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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | What Makes A Healthy Student?


Level 37
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- Murphy Kamaboko || 2/4/22

What Makes A Healthy Student?
A healthy student is not what most think being athletic, smart, responsible and able to thrive with a fit build but is more of an individual who is able to continue with the basic necessities and show no signs of sickness or deficiencies that would hinder in a normal students’ schedule. You don’t have to be visibly fit to be healthy and you don’t have to be ‘beautiful’ or ‘handsome’ to be healthy, nor do you need others' approval to label yourself as healthy.

Nutritional Statements:

A healthy meal consists of at least 4 out of 5 food groups, 3 times a day with lots of water drunk but I’m sure most if not all students don’t pay attention to this statement on a day to day basis nor do they try to as a normal day for any Karakuran student is always occupied and don’t have the time to be focusing on the foods they intake or just don’t know how to cook or even have someone to make meals for them but usually they all get the necessary exercise they need everyday.

To keep a healthy state, it is recommended to the student’s that they try to partake in as many activities as possible that will be beneficial towards maintaining a sustainable diet. Why not participate in the culinary classes hosted, take a day out to visit the restaurants or cafes around or even learn for yourself how to cook and bake as a pastime; it can even be done with your friends as a fun group activity?

Getting into the habit of waking up early to make yourself something small for breakfast will actually be beneficial in keeping you energized and full just until lunch time and heck, if you don’t have friends to eat lunch with, you don’t have to fret because you already ate a well enough breakfast to keep you going with a few snacks until dinner so you don’t have to sadly eat lunch in the bathroom stalls. Though if you don’t have time in the morning to make yourself even the smallest breakfast, you can always pre-prepare the night before just for this case.

Eating Breakfast On a Time Limit and a 5,000 yen Budget:
My own recommendation would be Tamagoyaki and Onigiri with a nice fresh and cold water bottle! Through these three breakfast choices, you get at least 3 of the food groups and although may not be the best choice everyday, it is still a quick meal you can easily get at the 11/7 with enough money leftover to spare for any quick and sweet dessert of your choice.

What if you don’t like the ones I’ve recommended? Don’t fret! You can easily just get a bento box for around 3,000 yen and have enough to buy a few other things to fill you up until lunch as well as many other meal choices and combinations you can do.

Although you may not like the foods offered by the school, it is still a cheaper and healthier option than not eating at all but if you really do not want to give the school food a try for a little while, then why not get into the habit or pre-preparing your own meal for lunch each day and show off your cooking skills to your friends! We can’t really sneak off to 11/7 without permission from what I know but do you really want to pass out from malnourishment in the middle of a fight? That should be a quick, NO! Only way we can grow our strength, muscles and energy is by not skipping meals and eating just enough each day to keep us going until the next day.

What do I usually eat for lunch on school days?:
I’m a bit of a hypocrite myself as I usually skip lunch BUT that doesn’t mean you should too, especially the youngins! I mean c’mon, the ladies can agree with me on this one but can you really function without a bit of food in you? Don’t you get hangry and feel like ending the world if you don’t get your food? School food, HELLO?! It’s free food and not going to lie, it’s pretty delicious from the last I’ve eaten but don’t get me started on what we make in culinary classes. Don’t pull a me and ever forget to prioritize your meals and health just because you’re “too occupied” everyday.

Last meal of the day is always the most important as it’s our last until the next morning and going to sleep hungry will be quite a burden as you’ll never be comfortable enough to rest for the lot of time needed so that you can wake up fully rested. It’s always recommended you don’t eat too close to your bedtime so that you can digest fully but what should you even eat for dinner if you’re a busy Karakuran who barely even stays home?

Filling and quick dinner option:

What I usually eat for someone who spends way too much of their money on useless items is ramen with loads of toppings, a few sweets such as a dango or two and of course, to stay hydrated, a whole bottle of water as although it is a fatty dish, it along with the water can easily fill you up and the sides or toppings will include the other food groups and as long as you allow it to digest in time then make sure to stay active in the daytime, it will be able to sustain your hunger every few days to weeks.

Though what if you don’t have the same quick tastes as I? Whilst being chased, why not take a swift break with your pursuers at 11/7 to settle down for a bit to eat in order to re-energize before going back to being chased and it benefits all parties. A filling meal will allow you to run for longer than if you skipped eating and all the calories gained will easily be burned during so what is there to lose?

Ending Note:

Don’t skip a meal, just eat when you should or need to, run from the cops and be happy with who you are


Level 193
View attachment 28993

- Murphy Kamaboko || 2/4/22

What Makes A Healthy Student?
A healthy student is not what most think being athletic, smart, responsible and able to thrive with a fit build but is more of an individual who is able to continue with the basic necessities and show no signs of sickness or deficiencies that would hinder in a normal students’ schedule. You don’t have to be visibly fit to be healthy and you don’t have to be ‘beautiful’ or ‘handsome’ to be healthy, nor do you need others' approval to label yourself as healthy.

Nutritional Statements:
A healthy meal consists of at least 4 out of 5 food groups, 3 times a day with lots of water drunk but I’m sure most if not all students don’t pay attention to this statement on a day to day basis nor do they try to as a normal day for any Karakuran student is always occupied and don’t have the time to be focusing on the foods they intake or just don’t know how to cook or even have someone to make meals for them but usually they all get the necessary exercise they need everyday.

To keep a healthy state, it is recommended to the student’s that they try to partake in as many activities as possible that will be beneficial towards maintaining a sustainable diet. Why not participate in the culinary classes hosted, take a day out to visit the restaurants or cafes around or even learn for yourself how to cook and bake as a pastime; it can even be done with your friends as a fun group activity?

Getting into the habit of waking up early to make yourself something small for breakfast will actually be beneficial in keeping you energized and full just until lunch time and heck, if you don’t have friends to eat lunch with, you don’t have to fret because you already ate a well enough breakfast to keep you going with a few snacks until dinner so you don’t have to sadly eat lunch in the bathroom stalls. Though if you don’t have time in the morning to make yourself even the smallest breakfast, you can always pre-prepare the night before just for this case.

Eating Breakfast On a Time Limit and a 5,000 yen Budget:
My own recommendation would be Tamagoyaki and Onigiri with a nice fresh and cold water bottle! Through these three breakfast choices, you get at least 3 of the food groups and although may not be the best choice everyday, it is still a quick meal you can easily get at the 11/7 with enough money leftover to spare for any quick and sweet dessert of your choice.

What if you don’t like the ones I’ve recommended? Don’t fret! You can easily just get a bento box for around 3,000 yen and have enough to buy a few other things to fill you up until lunch as well as many other meal choices and combinations you can do.

Although you may not like the foods offered by the school, it is still a cheaper and healthier option than not eating at all but if you really do not want to give the school food a try for a little while, then why not get into the habit or pre-preparing your own meal for lunch each day and show off your cooking skills to your friends! We can’t really sneak off to 11/7 without permission from what I know but do you really want to pass out from malnourishment in the middle of a fight? That should be a quick, NO! Only way we can grow our strength, muscles and energy is by not skipping meals and eating just enough each day to keep us going until the next day.

What do I usually eat for lunch on school days?:
I’m a bit of a hypocrite myself as I usually skip lunch BUT that doesn’t mean you should too, especially the youngins! I mean c’mon, the ladies can agree with me on this one but can you really function without a bit of food in you? Don’t you get hangry and feel like ending the world if you don’t get your food? School food, HELLO?! It’s free food and not going to lie, it’s pretty delicious from the last I’ve eaten but don’t get me started on what we make in culinary classes. Don’t pull a me and ever forget to prioritize your meals and health just because you’re “too occupied” everyday.

Last meal of the day is always the most important as it’s our last until the next morning and going to sleep hungry will be quite a burden as you’ll never be comfortable enough to rest for the lot of time needed so that you can wake up fully rested. It’s always recommended you don’t eat too close to your bedtime so that you can digest fully but what should you even eat for dinner if you’re a busy Karakuran who barely even stays home?

Filling and quick dinner option:
What I usually eat for someone who spends way too much of their money on useless items is ramen with loads of toppings, a few sweets such as a dango or two and of course, to stay hydrated, a whole bottle of water as although it is a fatty dish, it along with the water can easily fill you up and the sides or toppings will include the other food groups and as long as you allow it to digest in time then make sure to stay active in the daytime, it will be able to sustain your hunger every few days to weeks.

Though what if you don’t have the same quick tastes as I? Whilst being chased, why not take a swift break with your pursuers at 11/7 to settle down for a bit to eat in order to re-energize before going back to being chased and it benefits all parties. A filling meal will allow you to run for longer than if you skipped eating and all the calories gained will easily be burned during so what is there to lose?

Ending Note:
Don’t skip a meal, just eat when you should or need to, run from the cops and be happy with who you are
I think just eat school lunch and breakfast every day when there is

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