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SUGGESTION | Veganlaser


Level 101
IGN: Veganlaser
DATE: 4/12/32
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: a /it timer for shops, this will send a /it over a specific period of time the player sets for it specifically for shop owners that have music playing in their store, for example club lux, the owner can do /it [time converted to seconds] for the /it to show up so that the player doesn't forget to send one and doesn't need to consistently sending one
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This would make it way easier for shopkeeper s and others to send /it's that is important to describe the environment or the music that's playing, it would generally be a good addition to the plugin


Level 195
IGN: Veganlaser
DATE: 4/12/32
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: a /it timer for shops, this will send a /it over a specific period of time the player sets for it specifically for shop owners that have music playing in their store, for example club lux, the owner can do /it [time converted to seconds] for the /it to show up so that the player doesn't forget to send one and doesn't need to consistently sending one
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This would make it way easier for shopkeeper s and others to send /it's that is important to describe the environment or the music that's playing, it would generally be a good addition to the plugin


Level 110
me when i go to the mariner once

good suggestion, it could maybe tie in with an overall ambience plugin. we used to have something like that in the past where audio would change in your browser depending on where you were on the actual server map


Level 183
me when i go to the mariner once

good suggestion, it could maybe tie in with an overall ambience plugin. we used to have something like that in the past where audio would change in your browser depending on where you were on the actual server map
Yeah I was thinking something like this the other day.. Like it's not mandatory, not within the texture, not within the game, but a link to a website for an audio. I was unmotivated to suggest it considering that most things already have an in-game noise but parties/bars/(anything music included basically)

ANYWAYS back to t h i s suggestion. Yes, good idea +1


Level 131

I believe the idea can be great, but I'll explain my limitations for this in the next part.


I could see this getting spammy very quickly, if there's a way to avoid that, like a minimum time or something.


Level 271
love how the only shopkeeper who reacted is Kana, I have to agree with him about the + / -

BUT IN ADDITION, Why just dont give shopkeepers perms to use a jukebox


Level 183
love how the only shopkeeper who reacted is Kana, I have to agree with him about the + / -

BUT IN ADDITION, Why just dont give shopkeepers perms to use a jukebox

This -1 unnecessary because it clearly would have a cool down that'd be a common sense thing to be implemented if this idea does
Last edited:

Deleted member 22712

IGN: Veganlaser
DATE: 4/12/32
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: a /it timer for shops, this will send a /it over a specific period of time the player sets for it specifically for shop owners that have music playing in their store, for example club lux, the owner can do /it [time converted to seconds] for the /it to show up so that the player doesn't forget to send one and doesn't need to consistently sending one
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This would make it way easier for shopkeeper s and others to send /it's that is important to describe the environment or the music that's playing, it would generally be a good addition to the plugin


Level 344
HS Sports Lead
This would be fairly difficult to implement given the fact it's a timed command and it would follow the same radius as the player.

We'll be working on a plugin which allows shopkeepers/event team members to play music in certain areas of the map using a similar to service to watch2gether, however this won't be implemented until we've finished our planned updates.

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