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Myke Zaborowski | MykeShotz


Level 134


Basic Information
First Name: Myke
Surname: Zaborowski
Preferred Name: Myke or Wren

Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 6’5

Weight: 150 lbs
Build: Slender, yet muscular
Skin Tone: Slightly tanned, yet pale

Eye Color: Hazel brown
Hair Style: Messy look
Hair Style Example:

Credits to the artist

Natural Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Hair Color Example:

Credits to the artist
Current Hair Color: Black hair with strands of blonde
Credits to Artist

Fashion: Mostly a casual yet trendy look

Date of Birth: May 25th, 2002
Zodiac: Gemini
Place of Birth: Sochi, Russia
Nationality: Russian

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Political Beliefs: Neutral

General Appearance
A tall, slender, yet muscular male stood before you at 6’5. He’d have a strong Russian accent as his black and blonde hair complimented his facial features. A slashed scar mark was displayed on his neck. A scent of Dior Cologne would follow him around. He’d be mostly seen wearing casual, trendy clothing that represented himself.

Wren usually has a calm personality. Though, he likes putting others first beforehand which can soon put on a lot of stress when it comes to not taking care of himself. Wren is very sociable and loves making friends.

Diseases/Illnesses: N/A

Just add the Russian Accent

Equipment: Wren can be seen wearing Visage glasses, a basketball, or even a sketchbook between his arms. Most of the time it's just him and sunglasses.
Hobbies: Writing, Journaling, making new friends.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Anxiety, anger issues, bipolar disorder

Skills: N/A

Family and Relationships

Mother- Zhanna Drozdov [ALIVE]

“I wish I could stay a bit longer, but it's time for me to go. Dad would’ve been proud of me.”

Father- German Drozdov [DECEASED]
“The fun memories we had. During my childhood. Why did you leave so soon?”

Distant Friend- Zoya ‘Askook’ Lebedev [ALIVE]
I can barely look at you anymore. Or stand near you. You hurt me.”

Mother Figure- Giovanna ‘Marie’ Viano [ALIVE]
“I just want to say thank you, for everything you do for me. I’m proud to call you Mother.”

Ex-Wife- Mun-Hee ‘Gia’ Laresca [ALIVE]
“Seems like we weren't meant for each other..”

Friend- Eryka Blaski [ALIVE]
“Eryka go brrr! Glad I can call you a friend!”

Friend- Won Yi-Hyun [ALIVE]
“Oh, Won. I don’t know how you got my number, but I’m NOT the KPD!”

Friend- Daichi Higuchi [ALIVE]
“Cheerio boy. That's only how I remember you… you and your cheerios!”

Best Friend- Aiya Hinode [ALIVE]
“We just met yet you call me your new best friend. So. I guess we’re besties now!”

Close Friend- Murakami Miyake [ALIVE]
(Murakami sees Wren as a son figure)

"You give me advice.. or try to at least. I respect that. You want me to strive through life, and I try.."

New Lover- Kyouko Marie Santarossa [ALIVE]
"Oh boy.. where do I start. It first started with 3 staring contests just to ask for your name. Then I got your number.. we then hung out more. 48 hours later.. here we are confessing our love for each other. I truly do appreciate you. I hope nothing changes between us.."

This backstory will be in the 1st POV.

Sochi, Russia is where it all started. Where my life began, I was born on May 25th, 2002 to my loving parents. My mother, Zhanna, was the sweetest person I cared for and respected so much. My father, German, was probably the best father I could ask for. I grew up in Sochi until I was about 20. I went to school in Sochi up until I graduated from Educational Center “Orion” High School. Right before I left my hometown, I found out my father was murdered early morning. Which only left my mother and me. I didn’t want to leave her in devastation. I had to stay strong. At this time I was 18, so I decided to get a job as a Journalist in my hometown to help my mother pay for bills. Over the next year, I was then diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder which triggers my episodes. Little did I know, I was the one who murdered my father when my mother decided to finally tell me during my college years. When I was 19, I decided it was finally time to go to College. My mother was fine. I quit my Journalism job and finally decided to start fresh. I did research from the past year, finding a small town in Japan called Karakura. I found out that there's a Community College that offers what I wanted to major in. When I turned 20, I moved to Karakura taking the College Entrance Exams, and passing them. At that time, I lived in a small apartment near the school. I didn’t have a part-time job and I still don’t but I found some ways to get money. Overall, Karakura is known for its Criminal activity. My mother always told me that if you’re a bad person you’ll never get anywhere. This is true in my opinion, from what I’ve seen during Karakura so far most people are either killed during their crime career or arrested. I soon found out there was a Journalism Club at the College and High School. I decided to apply for the club, weeks later I got a response stating that I was accepted into the club. I’m now a Journalist for the school newspaper informing daily news or gossip. During my time in Karakura, I met many friends, including my dearest soul-mate Mun-Hee Chi. When I first met her, I knew she was the one. We went on several dates together, which we enjoyed. After a few months passed, I decided it was time to take it to a new level. I took Mun-Hee to the park beside the Plaza, and that's where it happened. I got down on one knee and proposed to my girlfriend asking if she wanted to get married. With no doubt, she said yes. A few weeks went by, we planned the wedding and everything. We decided to get married on the Pier, beside the Ocean. That's where I got married to Mun-Hee, I then decided to take the Chi name as my own. Leaving the Drozdov surname to an end with my mother. Approximately 6 months passed by and we adopted 2 beautiful children, Marina, and Solovei Chi. Our family might be a little chaotic but that's fine! I truly adore everyone in it. That’s when it changed. We started to have therapy sessions. I, Marina, and Mun-Hee did a small group session because of Marina’s problems. Though it took a turn when I lashed out at Mun-Hee, it was only a mistake! That's when I started to question myself, do I have anger issues? To answer that, yes, I do have anger issues. I also started to develop hearing these voices in my head. Which made me think to myself even more, am I insane? I asked my mother figure, Giovanna, that, and she said I wasn’t though I don’t believe that. I think I might be going insane and I don’t know if I can hold on any longer. I’m afraid I’ll get backstabbed. How did I get backstabbed in the past? Well, an old and the only best friend I had at that point hurt me. Though I won’t say who. All I can do is to try my hardest so they don’t kill me. As of now, life is still going for now. I’ve made plenty of friends that I’m grateful for.

NOTE: This will be updated from time to time if necessary.
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