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Calina Aslanov , The BIOGRAPHY re-make


Level 56

Untitled410_20220712205711.png Calina Aslanov's description ::
Cali Aslanov .. She would stand 5'0 in-front of you.. She would be very energetic with her favorite words being "you stink" . A fragrance smell .. followed behind her the smell of .. fresh blueberries with a hint of honey nut cheerios, Her hair would be a lovely purple color , She would look a lot like her sister Alina Aslanov.

Calina's sisters are mostly known as .. Eliz Aslanov.. and Alina Aslanov , Calina and Eliz are soon to be aunts of their soon to be sisters child , Aria Aslanov

Alina's Description ::
Alina Aslanov .. A russian female looking a lot like her older sister Calina Aslanov, She would stand 5'4 in-front of you with a fragrance smell of fresh strawberries!! She’s chaotic / Energetic just like her sister, Her favorite words being "You stink" .. She would have a butterfly tattoo along her right arm!!<3 Her hair would be a purple color.. Just like her sister..

Eliz's Description... : &7&oEliz Aslanov ... A russian female who would have two sisters , Calina Aslanov being the oldest .. Alina Aslanov being the same age as her.. Eliz Aslanov happens to have been adopted as she had blue hair and looked nothing a like her two sisters, Eliz would stand 5'6 in front of you.. a fragrance smell of FRESH blueberries following behind her..

Calina Aslanov would be 20 years old, Standing at 5'0, Her sexuality would be lesbian, She is happily taken by her partner Navienne Savin...

.. Time for relationships, Families, and Friends...!!<3 :::

Ethan Lovelace :: "Hi Ethan, Just wanted to say how much I absolutely HATE you, My sister appeared to have left a gift in your apartment , I did get a few pictures of it from Alina.. Hilarious I must say, BUT.. other than that I GUESS.. you're my best friend, I mean-.. my FISHINIG buddy, Right.? We need to go fishing again.. I can't bare to stand another day with fishing without my fishing buddy, or my best friend.. I hate you and love you at the same time, Love - hate friendship!!<3 See you soon!! :)"


Alina Aslanov ( SISTER, ALIVE.. ) :: "Hello Sis!! I missed you back at home... I really wish you came with me and Eliz to Russia, But I also really didn't wish you came cause there was so much drama.. within the family when we came to visit.. that's why we were gone for so long..- I love you Alina.."

Eliz Aslanov ( ADOPTED-SISTER.. Half sister.. ALIVE. ) - "Hello my beautiful sister..!! Even though you were adopted.. a few years ago, You are still my sister... my FULL sister, I don't care if we are blood related or NOT. You're the best sister anyone could have asked for.. Although what may of happened back in Russia m Things were so good.. But other-wise I love you for who YOU are.. Adopted or not, You're the best.. The best daughter, The BEST-friend.. THE BEST sister... EVER.. I love you!!"

Alea Aslanov .. ( MOTHER, alive.. ) "Hi mommy..!! I love youu!!.. even though you and dad aren't doing so well..- going through hard times back at home.. I love you mom...!!"

Nickota Aslanov .. ( FATHER, Alive ) : "Dad.. I hope you feel better soon..- I really hope you do.."

Navienne Savin ( LOVER, Alive ) :: "Nabi!!.. I LOVE YOU.. I love you sososososo much.. You're my EVERYTHING, I hope NOTHING changes between us.. I love you, I LOVE YOU.. Ii don't know what I'd EVER.. do without you... ,I'd practically DIE without you , I'd be .. well EMPTY inside.. if you weren't in my life.. I love you..!!!"

Calina .. Aslanovs backstory...

Calina and her two sisters used to live in a place in Russia in the town called Veliky Novgorord . When Calina was younger, she was the only child.. before Alina was even born and before Eliz even CAME into Calina's life.. It was just Calina, She was SO.. alone.. Calina wasn't in the best position with her parent's fighting.. over- and over AND OVER again, Calina didn't like it.. She didn't like it AT ALL.. A few months later.. she had received the news that.. her mother is having a baby.. That baby was named ALINA.. She wasn't alone anymore.. Calina finally had a friend, a SISTER.. She could RELATE to.. She wasn't ALONE , A few years later, Calina is 17 years old.. within her little sister being.. 15-16 years old.. one night, one cold and rainy night their MOTHER had walked into their bedroom giving the news that their mother and father had decided to.. ADOPT someone.. into the family Eliz Aslanov.. That's when everything starting.. tearing apart for Calina her mother.. SHE STOPPED GIVING CALINA ATTENTION.. SHE GAVE ALL THE ATTENTION TO ALINA AND ELIZ.. Calina.. decided to move.. to a place in Japan.. called Karakura.. Karakura is so .. magical in a way to Calina.. She's never been happier.. She started attending the high school in karakura at the age of 18 years old..once graduating she decided to attend college, HER DREAM was TO GO to college.. without being judged of a college she'd LOVE to go, She was finally free!! After a little while living in karakura she met .. the ONE, The love of HER LIFE.. HER BEST FRIEND.. HER SOUL - MATE .. Navienne Savin.. Who knows how the two met.. but let's just say .. Calina's so deeply in love with her, She then started making friends within Karakura, SID. . . Ethan Lovelace . . and so much more people that she couldn't be more grateful for to have in her life... She then.. went to go visit her family back in Russia, why she was gona for so long you may ask?.. Well her father is sick.. VERY, VERY.. SICK.. who knows how much time he has left in this world, For all she knows HE COULD BE GONE TOMORROW.. She's just been gone for so long.. GONE FOR SO LONG THAT .. HER SISTER.. MOVED TO KARAKURA FOR SOME TIME.. HER SISTERS MOVED TO KARAKURA NOT JUST ONE SISTER BUT BOTH SISTERS.. you guys might've seen Alina Aslanov and ELIZ Aslanov alone.. Eliz Askanov is mostly know of asking restaurants for EXPIRED ITEMS? Odd.. then Eliz disappeared.. she's still NOWHERE to be found.. but rumors' has it she moved to Korea a little while after moving to Karakura.. That's when Alina stepped in.. Alina moved to Karakura, ALINA.. MADE MORE FRIENDS THEN CALINA COULD EVER HAVE MADE.. The two.. THE TWO SISTERS.. the TWO BLOOD RELATED sisters.. don't have a bond anymore, Their bond have BROKEN.. they don't RELATE TO ANYTHING anymore.. Alina stayed at Calina's house for a little while until Alina could afford her OWN home, After a little while.. Calina decided it was time to go back to Karakura, reuniting with her soul-mate.. Reunions with FRIENDS, She oddly went around Karakura yelling out "HOLA, SOY DORA.." and telling people that "YOU STINK" .. starting chaos..? being so energetic, OUT OF NO WHERE she just has SO MUCH ENERGY TO START CHAOS.. she's never been that time of person to just randomly start chaos, Deep down Calina's not mentally okay.. but she's hiding it SHE'S HIDING IT ALL.. hiding her emotions from EVERYONE she knows.. but the a few days / weeks ago.. she broke down.. to who..? Nabi. She started DRINKING.. SHE CRIED.. she's not OKAY. She's debating on moving back in with her parent's back in RUSSIA.. or just a place FAR, FAR away from Karakura .. I guess this is where I end her backstory.. Things WILL be added to this in the future.!!<3 goodbye.

Information about Calina

Calina's Sexuality :: Lesbian :D
Calina's Height :: 5'0
Calina's AGE : 20.
Calina's Lover :: Navienne Savin
Calina's best friend :: Ethan Lovelace.

Calina's Biography.. I guess this is where it's time to end this biography .. <3<3


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