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PayChecks | IowkeyHades


Level 23
IGN: IowkeyHades
DATE: 1/5/22
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The faction paychecks to be more balanced / more OOC accurate pay. EMS, KPD and general government faction workers are realistically underpaid. College professions make a maximum of 500k a month, which is over 100k more than the max an EMS worker can make. I understand that teachers have to plan lessons, and deal with students however, in a 24 hour period, school happens twice, this is a four hour window for you. EMS workers have the other 20 hours to help, roleplay and assist players. The maximum an EMS worker can get is 400k from my understanding, which doesn't work OOCLY as doctors, psychologists and surgeons and some of the highest paying jobs; in regards to teaching staff which isn't known for a high wage or salary

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I think re-evaluating salaries, and adjusting them to be more accurate to the OOC setting would give the server a better realistic feel. I understand that teachers feel they deserve a higher salary, but it's a definitive that EMS workers spend more time with students. I think the benefit to the community overall as it will increase the salaries of other departments and

Note : Please be nice in the comments, anytime I post yall can be helllaa mean for no reason and I'm just tryna make a suggestion not start any wars, okay thanks bye <3

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Level 17
I don’t think people are too mean when replying to suggestions - I think a lot of the time people are just being realistic.

CHANGING TO -1: I like what Kii and shishi said and agree with them more. I had no idea the teachers had to submit plans, and I think that changed a lot.
I agree that doctors and surgeons are well payed while teachers are typically underpaid and I think a rework might be in order, BUT I don’t think EMS spend that much time with students compared to teachers. Unless the student has gotten into trouble of some sort, which not all students do.
I agree that doctors and surgeons are well payed while teachers are typically underpaid and I think a rework might be in order, BUT I don’t think EMS spend that much time with students compared to teachers. Unless the student has gotten into trouble of some sort, which not all students do.
I don’t think the teachers pay should be lowered, if this is reworked, I think that instead the pay of EMS should be made higher for the realistic factor.
Teachers do a lot to make lessons enjoyable and make sure everyone has a school experience on School Roleplay. So do EMS.
If the current teacher pay is 500k yen, then that is the average for a top earning teacher. Aka it should not be changed.


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Level 23
Thread starter
I don’t think people are too mean when replying to suggestions - I think a lot of the time people are just being realistic.

I agree that doctors and surgeons are well payed while teachers are typically underpaid and I think a rework might be in order, BUT I don’t think EMS spend that much time with students compared to teachers. Unless the student has gotten into trouble of some sort, which not all students do.
I don’t think the teachers pay should be lowered, if this is reworked, I think that instead the pay of EMS should be made higher for the realistic factor.
Teachers do a lot to make lessons enjoyable and make sure everyone has a school experience on School Roleplay. So do EMS.
If the current teacher pay is 500k yen, then that is the average for a top earning teacher. Aka it should not be changed.
I didn't imply teachers salaries should be lowered, more that they're fine the way they are but EMS deserve a more realistic expectation salary wise


Level 72

rebalancing the pay will make KPD and EMS workers happy, sure. As a KPD officer I don't mind the 400k paycheck, mainly because we don't have quotas. For teachers, the only way you can get 500k is to do 5 extra classes on top of the already 10, entailing more planning for lessons. Not to mention, they can't host more than 4 classes a day, and teaching faction is a main faction of SRP, and SCHOOLrp wouldn't be a school without them. As well as there being certain classes you have to host to be able to reach a monthly quota, such as field trips, which require more planning. I'm not saying EMS and KPD don't deserve it, but I believe its relatively fair (edited for corrected information)


Level 217

Yes it would be much more realistic as EMS workers save lives, but then teachers are the ones who shape the lives of students. The points made on how EMS workers would be available to help for those 20 hours are true, more hours on the weekends. But does this not all come down to the faction leader? And how much they want to pay their workers...
(-) But as said above, I do not think that EMS workers spend as much time as they do with students, yes many students will come into the hospital ETC but they are much more respectful towards EMS workers than they are to the teachers. The teachers go through absolute HELL, in classes and outside of classes.
Let's not forget that this is still SchoolRP, the school faction is the most important faction on the server, it isn't CityRP.


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team

I get where you come from, but I think that EMS workers don't really do as much as professors and teachers. Yes, a lot of people do come to the hospital- but it isn't often. Teachers put in more time than EMS workers do generally. I do not know how EMS workers are paid- whether it just be every few weeks or if it's after every patient, but if it isn't after every patient and it's timed- it would sorta be unfair to the school workers that have to do classes to be paid.

Though, I'm pretty neutral on this.


Level 134

I believe pay is fine as is, this is SchoolRP, and school staff should be emphasized.


Level 34
+1 :3

Also.. for those who don't know how EMS paychecks work: EMS are paid on how many quotas they do, each department (psychiatrists, doctors, surgeons) have to do a certain number of quotas for at least 280k-300k each month, for every extra 10 quotas you do it'll equal 30,000 but the maximum we get paid is 400k.

Reminder: They're asking for a possible EMS increase in paychecks, not for professors/teachers to receive a decrease in paychecks.
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Level 211

KPD used to receive way more than professors and teachers a while ago, being very demotivating for the faculty to stay alive and running. The server is still School Roleplay and it's fair for those factions have the extra income than the other ones.


Level 23
Thread starter

KPD used to receive way more than professors and teachers a while ago, being very demotivating for the faculty to stay alive and running. The server is still School Roleplay and it's fair for those factions have the extra income than the other ones.
I understand that fully, however take this for instance. A surgeon to receive the maximum 400k needs to do 60 quotas, and the /me surgeons are expected are lengthy, time consuming and are expected to be slightly different and freshly typed each time. It can be demoralising to do that 60 times in a month, for pay that isn’t really worth it when teachers do less, understanding how much prep but still in order for them. I’m not asking for teachers to loose pay, or for the ems kpd factions to have more than teachers. But a higher wage would be benifical.


Level 23
Thread starter
they are asking for a rebalance, which means all paychecks will have to be considered.
I’m not the best at wording things, I didn’t mean to ask for pays to be rebalanced as a whole i meant kpd ems and the gov faction


Level 17
they are asking for a rebalance, which means all paychecks will have to be considered.
I agree with this, and also -
Reminder: They're asking for a possible EMS increase in paychecks, not for professors/teachers to receive a decrease in paychecks.
I feel as if this was not needed because only one person (myself) stated that they were implying a decrease in professor/teacher paychecks. Which was my mistake, but the argument that teachers should be a priority (the majority of -1’s) is a completely different and understandable argument. That has nothing to do with implying that they suggested teacher paychecks should be lowered.


Level 23
Thread starter
I agree with this, and also -

I feel as if this was not needed because only one person (myself) stated that they were implying a decrease in professor/teacher paychecks. Which was my mistake, but the argument that teachers should be a priority (the majority of -1’s) is a completely different and understandable argument. That has nothing to do with implying that they suggested teacher paychecks should be lowered.
But your arguement still falls flat, i’m not saying let EMS and KPD have priority and have better pay then teachers. I’m simply asking for a bit of a raise because as stated in order for 400k a surgeon needs to do 60 HIGHLY DETAILED and medically accurate /mes and i think as a whole that doesn’t sit right for the amount of pay


Level 17

But your arguement still falls flat, i’m not saying let EMS and KPD have priority and have better pay then teachers. I’m simply asking for a bit of a raise because as stated in order for 400k a surgeon needs to do 60 HIGHLY DETAILED and medically accurate /mes and i think as a whole that doesn’t sit right for the amount of pay
I totally get that, in your suggestion (as others pointed out) it states that you want a rework. Not just a raise for EMS and KPD. A raise would technically just be to 500k yen, because as you said you didn’t want them to take priority. I think it’s still possible that EMS and KPD could end up taking priority getting the same amount as a teacher/professor but I also understand that does seem like a lot of work.
I still disagree because of reasons already listed but I think this cleared things up.


Level 23
Thread starter
I totally get that, in your suggestion (as others pointed out) it states that you want a rework. Not just a raise for EMS and KPD. A raise would technically just be to 500k yen, because as you said you didn’t want them to take priority. I think it’s still possible that EMS and KPD could end up taking priority getting the same amount as a teacher/professor but I also understand that does seem like a lot of work.
I still disagree because of reasons already listed but I think this cleared things up.
Not really! A raise could be 15 quotas = 300k for all departments (instead of diff pts each one) and then upto 450k for extra completed. It doesn’t need to have a block minded thought of oh a raise is 500k and therefore ems+kpd >> teaching yknow ? It can be more outside the box thinking making it easier to gain a higher sum of money!


Level 17
Not really! A raise could be 15 quotas = 300k for all departments (instead of diff pts each one) and then upto 450k for extra completed. It doesn’t need to have a block minded thought of oh a raise is 500k and therefore ems+kpd >> teaching yknow ? It can be more outside the box thinking making it easier to gain a higher sum of money!
Previously you stated that you did not want to increase the teacher paycheck, and that you wanted a raise for the EMS and KPD, putting them both at 500k would not move the teacher paycheck but it would raise the EMS and KPD paycheck by 100k. I just assumed (due to your earlier statements) you didn’t want to raise the teacher paycheck to achieve a higher paycheck for the EMS and KPD (without them taking priority over teachers)

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