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Karakura News | Opinions on Akihito Family


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July 6, 2022
Barbatos Archon

Good day, Karakura! I am Barbatos Archon here with a report regarding people’s opinions on the Akihito Family. With the recent events such as the riots last month, to the more recent ones with the Deputy Mayor elections, I’ve interviewed highschool students, college students, and adults about their thoughts on the family. The majority of the interviewed people decided to keep themselves anonymous, so please respect them in what their opinions are and especially those who decide to reveal who they are.​

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[!] A voice recording would start to play, Barbatos’ voice clear while the other muffled [!]
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"Well then.. what is your opinion on the Akihito family?"


"well, I don't blame you, why do you think people are so riled up especially with the events such as the riots?”

“I can see why they would be mad, anyone who knows others know about the Akihito’s..” A small pause, “it’s almost like an empire at this point.”

"hm.. Thank you then for answering few of my questions.”

- - - - - - - - - - -
[!] It would end as the next recording would start, Barbato’s and Haise Popovich’s voices clear [!]
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"first off.. as of right now, what is your opinion on the Akihito family?"

"Well.. You'd say good right.. It's under the supervision of Karakura's very own mayor.. And a good one if had to say so, it's a legitimate business, right?"

"they certainly do control Karakura better ever since Mister Akihito took the position, but, why do you think people are so riled up, especially with the events such as the riots that happened?"

"Well, it's obvious. Because this place is nothing but a fucking shithole. How is one ever going to take full control of this city.. And I'll tell you how.. By not being so controlling maybe, I mean what are they thinking.. Charging us for not having a fucking ID on us.." a short pause would be heard, "It's hard to get by one, maybe not if so when a governor was actually actively there.”

“I do agree that being charged for not having an ID is in some way, quite controlling especially since I myself took a while just to get one, but it does make sense in some cases. Though still, despite the ups and downs of the Mayor, do you support the Akihito family in some way?"

"I do support their beliefs if anything.. They just want the city to be for the better.. It's the KPD that's the problem, also what are they gonna do next..? Get us home by curfew? Get the fuck out."

“I see.. its good that you support them in a way, they're misunderstood in some aspects though aha- thank you for taking your time in doing this interview with me."

- - - - - - - - - - -
[!] It would end once again, and another would start with the interviewee more muffled [!]
- - - - - - - - - - -​

"As of right now, what is your opinion on the Akihito family?"

"I think the Akihito family has been doing a good job at running the city so far, especially when compared to past leadership! The mayor is great, I've noticed that KPD and EMS also are led by Akihitos.. And even both of the schools! They all do a great job at fulfilling their roles."

A curious hum would come out of Barbatos, "out of everyone I interviewed so far, you have the most positive response- but moving on, despite the positive things they did, why do you think people are so riled up, especially with the events such as the riots?"

A short pause, silence before the voice spoke again, "Well, I just think the people of Karakura always want something to complain about.. you know how the town is, it's always chaotic!.. I heard a lot of people with masks calling out to free someone, which I think is why a majority of them were rioting. I've also heard conspiracies regarding the mayor that I believe to be false."

"I agree with you on that, people here usually just want someone to blame, so that they won't be held accountable."
"even though you do have a positive outlook on the Akihito family, do you fully support them? or are you more neutral in regards to that"

"I fully support the Akihito family! I don't see any major flaws in what they do, or what they've done."

“That’s all then! Thank you for taking your time to doing this small interview with me."

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[!] The voice recording would end once more, as another would start as usual, the voices are muffled [!]
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"Well first of, as right now, what is your opinion on the Akihito family?"

"In retrospect, having met a few they seem nice and mean well. I work.. somewhat in close range to one. They try do what's best but in a town like this.. it’s hard to please everyone.”

"in a crime ridden town, not everyone will be satisfied sadly.. though, why do you think people are so riled up about the whole family? especially the riots that happened."

“Most likely due to the corrupt system we have going on. Karakura is known for its crime, so having a few bad apples here and there seemed to tick people off. Most identifiable would be the Akihito clan. Many think the family and yakuza are linked. But in truth they are far from it.”

"I see.. That's often the misunderstanding between the Clan and Family, though I don't blame then since not everyone is well versed on what a Yakuza is" “moving on, do you support the Akihito family? Or are you more in the neutral side of things?"

"In not really one for supporting a cause. I support the yakuza and what they stand for since I have actual knowledge on what they do, rather than the low life degenerate gangs who self proclain themself ‘ontop’. As for the family, since they are just out doing their jobs, I don't see the big push on trying to over rule that.”

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[!] Just as Barbatos was about to speak, multiple voices yelling ‘DADDY?’ would be heard and the voice recording would abruptly end [!]
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As you can see from the interviews, people have varying opinions on the family, some in a more negative light, while others on the positive side. But regardless, Akihito will always be a well-known influential family that will be known throughout Karakura.

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