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Suggestion: /warp apartment


Level 2
IGN: RikuKyo
DATE: April 27th, 2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: It would be great to have a command that teleports you in front of your apartment or house. This command could be /warp apartment or /apartment tp or something along those lines.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This will benefit the community because it is a convenience for any player that owns property. It shouldn't be used when you want to roleplay going back home with someone, but if you're on your own and just wanna do something like edit your apartment real quick or put something away in a chest, it is a major time-saver. The command should not be used to get out of roleplay scenarios, just like how /warp spawn should not be used to get out of these scenarios, but it is a great command to have when nothing is being acted out.


Level 47
Great idea, I want this command too.
It has the same nature as /warp spawn, they all have the potential to be abused, such as to escape rp, we just need to report these cases


Level 2
Thread starter

This will 100% be abused, even if it's not intended, sorry mate but uh, walking is a good alternative!
I only disagree because anyone that would abuse this command can already carry out the same AvoidRP by abusing the /warp spawn or /warp tutorial commands anyways. I don't think it would increase the level of abuse, it just gives the abusers another spot to go to, which if someone's doing AvoidRP it doesn't really matter specifically where they went, it's still the same crime that can be addressed in the same way.
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Level 130

IRP doesn't make sense for you to just teleport wherever you go. There used to be warps to get to tons of different places, such as the beach and the sewers. They were removed for a reason.


Level 193
Though it would be really cool to have a /warp to your apartment, this actually can be abused by some people. Not just AvoidRP, but in other ways.
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Level 194

The same thing I stated for the 'teleport to other players' suggestion, I don't know what it was called. This will be heavily abused and it states in the rules you cannot use those two warps to your advantage I believe - however if you added another it would be much harder to manage, plus everything it can negatively be used for.


Level 37
+1/-1, I chose to remain neutral on this as it is handy but it also ruins the roleplaying experience a little as you'll poof each time you wanna go there like pash said.


Level 211

Easily abused. The difference between the /warp spawn and /warp apartment is that is easy to find out if someone went to spawn since everyone has access to the same command. To find someone's apartment would be way more complicated. As Minobu said, just walk there


Level 36

Anyone who is ‘+1’ing this I have no doubt that they are a new player or at least a player who does not rp in certain situations, easily abused and is also an easy way to be done sneakily leading to abuse.


Level 25

Anyone who is ‘+1’ing this I have no doubt that they are a new player or at least a player who does not rp in certain situations, easily abused and is also an easy way to be done sneakily leading to abuse.

Easily abused. The difference between the /warp spawn and /warp apartment is that is easy to find out if someone went to spawn since everyone has access to the same command. To find someone's apartment would be way more complicated. As Minobu said, just walk there
If someone teleports, and you have footage, doesnt matter where they go. And besides, if you dont have running maxxed (i do) it takes like 10 minutes to walk over to your apartment. This would be helpful for new players who are trying to grow and dont want to spend 5+ hours maxxing stats.


Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
As helpful as this could be, unfortunately warps are abused enough as they are, and to warp right infront of a place you can lock yourself in ICly, that’s a huge advantage to players and unfair advantage to situations with anyone who may have potential perms or things like that.


Level 193
If someone teleports, and you have footage, doesnt matter where they go. And besides, if you dont have running maxxed (i do) it takes like 10 minutes to walk over to your apartment. This would be helpful for new players who are trying to grow and dont want to spend 5+ hours maxxing stats.
Regardless, /warp apt isn't really a place to be warping. Though I know it takes time to get to your apartment, it doesn't kill you to simply walk or run over there, no matter your speed. I take a train to my apt, so maybe use the train and it goes faster? I'm just saying that /warp apt can actually be abused and it's kind of useless on SRP. I think it's quickest if you just take the train or actually take your time walking or running to your apartment.

dão aula e olham tudo

Level 13
The fact that this could be abused isn't the main point, it's about the fact that this is a roleplay server, and being able to teleport to places makes no sense, and if this idea was presented to any other self-respecting roleplay community, you'd be laughed at. I'm against /warp spawn, and defend the idea that warps shouldn't exist at all, let alone a command that allows you to be teleported to your own apartment. Not only this could be heavily abused, but also breaks any concept that revolves around 'roleplay'.


Level 193
The fact that this could be abused isn't the main point, it's about the fact that this is a roleplay server, and being able to teleport to places makes no sense, and if this idea was presented to any other self-respecting roleplay community, you'd be laughed at. I'm against /warp spawn, and defend the idea that warps shouldn't exist at all, let alone a command that allows you to be teleported to your own apartment. Not only this could be heavily abused, but also breaks any concept that revolves around 'roleplay'.
I completely agree with this, it's not just abused, but it kind of destroys roleplay.
Now I'm starting to wonder why they used to have /warp beach

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