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PayChecks | IowkeyHades


Level 23
Thread starter
Previously you stated that you did not want to increase the teacher paycheck, and that you wanted a raise for the EMS and KPD, putting them both at 500k would not move the teacher paycheck but it would raise the EMS and KPD paycheck by 100k. I just assumed (due to your earlier statements) you didn’t want to raise the teacher paycheck to achieve a higher paycheck for the EMS and KPD (without them taking priority over teachers)
I’ve not stated anywhere (reading my whole comments) about 500k for ems. I’ve pointed to 450k via means of re working quotas and more achievable pay but not stated 500k. Your pulling this figure using assumptions, which is faltering my argument which is that ems and kpd shouldn’t have a higher priority but more a more fair pay (450k) with lower quotas for the minimum pay


Level 23
Thread starter

I get where you come from, but I think that EMS workers don't really do as much as professors and teachers. Yes, a lot of people do come to the hospital- but it isn't often. Teachers put in more time than EMS workers do generally. I do not know how EMS workers are paid- whether it just be every few weeks or if it's after every patient, but if it isn't after every patient and it's timed- it would sorta be unfair to the school workers that have to do classes to be paid.

Though, I'm pretty neutral on this.
We’re done on a quota basis, it’s baseline 20 patients for 280k , 290k and 300k depending on what dept you are. We’re paid on a monthly basis. We can do 10 quotas for an extra 10k ontop of all our current pay being capped at 400k. This means a surgeon will need to do 60 detailed /mes for 400k which yeah, doctors need 70 quotas and 80 for psychiatrists I do believe but my math may be off for the 70 and 80 quotas!


Level 72
I’m simply asking for a bit of a raise because as stated in order for 400k a surgeon needs to do 60 HIGHLY DETAILED and medically accurate /mes and i think as a whole that doesn’t sit right for the amount of pay
Teachers and professors both have to plan classes, field trips, and activities that will engage the players of SRP into actually wanting to click the green join class button. When you applied to EMS, it states that there is high level of detail-RP, which makes operations amazing! No one is saying that EMS is overlooked, however, due to the amount of gang-rp and other types of scenarios that require EMS work, makes quota achievement easy!


Level 23
Thread starter
Teachers and professors both have to plan classes, field trips, and activities that will engage the players of SRP into actually wanting to click the green join class button. When you applied to EMS, it states that there is high level of detail-RP, which makes operations amazing! No one is saying that EMS is overlooked, however, due to the amount of gang-rp and other types of scenarios that require EMS work, makes quota achievement easy!
Your not serious in saying quotas are easy to get- I just don’t understand why there’s such a disliking to ems having a chance at an extra 50k on their pay check ???


Level 199
(Changing to -0.7 and +0.3, along with a new message because yes)
I actually sort of disagree with this because there might be a simple explanation for EMS and KPD getting underpaid. As @shishi had mentioned, teachers are getting paid 350,000+ a month due to them actually showing some work, and they're actually really important because the server is called SchoolRP, and without teachers, I don't know why'd we even have this server.
I mean, I'm just saying that KPD and EMS are sort of different jobs being used around the city, and they haven't been original jobs since the start (I think). Even today, the school is more active than any other place around the city, and teachers and professors have actually been working a lot to teach students, so there is a valid reason on why KPD and EMS are a little underpaid.
At the same time, KPD and EMS should probably get paid a little more? Though I have never been any of the two myself, and due to your statements, maybe boosting up paychecks a little will not hurt. But regardless, there is a reason some teachers and professors get paid more than EMS and KPD.


Level 129

Yes, it does make sense for other factions to get better paychecks, but considering how demanding the teacher profession is on SRP, I think the current pay system is fine as is honestly.


Level 183

It's SchoolRP. . Teachers and Professors are an important role. They also spend more time dealing with kids. . Including, I don't know what you said but I think you said their salary is high and unrealistic and the maximum salary one can get is like- 3800 dollars IRL which is actually low but it fits SchoolRP's economy just good.


Level 151
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
With current inflation and how prices of literally everything are rising I can see where increasing paychecks are plausible. However I think we need to just fix that problem of inflation then everything will seem “fair” again. Custom weapons a long time ago used to sell for maximum 600k for ownership of the custom and now people are selling them for millions.


Level 272
sorry I have to

NOTE: Im a teacher myself and EMS, When Im from EMS there're times I have in total at 2 OOC hours only 5 people while from my teacher char, it's not enough I have to deal with 28 players at the same time I also have to deal during IM NOT hosting with a lot of people. I have to disagree also in case some EMS will say "in events". but events not happening so close to eachother in the end we have to deal with a lot of stuff only 1 time in like, 2 months? While as a teacher I have to deal with around 100-150 players everytime Im teaching.

ANOTHER NOTE: Do you know how long time people are spending to plan their classes? A LOT, it's taking time and Im only a culinary teacher so if it's taking for me 30 minutes, I assume in math calsses or english the teachers are trying their best to make sure students will ENJOY form the class andn ot coming back from school into well, school.

NOTE2: (bruh I forget to say what I want) In general, the minimum is 350k which is less than EMS and EMS can to get more for nothing, to have 500k from a teacher u have to teach 25 classes + get teacher of the month, which is happening to 1 person in a year for each?? I never saw really person who got twice teacher of the month/employee of the month twice except me and Kyle (atoki). It's hard to plan the classes a lot as I said before and most of hte teachers are giving up at 15 classes which is 400k; They made it be possible for teachers bc teachers is such a hard job and thanks for KimiNoUso (I love Kimi as my faction lead) I now have to teach only 10 classes, which each class is 25 ooc minutes -> 250 minutes for 10 classes? it's above 6 hours of spending on teaching while in EMS I can to sit sometimes and get logs for sitting and doing nothing.

it’s baseline 20 patients for 280k , 290k and 300k depending on what dept you are
NOTE3: btw, the max teachers can teach every ooc day is 4 classes while in EMS u can do 20 logs in 1 day.

The teachers go through absolute HELL, in classes and outside of classes.
NOTE4: hell isn't the right word, because it's worse than hell and the fearRP not working at the same way as school and hospital.
Last edited:


Level 353
HS Sports Lead

- As this is SchoolRP, the role of Teacher and Professor is far more important to the server's general roleplay which is why they're offered higher pay for the work they carry out. Bare in mind that employees must spend at least 10 hours in-game, and teacher/professor must host a total of 10 to 25 classes. This won't be changed.​
- We have, however made made the following changes to other paychecks/amounts to balance the system:​
- News Reporters now only need 5 reports to receive their paycheck.
- Black Market Dealer tax has been upped to 20%.​
- Judge can now earn up to ¥300,000.​

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