was threatening to cut any positive connections and be declared an enemy of the Tokyo branch of the Syndicate. Although the marriage was largely forced, Hikaru Namaah and Seiyo Hayami realized what was at stake and that it wasn't up to them. Despite it being relatively forced, Hikaru and Seiyo eventually fell for each other and went into the marriage willingly. This marriage was the primary event, which involved the Namaah family officially within the Yakuza, as a fully fledged crime family.

That being said the first children that would be the heirs to this new founded throne was their first born Daichi, Meaning Great First born, however unrelated to their Great Grand Father as he had never met him (very odd coincidence). A few years later Twin sisters were born, Oddly Named Ichi and Ni (1 and 2), named in order of who was born. This first generation that grew up under the newly formed Dynasty were the first of a Vicious line of mob bosses. When Daichi the 3rd grew up; he assumed the mantle of the family and his claim as head allowed him to branch the family hold in the yakuza out across the country, something he was longing to do. His sisters agreed with his vision and willingly followed him. The name Namaah quickly became known among the yakuza as they claimed more and more territory until they had expanded to have a hold of about 47% of the country. Everybody knew of the tyrant Daichi and his Deadly poisoned daggers known as the Namaah Twins. The Namaah family syndicate held the reins of the Yakuza in their palms. Daichi had forced the most beautiful woman of a lesser family to be his wife, Aiya Ashoto and she hated him for it

Their son, Reyuji Namaah grew up under the tyranny of his father and thus slowly turned into the same man, with the exception of having an endearing kindness from his mother that had a subconscious place in his soul. That small kindness being the only difference between him and his father. A kindness that only made an appearance when his father passed, he was able to forgive him for the things he had done to his mother and to him growing up, but not what he turned Reyuji into. He was officially at the helm of the syndicate. Leading the life that his father left him, Reyuji had mirrored his fathers pretty much perfectly. The only exception being his twin Sons instead of one. Remembering that he hated his aunts he named them Ni and Yonn (2 and 4) to state they will be better than his aunts. The Two sons grew up with the same strict and harsh enforcement that their father had endured, except this time they had something their father did not, each other. As they grew older they came to rely and respect each other with a deep bond that allowed them to develop their own morales which strayed from the path in which Reyuji wanted. Their father saw what caused this and had the younger of the two (Yonn) tied to a post and told the older brother (Ni) that if he wanted his brother released he had to give his brother 15 cuts on his body, otherwise the father would deliver a cut each minute he refused. Torn, Ni Namaah could not do it and in turn attempted to attack the father, but failed and Reyuji murdered Yonn. Ni, distraught, ran into the woods and as far away as he could. Their mother, struck by grief, died within a week.

A time had passed and Reyuji was getting old, thus Rival families believed it was their turn to rise, as his Children were gone. Unbeknownst to him, Ni had gone to the biggest threat to his father, the Yoshikazu family. There he pledged allegiance to them and was willing to help overthrow his father, in turn he was able to be the one to kill him, and he was free to live a life he wanted after. The family head laughed at the sight of the "Exiled Prince'' of the Namaah family pledging allegiance to him. But it was an offer he could not refuse. Ni worked diligently with their family for 3 years, as he knew all the trading routes and where to hit. Slowly closing his father's territory. During these 3 long years Ni grew close to the daughter of the Yoshikazu family and eventually won her heart and after proposing her father granted him his approval, stating he had grown to see him as a son over the past few years. The wedding was to be held after their final push against Reyuji. But they could not wait and had a wedding in private. While their honeymoon was short their love was all that mattered. The week after, their final plan was in action. An all out assault on the Namaah family estate. The push was overwhelming and the Namaah forces were not expecting it, Ni stood face to face with his father who held a single knife. Ni advanced and suffered a single cut to his side as he stabbed his father with his katana. As Reyuji fell to the ground he muttered one last word "Poison". Ni, confused by this, turned to leave, however unwillingly fell to his knees "Poison" the blade he had been cut with had been laced and Ni's last thoughts were of his beautiful wife Asami and the child she bore.

The news struck Asami with immense grief and her father set aside land for her, to bring up her new son Hiroto. Her father also allowed her to keep the name Namaah as he respected and loved Ni as his own, but also his father as an enemy. Hiroto grew up apart from the Yakuza empire both his grandfathers had now owned and also now had a younger adopted brother and sister, as his mother believed he needed others to grow alongside him. This led Hiroto to grow up with a kind mindset. When an adult he too had biological children and adopted. This carried on for generations right through to now. The descendant of this beautifully reformed family, Kwan Dal Namaah offered Akari, a struggling gang affiliated teenager, a chance to change and better herself, still holding the Namaah family values and story, which allowed her to do so. Over the course of 5 months Akari grew closer to Kwan and the family, eventually even being adopted into the family like so many of their ancestors before her. This process has evolved her as a person and enabled her to do great things with her life, including becoming the Namaah family head, to continue adding to the legacy of the Namaah name.

Thank you for reading my biography of Kobe!!! I hope (if you even read it) that you enjoyed it.
I’ll put my socials here if yah wanna be buds! Hit me up anytime if you wanna discuss the bio or just want a new friend, I’m ALWAYS down to chat, hang, play a game, so yeah!
  • Discord: EbokArk#8390
  • Psn: EbokArk
  • Snap: EbokArk
  • Steam: EbokArk
Those are the main ones I use anyway. But if you don't wanna chat and happen to see this, I wish you well and hope you LIVE A GOOD LIFE my friend!
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The lore master back at it again with another lengthy and WELL DONE bio!! get it bestie!!!

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