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MURAKAMI HATSUMOTO MIYAKE | still in progression


Level 2
the god returns.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

Lady Miyake.
First Name, Murakami.
Middle Name, Hatsumoto.
Last Name, Miyake.
“Miyake. . . . is my father’s name. . . Hatsumoto. . . my mom. . .”

The first thing on your list when you meet her would be your obsession with strawberries

Strawberry Milk.
A commonly found item when asking for a drink in her bag. One of her favorite drinks.

[ last updated 4/25 ]
[ amount of money spent on strawberry drinks: 100k]

Though who really cares about what 1 of her many obsessions she’d have would obtain.
As you could tell by the photo, Murakami has reached 5 foot 4 with a very slim build but huge badonky donkers (bwoobies). Her hair seems like a rosey brown as it would reveal a tinted pink when shining amongst the light. Her hair would usually be tied into two space buns with the other half of her down being complimented bangs that would shape her face. She didn’t really have a clean cut as it would be a wolf cut, she’d usually cut her own hair as she didn’t really.. trust people cutting her hair. She looks quite average compared to every other female. Nothing within her stands out but her personality.
Murakami would reveal to be set as seen as a business woman. Money should be her middle name. Though, being quite a little snarky fuckin bitch, you would obviously can tell she could be quite a pain to deal with. She’s very quiet as she doesn’t, literally doesn’t care for a lot of things, play mind games with her and she’ll stop caring. Crazy she is, she’ll do whatever it takes to gain her way even if it costed other people’s lives. She is not a murderer, she is simply a ruler. Usually telling people to get on their knees and beg for forgiveness if they were to mistake her as another type of person. She perceives only one objective, get rich and only to stay as rich. Just like what her father taught her, money is power.
Not to mention she’s also a man hater. She hates a lot of men for whatever reason, probably due to a heartbreak caused by one of her previous crushes. Not the friendliest amongst them.


Murakami was born on December 20th 1993. Murakami lived under two family names, the Hatsumoto’s and the Miyake’s. Hatsumoto was her mother’s side while Miyake’s was her fathers. Her parents loved Murakami dearly, treasuring her as a kid. Murakami became a prodigy in elementary and the following teen years, she gathered up in many groups being part of one of the known “Social Butterflies.” Her dad stood a proud fatherly figure when she was young, guiding her through her schooling.

Murakami Friend Groups:

This friend group was probably made around elementary years. She only had them for a short while, probably for about maybe 2 years as her dad traveled a lot for business. It consisted of around 4 friends including her.
Murakami, Anako, Kami, and Hanki
These friends are now only friends she would only recall in the back of her head of her childhood. She was never able to get in close contact with them as they were little kids who hung around a playground. Though she realized one of her favorite entertainment sources would be to climb the jungle gym, and the rainbow bars doing “Flamingo flips” as well as front flips. Her hands would be covered with blisters from the metal bars though gradually through the ending time of their friendship she stopped as she wanted to keep her hands smooth, as she began to wear gloves. Murakami wasn’t popular within her elementary school, she was a kept quiet student until in high school.

You can see, there’s no reason as to why she would be a pain to deal with, until this type of friend group entered her world.

Within her starting teen years, a lot of people were under the influence of “smoking is cool.” Mura never smoked, thankfully. But she was under the influence of a lot of alcohol that cost her friendships. She was thrown under the bus by her so-called “friends.” She made bets and deals, probably even gambled at some point being alongside them. She never went far to murder, but probably far to make up a lie to put someone behind bars. “Do something snarky and you hope you don’t live to see me ever again” is one of her usual comments whenever she’s entangled with someone including friends. This friend group normally led her to drink a lot to forget about them, but now they’re just a hidden locked secret that her brain forgot about. High school was the worst of her years. . .

Again, Murakami was known as one of the social butterflies. This was influenced by the group MISO that helped her mental health whenever she was away from RUNNERS. Runners now aren’t an all bad group, they actually helped Murakami’s growth towards the future. Though Miso was able to help Murakami stabilize. Murakami matured as she would switch between both groups equally, sharing time between them. Miso was just a popular group within her school and Murakami became more confident and a bit more loud.

You can assume Murakami was never close with her dad. She really never was close with her parents until the end of high school. Graduation came and both her parents came to watch her graduate. This turned Murakami to look and remember the things in her childhood that her parents did to her. They really spoiled her in elementary years but they knew that in the Middle School-High School era she had to learn for herself. Murakami never once had to worry about food or money, she had everything in between. Her dad’s graduation gift to her was a bracelet. She keeps the bracelet on in remembrance of her parents now that she’s moved away for college.

Attachment between her and her friends only lasted for a short while. Murakami was a huge romantic person. Ferociously stuck in the honeymoon stage with usually any partner. What she gets so annoyed of is having to make the first move. Though she reassures to them if they’re not dominant and interesting enough she’ll probably kindly fuck off and find someone who is outright obsessed with her. She’s not manipulative, she’s just.. she just doesn’t care enough for someone that doesn’t see her worth.

She’s also fairly picky.. as you would see in her taste in men they were always at a required standard which fulfilled her.. boyfriend requirement list..

Wealthy, Smart, and Handsome.

Yoshiko Takiyo
[ artist by JYUNDEE of ZEKE JAEGAR ]

Now, she has some excellent taste in men. But Murakami HATED this man’s guts. His ego being through the roof coming from a family full of wealth. She dated this man during her sophomore year, they are both the same age so things shouldn’t have changed that much. He was a mouthful and tried to manipulate Murakami. But no bitch stands down to a beta male.

Rumors are.. during lunch in the cafeteria, he said something offensive towards her that she decided to pick up her items and he’d reply “what's wrong? someones a bit hurt.. someones being a lil crybwaby!!” as she’d then say “naw, seeing my other boy toys wanna come watch?” and he yelled at her that they’re breaking up.. Murakami never turned her back.. sometimes if you would look in her email.. he’d be there begging for her back when she became a shop owner.. must suck being a douchebag like him!

To be fair this was the last time Murakami ever dated someone.. He unleashed her hatred for men.. Only reason why she’d ever be with someone is due to the fact she’s a hopeless romantic.. probably one of her biggest problems is that she’s a huge simp.. but she hides it.

College rolls by, she is currently in an Ivy League College as even though she might’ve been not the best smart kid.. Her grades were still high, thankfully as she surpassed most of the other kids within her league. She pursued many, I mean MANY majors but the main ones being Public Speaking and Business Management. Though she had other plans that riddled her mind as she soon pursued a job that went into being a psychiatrist. Her majors didn’t fail her at all though no! Everything she has been working and dedicated towards in college paid off as she then became the two biggest people in the nursing industry as well as the business industry.


As everyone knows these two are two different industries, completely different. But for some reason Murakami loved both sections of these.

Murakami wasn’t a whole down to town nursing woman.. She thanks herself for not going full into medical school as a complete meltdown for her mental.. knowing how struggling the nursing school is like she had other plans just like for business. Something that has yet to be mentioned was her parent’s job and how it entirely influenced her careers. Her mom, Suzuki Hatsumoto worked within the Health Department. She was head team leader when it came to health inspections inside businesses. This was how Suzuki met her now husband, Gon. Gon Miyake.


Noticing how Suzuki Hatsuomoto and Gon Miyake met through a company that Gon was set for CEO for, it felt like love at first sight for them both. Gon never really had a strong liking for women, he was raised to be well, to be him. Relationships came last in his family's morals but Gon had other plans. Both Suzuki and Gon were wearing formal attire so in Gon’s assumptions he believed that Suzuki was one of the higher ups in his company, he admired her from his office door as he saw her give directions to the health team. Suzuki never really liked relationships. She was never in any to begin with though she did think he was quite attractive, throughout her whole life she worked and worked towards her dream job in which she got now. Gon would attempt to grab her attention but as usual, he failed. But he persisted within Suzuki as she was his dream woman. A total simp he became all over for one woman. Suzuki knew Gon would have other girls on the side job as she persisted to refuse his offer, she didn’t want to risk her mentality over some one guy. Involving a relationship with Suzuki caused her quite a large reaction.. Gon knew what he was doing, thankfully as he pushed everything but his job away for Suzuki making sure she felt reassured being with him.

This was what made Murakami’s love influenced by her parents.. Being absolutely adored and obsessed with was her passion. A man treating her like his goddess, literally treasuring and appreciating her. Murkami’s standards were already high at all time. It would be quite hard to reach her standards, as she is born by two of the biggest leaders/influences.

College: THE BIG STEP IN (cont.)
Murakami wanted to explore both factions as she was still undecided with her future job. She wanted to try EVERYTHING. She even took a culinary class as an extracurricular to specialize in some dishes that she always wanted to learn how to make. Some people would recognize Murakami to be some type of smart wife. A LOT of people hit her up in her college years but she became just like her mother, determined on a singular goal of finding a job. Instead she decided to take a large step. She decided to take both jobs but one at a time.


Murakami began working under Karakura’s Hospital Staff team as a Physiatrist for probably a good month or two before retiring out. She didn’t enjoy the job as she wanted to. Helping people was not her specialty. She enjoyed the amount of free time she has received and gotten but it did not reach her to her final goal/destination. She did do some tests and examinations as she maybe wanted to switch her department, but through and all has failed her as she soon decided to quit being a physiatrist.

While working at the hospital, Murakami knew that she wanted to go somewhere else. She wanted to tackle something different. Something larger.

Murakami’s Dad would frequently offer her to work with him at his workplace but she normally would refuse as she wanted to make her own money. She didn’t want to lend off any money from her parents as she took her parents money for granted back in grade school as well for college as they paid for all of her college classes.


Murakami worked for hours straight in her breaks on a document called The Fridge. It was a failure, Fridge V2. Another fail. Kurasu. Inspired by one of her friends she decided it would be the final product. A fine dining restaurant that specializes within Vietnamese cuisines. Thankfully, not only her, who spoke a bit of viet, but a lot of her younger subordinates were also vietnamese speakers. This benefited Murakami's goals. Murakami also fell in love with a guy who went by Alois Voigt .. She somehow was able to get him work alongside each other but he didn’t want to push anything further. Waiting day by day, it never came through as she completely forgot about him.. This never stopped her while building her empire. Murakami soon published her work to the city business faction for acceptance which came through. Employment & Building. This took several months, tries, errors, but she was able to make it all work.

“where quality begins”

At some point in time before launch, they even started to make their mascot Dr Phil for whatever reason. It seemed as if Kurasu was secretly a hidden cult.


Murakami was quite.. dangerous around this time frame though the only thing that kept her sanity was her officer friend, Matsu. The two stopped talking later on though they kept a very spectacular relationship at the same time. Murakami sometimes would put flowers in Matsu’s hair to show her gratitude in their friendship.


Finishing of Kurasu made Murakami want to bond with her team a bit more. As they proceeded to mess around with Karakura’s old church in 2020 and made a confession for the obsession of.. THIGHS..


Though Murakami couldn’t hold it all together. She gave ownership to her next VICE PRESIDENT in lead. She needed a new lifestyle after being a millionaire. Rich she was, she decided to quit and move on with life, as she began to travel the world to then come back to Karakura in 2022.

Traveling the world was a big hit for Murakami. She adventured back in her parent’s home town to visit them and realized a love for strawberry milk. She visited a convenience store that was near her parent’s home and saw containers of strawberry milk. They didn’t have any at the time she was Karakura so she started to grow an obsession towards strawberry milk.


Murakami never had any new plans after being a shop owner to express more gratitude towards the milk teas and special food items that she offered. You can still find the KURASU HANDBOOK HERE (located under still as THE FRIDGE) [The Fridge Handbook]

Perhaps she'll own a korean fried chicken store within Karakura, something brilliant will always spew something either a braindead ape machine or a revolutionary starstruck idea.

Murakami’s return to Karakura will be an excellent surprise considering the fact it has grown far differently. Since her expected arrival, she has changed outfits to match.. to be able to keep up in style while in her traditional silk gloves.



Murakami's returned came out to be one of the great returns she has ever made. Though, she has grown a lot more complications as well as a new life within Karakura. Murakami fell in love with a boyfriend for awhile before finding out he was then killed. This didn't really affect her even though she was very much in love. Murakami tried probably 2-3 more relationships before finding out she has commitment issues. Probably some reason to why as she also have attachment issues. As much as she loves to tell men to get on their knees and worship her, she does .. get bored of men so quickly. Though, that's for a later story to tell as she will probably keep trying until one.. is perfect for her!

Murakami adopted 2 girls, though one.. is sadly dead! Yippie! Just kidding. Murakami never had any attachment to anyone. Most likely due to her attachment issues, she can grow pretty detached quickly. Murakami is a strong independent woman though is fairly dependent on love, even with all these relationship problems and issues she has received. Both of her daughter's relationships seem to be quite fine, as she hopes for it to be.

Murakami is probably met more people than her fingers can count. Fairly grateful towards it, she lives a very happy and excellent life within Karakura. She even now works as a professor teaching Inter-Communication!


Lucas Nimakoge
Coming back to Karakura, Murakami didn’t expect for her to gain a boyfriend.. Expecting that her last 2 was a complete flop. Murakami is still quite a bitch to men, but somehow she was able to cop a guy who she called “maidenless” at first interaction. Though we ALL know how they really met. One of the weird strange high schooler attacked first her, and her subordinate for their SHOES. Horrified Murakami was.. As she soon saw the same SHOE STEALER steal this GUYS shoe which got her invested towards him. Luckily, they both saved each other from the shoe woman, as she then confronted him with the question, “are you maidenless?” Though.. Murakami does enjoy his company as she does love to toy around with him telling him to get on his knees and to tell her that she’s a goddess and that he would give up his life for her..

Murakami decided to keep a relationship that she wanted to wear matching outfits with him as she is a hopeless romantic and she appreciated the words of affirmation he gives towards her and their relationship. Probably the only person of whom she would share her stash of strawberry milk with.. otherwise if he did something weird he would be stained with the smell of strawberries .. she’s quite committed even though barely knowing the guy, she just hopes everything will work out in the end.


Though it’s not the only time she started doing this. Any visible male that approaches her will literally be told to be on their knees and to tell her that she is their goddess and that they would serve their whole life purpose towards her dedicating themselves for her.

Murakami might get bad looks for it, but for her, it’s just her way of showing dominance towards the beta males who submit to her.. treating men like dogs.. probably one of her specialties. As she does see herself to be elite with a higher ego than her ex boyfriend, in which she does have a reason for.

Since her boyfriend died, she ended up befriending Alois Voigt again and sparked something. Though only time will tell if their relationship would work out as. apparently, he is still quite neglectful towards her. There will be no shown image of Alois, though in one of the images you could see a blur image of him. She also soon figured out her boyfriend died and couple of her friendships towards other people within Karakura did spark mostly with talking to women. Murakami and Alois probably would work out in maybe .. a different life.



She doesn’t have any.. friends.. but this is the closest person other than her boyfriend momentarily in Karakura. Hina reflects like a ape towards Murakami as she usually see her doing something stupid.. They met at school gates where she approached each other. Whenever they see each other within town she comes by near her. “where’s the zookeeper, one of their animals got let out” would literally be her call.

Ever since she has left she hasn’t come back for a year and a half. Who knows what her subordinates have been doing. She hopes that all of them were safe for the time being as she has now returned. Maybe one day her former students would remember her and rekindle their friendship as boss and worker. She inspected and hired each and each of them carefully through her staff management team, again she doesn’t know what happened to her management team either. She knows what each one is capable of doing, she hopes that they continue their path and move forward as she is.

Myung Miyake

Murakami seems to have a sense with being a motherly figure to those around her, especially towards Myung. Myung and Murakami bonded upon yelling to each other "MOMMA" and "DAUGHTER" as Murakami would attempt to try to find her adoptive daughter through various of kidnappings. Murakami is NOT a good mother, but she is still quite protective of Myung. She recently asked for protection for her daughter in hopes her daughter would not turn out to be... well like her dead boyfriend.

Mun-Hee Miyake

Adopting kids after kids .. for some reason Murakami wants to have a family, but in her acknowledgement and understanding. She's not a good parent. Mun-Hee's and Mura's relationship seem to step on a .. rowdy relationship. Mun-Hee gets in trouble as Murakami would have to deal with the trouble.

Kilik & Kazashi Hatake
CURRENT STATUS: "Their MILF" / Hatake Twins
They were the first people to kidnap Murakami and her daughter, well both at once so it would be killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Funny enough she liked the two and being a motherly figure towards them as well. She wouldn't adopt them, but she would definitely be seen around them. Both of them would normally protect her and quite weirdly not really save her. Though their bonds are funny enough to be clear as day that she cares them as mother and son. You could clearly see her fulfilling the parental role in their lives ever since they met, kindof.

Kirigaya Family.
Murakami would honestly be seen around them as often with the Hatake twins. There's probably more than 4 of then though she met their dad. In a scandal the family was in due to one of the sons allegedly kidnapping, she met the dad. Murakami was honestly no different to them as they were to her, although she still maintains a good relationship with the family.


cloud made this .. cloud divider from 2020 january

i drew this, may 2020

i also drew this in february 2020

i’m not sure but i assume another photo of her in december 2019

made by me April 2022

also made by me, April 2022.
Murakami & Lucas (her boyfriend)




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Level 217
Also how the heck did you make your signature, if you did. Did you use photoshop!?!? I must know the software that was used


Level 2
Thread starter
Also how the heck did you make your signature, if you did. Did you use photoshop!?!? I must know the software that was used

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