Level 30
OMG THIS TOOK A LONG TIME IM SO GLAD ITS DONE AHHH okay people featured: Severesuicide (me), severecancer, James (xjames_ i think?), Duckings, Viorix, Kasss, Saicos, Sui (SevereAbuse), Reeses (Reasonings), Gabie(itzgabieee_), Mentoz (Itzmentozzz_), kawaii_kittyxx, Flick (flickerinq), Spicyban,Treekatt,and ItzLimee (Im sorry for Haviko, iImankeyIi, and toroto_sam for not featuring you, i still love you guys! Anyways, here's the final project, as a thank you to Duckings for taking care of such an amazing server and to you guys for being my friends and being there for me, I really love you guys