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Kōdō Senjutsu [ 戦術行動 ] Biography


Level 7
Kōdō Senjutsu

"Pops always told me. 'Son you're only as good as the tools you work with.' So I chose to work with the organization that only offers the best ones."

First Name:


Preferred Name:

"Keeg", "Delta 4-5"





An muscular ectomorph build with well-shaped muscles
"Look old man, my training finally paid off."

Skin Color:

Eye Color:
Dark Blue

Hair Style:
Shoulder length black hair

Biker Casual
"I'd rather wear jeans all day rather than pants that make me look like I shat myself for the past 5 hours."

A scar left by a gunshot on the top of the sternum.

"Yeah Dad a girl just happened to bite me outta nowhere, don't worry about it too much."

Date of Birth:
December 11th, 2003

Place of Birth:
Chicago, US

"Just like the old man..... I bleed red white and blue"


Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:

General Appearance:
Apperance: Before you would stand a 6'1 male with a muscular ectomorphic build. He'd have shoulder length hair and dark blue eyes. His fingers seemed to be a little bruised due to mixed martial arts training with a nice scent of perfume following him.


Kōdō isn't a very talkative person and gets bored easily whenever he's got nothing to do, often training and working out by himself. He likes to joke around his friends quite often and would never decline the offer of a sparring session from them. Despite being very quiet and grumpy with a focused look on his face Kōdō has a real soft side for not only his friends but those who he loves making them top priorities at all times.


Usually walks around with his favorite pair of jeans, black jacket/hoodie and white shirt.
"Thinking about what to wear more than once is one of the last things I'd do."

Working out
Practicing Martial Arts

Kōdō is a really talented and skilled fighter, having practiced judo and kickboxing for 3 years, taekwondo for 2 and jiu jitsu for 4 months. He is a keen intellect that studies his opponent, reads the room and uses it to his advantage all at the same time but his strongest feat would be that he is indomitably willed while also having unmatchable knowledge when it comes to guns.


Tyler Russ {59} [ Alive ]
"The old man always knew what he was talking about, I trusted him and he trusted me despite being a grumpy old fart all the time. The reason why I was so fair to him as a son without giving him trouble would be due to the drama movies I used to watch when I was 13, I always fucking despised those drama queen teenagers"
Mother: Tatiana Russ {55} [ Alive ]
"The woman that taught me how to respect other women. My mother had a strong sense of justice and wanted nothing more than to give a fair chance to everything and everyone. She has a real big mouth however and can keep talking for hours and hours without stopping with a real energetic mood, no one can really keep her in one place other than the old man."
Sister: Kristina Russ {18} [ Alive ]
"The annoying rebel wannabe of the family who does nothing but get high in her fucking room and be a complete waste of time. She refused to accept my old man's offer to become a better version of herself after moving in with her boyfriend, and I have despised her ever since. A man gives you a hand for help and all you do is party all day breaking yourself apart in the process."


The first child of Tyler Russ, Keegan P. Russ Kōdō was a mature, calm and intelligent individual. He's had some difficulties in middle school when he was first picked on by others for not socializing with the other kids but at that time Kōdō just took a few kickboxing classes and things took a real nasty turn once some bullies insulted his family. After brutally beating his bullies Kōdō took his training a whole lot more serious picking even more martial arts based around his schedule, he would often be found at the nearest gym sparring with whoever got brave enough to test him.
"I will never understand those who talk so high and mighty and never bring anything interesting to the table."

At the age of 15 Kōdō was given an opportunity from his father to join the 75th regiment Ranger School and enlist in the army ( despite his young age, he was still let in due to the connections that his father had with the Ministry of Defense ). Kōdō truly thrived in the army, even wanted to make a career out of it. In his first ever tour in Iraq, he was found by an elite squad made out of U.S. soldiers when his entire team was confirmed K.I.A. by an ambush of insurgents, Kōdō was recruited by them and continued doing operations that were too sensitive to ever get declassified and missions that other outfits can't touch, cleaning uncleanable messes without asking any questions. He learned how to be a formidable team leader and call the shots on his own, reserving huge amounts of respect to his own rules of engagement. After serving in Iraq, Kōdō ( 17 years old at that time ) was recommended by his own team to join Black Tusk, one of the best private militaries in the sector and of course being accepted. He was sent in Bolivia with a team of highly trained individuals to assist in Operation: Kingslayer.

"Black Tusk is a different breed. No more Russian-Ultranationalists, we train like we're the best of the best."
After taking on another successful operation, Kōdō ( 18 at that time ) was discharged under honorable motives by his own father, he couldn't believe his own eyes seeing just how far his son has gotten in the past 3 years, feeling guilty for taking away his mandatory High School years. Booking a flight and sending him to what he thought would be a top-tier school, Karakura High. Kōdō hated being a rebellious piece of shit like he saw in those teenager movies as a kid doing what his Father told him but with a catch, once he graduates he will go back to Black Tusk and continue taking on operations with his team. But it quickly came to his notice that passing this wall in life will take him a whole lot longer than he expected.

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