Alright so ive recently gone back to playing pokeman, I have started a new game and gotten to my starter ofc I picked mudkip because "I heard you like mudkips" and it asked me if I wanted to name mudkip, ofc I want to name my MlgmemeMudkip soooo here we are now.I want to do a Namelock (you have to name all the pokemo you catch/breed) so I decided I want to name my pokemon after you guys! So this is how it will work
so the pokemon you pick will be named after your username. Here are the pokemon you can't name Mudkip (Pannquake @Grizzly) Female and male Ralts (Siennasugoi @TriggeredTrees & Akiiiko @Totoro_Sam) Wurmple (Squishy, Squishysu) Seedot (Orion) anyway send your names for a pokemon found in the Hoenn region!!
Pokemon: Mudkip , Your username: pannnquake ,your @ on this forums.: @Grizzly
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