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Nikki "Kirby" Monet O'Dea [ニッキー・モネ・オディア] Biography 2.0


Level 10
There would be some static at first, but then suddenly the camera would fully come on. It appears to be a girl with red hair fading down to orange, who would be wearing a Kirby hat. She would tap on the camera a couple of times as she would be tilting her head "Hello? Is this working? OH! It is! I see the red light!" She would take a few steps back as she would grab a Kirby plushie that is to her right and hugged it tightly, smiling at the camera as she would wave to it! "Hi! So a lot of you are curious as to who I am. Well, let me introduce myself to you!"

*=*Part 1: Name/Height/Age/Gender*=*

"Ahh! Right, probably should start off with my name. That is very important! Well my name is Nikki! Nikki Monet O'Dea, and I've been living in Karakura since I was fourteen years old! Wow, that's a whole six years of my life!" A short chuckle would come out of her mouth "That's crazy! Anyway I was adopted into the Monet family back when I was seventeen? Eighteen? I honestly don't remember, at least a couple of years. However, O'Dea is my biological Surname, along with my twin sister who I will talk about later!"


"As of right now I'm currently 5'6, although when I first moved into Karakura I used to be 5'0. I was so short back then..."


"Well you guys probably guessed my age since I kind of gave it away, but to those who don't know I'm currently twenty years old!"


"I'm a female... duh..."

*=*Part 2: General information*=*

"Funny thing, a lot of people tend to call me Kirby now a days instead of my old nickname Flamer, probably due to the fact that I'm always wearing a Kirby hat and carrying a Kirby plushie. Oh, and have a Kirby backpack! Some people think it's some crazy obsession. Well it's not! I just Kirby a lot! If Kirby actually existed I'd want him as a pet!"


"I've started to notice this more after my third breakup, while I was out of town to clear my head as I wasn't doing so well mentally. A lot of you are probably wondering what this means. Well it's basically where you would have little to no romantic feelings towards people. I remember this guy tried to flirt with me and I just felt... nothing back to him, and vise versa towards girls either."


"Yes, I am no longer lesbian to other females. Although I do have feelings towards them still, I've notice that I've been looking at guys as well, but why? Am I actually interested in guys now? I feel like I do, but at the same time... due to me being Aeromantic it's hard for me to tell at the moment."

She would proceed to slowly take off her Kirby hat so that her hair would be fully revealed "So fun fact about my hair. My natural hair color is actually orange! The lower part of it is unchanged. However, when I was younger I saw a campfire and just looked at it in awh. So I decided to make my hair look basically like a flame, so... I did that! It was a very painful process though but I'm so glad that I eventually did that. I'm pretty sure that my hair only goes down to my lower back." She would then to proceed to put the Kirby hat back on her head with a bright smile on her face

"Oh right, my tattoo!" She would turn her body to her left a little bit and then she would fully show the tattoo that is on her right arm "I got this when I was eighteen from someone that one of my brothers knew. I absolutely love roses so I decided to get one!"

*=*Part 3: Strengths*=*

"I've been drawing ever since I was eight years old. I would draw various amount of stuff, ranging from mountains, to a forest with animals in it, to certain people. Drawing has allowed me to express myself and my emotions freely!"

*=*Social Interactions*=*
"I love to talk to people all the time. In fact I love to be around people! I would talk to them and see if their day is going great, help them out, and even tell school faculty about fights that happen if I happen to see them so they don't seriously hurt each other."

"Ahhh swimming. Something that I absolutely love to do in my free time, and something that I've practiced everyday for the past fourteen years! I was part of the bobcat swim team funny enough, and I had an absolute blast in it. I still do miss it though, but I wanted to go into college to get a good education."

*=*Part 4: Weaknesses*=*

Her expression would suddenly seem disgusted "Ugh, don't talk to me about fighting. I absolutely hate it, and I can't stand it. I try to avoid any physical conflict the best I can, and try to run away the best I can if people do want to hurt me. If running isn't an option, then I will fight, although my fighting isn't great at all..."

"I can't even make one basket... do I need to explain anything else...?"

*=*Part 5:Disabilitiees/Illnesses*=*

"I hate being alone. It basically makes you feel abandoned, and afraid if someone is going to jump around the corner without anyone there to help you. That is why I tend to stay in big crowds whenever I'm in public, so I don't feel like I'm alone and that I feel safe."

*=*PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)*=*
"I had my life flash before my eyes once, at the police station. The guy who I was going to report pulled out a katana on me while I was on the phone with a friend. It really scared me badly. Now, if I see a weapon pulled out to either me or a friend that I'm currently with I go into a state of panic, where it feels like I'm reliving that exact moment that happened. I sometimes even have night terrors of actually being stabbed..."

*=*Depression, on the border to severe*=*
"It's... not a pleasant feeling at all. There are days where I don't feel like doing anything, which happens to be a lot of those days. It's basically like having a dark cloud linger over your head at all times, where you don't feel happiness at all. I wish to feel happiness but it's just... hard..."

*=*Part 6: Relationships*=*


*=*Aoife O'Dea[Biological Twin-Sister][Alive]*=*
"Aoife is the sweetest person that I've known in my entire life. She has always put a smile on my face when I was feeling down. Funny enough we didn't even know that we were sisters until months after we first met each other. Crazy isn't it? But... well she is currently fighting for her life right now, however she is currently doing a lot better now than she was a while ago! I also understand now what is like to be a mute just like her. I was like that for a bit when I nearly died a couple of years ago. But I am ok now, and I'm so glad that I grew close to her!"

*=*Nessa T. 'Domino' Monet[Adoptive sister][Dead]*=*
"Nessa was my closet friend since I first moved to Karakura. Since day one we became close, to where we would see each other as sisters. We continued to be really close until she eventually would actually be my sister! It was the happiest day of my life! But... I wish that we didn't argue right before you died. I don't know who killed you but... I wish that I got the chance to say sorry to you. I didn't want it all to end like that... I'm really... really sorry... may you rest in peace... I hope to see you again someday..."

*=*Asher M. Monet[Adoptive brother][Alive]*=*
"I do wish we talked more and did more activities with the family like we did in the past together. I still care about you and everyone, I just hope that all of you are doing well despite being so busy."

*=*Zakary L. Monet[Adoptive brother][Alive]*=*
"I hope you're doing well. Don't forget to keep an eye on your heartrate!"

*=*Micah M. O'S F[Adoptive brother][Alive]*=*
"If I have to pick anyone out of the entire family that I'm the closest to that is alive, it would have to be Micah. He is super sweet and nice, no matter what happens. He is always there for me in my time of need, and I deeply thank him for that. I wish to return that to him as well."

*=*Akira T. Monet[Adoptive brother][Alive]*=*
"Even though you just got out of jail and that we don't know each other that well, I'm glad to have you as my brother. You make me smile a very big one. Now don't end up in jail again ok?"

*=*Takida Tokugawa Monet[Adoptive brother][Alive]*=*
"I absolutely hate you. To think I gave you a chance with my best friend and you completely blew it, not to mention all of the horrible shit you've said right in front of my face, as well as all of the horrible things you've done. You're one of the few people who I don't care about dying."

*=*Ibuki Koharu Ketsueki[Sister-Figure][Alive]*=*
"We may not actually be sisters, but I do view her as one, and I do actually call her my sister. She's always supported and protected me for quite sometime now. Although I wish that she wasn't overprotective of me..."

*=*[Seagull][Pet Fox][Dead]*=*
"Seagull was the cutest fox I've ever seen when I first met him. Me and him would cuddle up whenever one of us is feeling down, and he's always made me happy. I miss you buddy. I hope that you're being good for Nessa up there!"

*=*?????? Monet O'Dea[Biological Daughter][Not born yet]
"I can't wait until I introduce you to the world. To your Aunts and uncles, to your grandma back in Ireland. I can't wait to start the next chapter of my life with you."


*=*Akemi M. Lacrosse[Best-friend][Alive]*=*
"We became best friends since I was in high school and she was in college. She's been there for me during my darkest times. She would have my back as I have hers. Thank you for being here for me, and I'm sure that you will be a great mother to such beautiful twins!"

*=*Tobias B. O'Leary[Close-friend][Alive]*=*
"I'm so sorry that I haven't talked to you that much recently. I've just been getting ready for the baby to arrive... I hope you understand..."

*=*Cyrus Higuchi[Ex-Brother, Close-friend, Brother-like Figure][Alive]*=*
"I'm not sure what happened to cause you and Asher to break up as I wasn't there when it happened, but I still see you as a brother to me. You continue to help me despite no longer being in the family, and I'm grateful for that. I will still call you my brother."

*=*Judah Theodor[Friend][Alive]
"We may have had our fair share of argument and fights, but I'm still glad to call you a good friend of mine. Thank you for being there for me, especially now, when I need people the most."

*=*Safiya Winters[Best-friend's girlfriend, friend][Alive]*=*
"You better treat my best-friend well or I will beat your ass, got it?"

I will add more at a later time. I can't remember everyone right now.

*=*Current/Past love relationships*=*

*=*Reyes I. Foyer[Ex-Girlfriend][MIA]*=*
"I don't understand why you stopped showing up in town. You know what? You were right. You don't do well in relationships at all. I hope you have a good life."

*=*Piera A. Lacrosse[Ex-Fiance][Dead]*=*
"It really hurts you know? You suddenly stopped showing up once I became pregnant. Why? Why did you? Was it because you were afraid? Or... did you leave to get the milk like someone would when they're afraid of taking care of a child? Well I don't care. I won't forgive you for leaving me and our child, even if you are dead."

*=*Jasmine K. Hiragi[Ex-girlfriend][Alive]*=*
"I wish you told me that you were still in love with Laura. I wish you stopped me from kissing you when you were awake. I feel like I was taken advantage of when I was at my darkest time. It hurts. It feels like a knife was stabbed right at my heart. I do want to be your friend again, but it will take me some time to actually become a friend with you again, and to forgive you."

As soon as Nikki would finish talking her final words, she would slowly walk up to the camera. The camera would be shaking a bit as she would be looking around it, trying to turn it off. "How do you turn thi-" With that the recording would stop, the screen going to black. On the screen it would slowly fade in with text saying "Nikki Monet O'Dea's biography" before it would fade to black again, and thus ending the biography.

I will add more photos later, including majority of the characters in the relationship section!



Level 59
View attachment 33671
There would be some static at first, but then suddenly the camera would fully come on. It appears to be a girl with red hair fading down to orange, who would be wearing a Kirby hat. She would tap on the camera a couple of times as she would be tilting her head "Hello? Is this working? OH! It is! I see the red light!" She would take a few steps back as she would grab a Kirby plushie that is to her right and hugged it tightly, smiling at the camera as she would wave to it! "Hi! So a lot of you are curious as to who I am. Well, let me introduce myself to you!"

*=*Part 1: Name/Height/Age/Gender*=*

"Ahh! Right, probably should start off with my name. That is very important! Well my name is Nikki! Nikki Monet O'Dea, and I've been living in Karakura since I was fourteen years old! Wow, that's a whole six years of my life!" A short chuckle would come out of her mouth "That's crazy! Anyway I was adopted into the Monet family back when I was seventeen? Eighteen? I honestly don't remember, at least a couple of years. However, O'Dea is my biological Surname, along with my twin sister who I will talk about later!"


"As of right now I'm currently 5'6, although when I first moved into Karakura I used to be 5'0. I was so short back then..."


"Well you guys probably guessed my age since I kind of gave it away, but to those who don't know I'm currently twenty years old!"


"I'm a female... duh..."

*=*Part 2: General information*=*

"Funny thing, a lot of people tend to call me Kirby now a days instead of my old nickname Flamer, probably due to the fact that I'm always wearing a Kirby hat and carrying a Kirby plushie. Oh, and have a Kirby backpack! Some people think it's some crazy obsession. Well it's not! I just Kirby a lot! If Kirby actually existed I'd want him as a pet!"


"I've started to notice this more after my third breakup, while I was out of town to clear my head as I wasn't doing so well mentally. A lot of you are probably wondering what this means. Well it's basically where you would have little to no romantic feelings towards people. I remember this guy tried to flirt with me and I just felt... nothing back to him, and vise versa towards girls either."


"Yes, I am no longer lesbian to other females. Although I do have feelings towards them still, I've notice that I've been looking at guys as well, but why? Am I actually interested in guys now? I feel like I do, but at the same time... due to me being Aeromantic it's hard for me to tell at the moment."

She would proceed to slowly take off her Kirby hat so that her hair would be fully revealed "So fun fact about my hair. My natural hair color is actually orange! The lower part of it is unchanged. However, when I was younger I saw a campfire and just looked at it in awh. So I decided to make my hair look basically like a flame, so... I did that! It was a very painful process though but I'm so glad that I eventually did that. I'm pretty sure that my hair only goes down to my lower back." She would then to proceed to put the Kirby hat back on her head with a bright smile on her face

"Oh right, my tattoo!" She would turn her body to her left a little bit and then she would fully show the tattoo that is on her right arm "I got this when I was eighteen from someone that one of my brothers knew. I absolutely love roses so I decided to get one!"

*=*Part 3: Strengths*=*

"I've been drawing ever since I was eight years old. I would draw various amount of stuff, ranging from mountains, to a forest with animals in it, to certain people. Drawing has allowed me to express myself and my emotions freely!"

*=*Social Interactions*=*
"I love to talk to people all the time. In fact I love to be around people! I would talk to them and see if their day is going great, help them out, and even tell school faculty about fights that happen if I happen to see them so they don't seriously hurt each other."

"Ahhh swimming. Something that I absolutely love to do in my free time, and something that I've practiced everyday for the past fourteen years! I was part of the bobcat swim team funny enough, and I had an absolute blast in it. I still do miss it though, but I wanted to go into college to get a good education."

*=*Part 4: Weaknesses*=*

Her expression would suddenly seem disgusted "Ugh, don't talk to me about fighting. I absolutely hate it, and I can't stand it. I try to avoid any physical conflict the best I can, and try to run away the best I can if people do want to hurt me. If running isn't an option, then I will fight, although my fighting isn't great at all..."

"I can't even make one basket... do I need to explain anything else...?"

*=*Part 5:Disabilitiees/Illnesses*=*

"I hate being alone. It basically makes you feel abandoned, and afraid if someone is going to jump around the corner without anyone there to help you. That is why I tend to stay in big crowds whenever I'm in public, so I don't feel like I'm alone and that I feel safe."

*=*PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)*=*
"I had my life flash before my eyes once, at the police station. The guy who I was going to report pulled out a katana on me while I was on the phone with a friend. It really scared me badly. Now, if I see a weapon pulled out to either me or a friend that I'm currently with I go into a state of panic, where it feels like I'm reliving that exact moment that happened. I sometimes even have night terrors of actually being stabbed..."

*=*Depression, on the border to severe*=*
"It's... not a pleasant feeling at all. There are days where I don't feel like doing anything, which happens to be a lot of those days. It's basically like having a dark cloud linger over your head at all times, where you don't feel happiness at all. I wish to feel happiness but it's just... hard..."

*=*Part 6: Relationships*=*


*=*Aoife O'Dea[Biological Twin-Sister][Alive]*=*
"Aoife is the sweetest person that I've known in my entire life. She has always put a smile on my face when I was feeling down. Funny enough we didn't even know that we were sisters until months after we first met each other. Crazy isn't it? But... well she is currently fighting for her life right now, however she is currently doing a lot better now than she was a while ago! I also understand now what is like to be a mute just like her. I was like that for a bit when I nearly died a couple of years ago. But I am ok now, and I'm so glad that I grew close to her!"

*=*Nessa T. 'Domino' Monet[Adoptive sister][Dead]*=*
"Nessa was my closet friend since I first moved to Karakura. Since day one we became close, to where we would see each other as sisters. We continued to be really close until she eventually would actually be my sister! It was the happiest day of my life! But... I wish that we didn't argue right before you died. I don't know who killed you but... I wish that I got the chance to say sorry to you. I didn't want it all to end like that... I'm really... really sorry... may you rest in peace... I hope to see you again someday..."

*=*Asher M. Monet[Adoptive brother][Alive]*=*
"I do wish we talked more and did more activities with the family like we did in the past together. I still care about you and everyone, I just hope that all of you are doing well despite being so busy."

*=*Zakary L. Monet[Adoptive brother][Alive]*=*
"I hope you're doing well. Don't forget to keep an eye on your heartrate!"

*=*Micah M. O'S F[Adoptive brother][Alive]*=*
"If I have to pick anyone out of the entire family that I'm the closest to that is alive, it would have to be Micah. He is super sweet and nice, no matter what happens. He is always there for me in my time of need, and I deeply thank him for that. I wish to return that to him as well."

*=*Akira T. Monet[Adoptive brother][Alive]*=*
"Even though you just got out of jail and that we don't know each other that well, I'm glad to have you as my brother. You make me smile a very big one. Now don't end up in jail again ok?"

*=*Takida Tokugawa Monet[Adoptive brother][Alive]*=*
"I absolutely hate you. To think I gave you a chance with my best friend and you completely blew it, not to mention all of the horrible shit you've said right in front of my face, as well as all of the horrible things you've done. You're one of the few people who I don't care about dying."

*=*Ibuki Koharu Ketsueki[Sister-Figure][Alive]*=*
"We may not actually be sisters, but I do view her as one, and I do actually call her my sister. She's always supported and protected me for quite sometime now. Although I wish that she wasn't overprotective of me..."

*=*[Seagull][Pet Fox][Dead]*=*
"Seagull was the cutest fox I've ever seen when I first met him. Me and him would cuddle up whenever one of us is feeling down, and he's always made me happy. I miss you buddy. I hope that you're being good for Nessa up there!"

*=*?????? Monet O'Dea[Biological Daughter][Not born yet]
"I can't wait until I introduce you to the world. To your Aunts and uncles, to your grandma back in Ireland. I can't wait to start the next chapter of my life with you."


*=*Akemi M. Lacrosse[Best-friend][Alive]*=*
"We became best friends since I was in high school and she was in college. She's been there for me during my darkest times. She would have my back as I have hers. Thank you for being here for me, and I'm sure that you will be a great mother to such beautiful twins!"

*=*Tobias B. O'Leary[Close-friend][Alive]*=*
"I'm so sorry that I haven't talked to you that much recently. I've just been getting ready for the baby to arrive... I hope you understand..."

*=*Cyrus Higuchi[Ex-Brother, Close-friend, Brother-like Figure][Alive]*=*
"I'm not sure what happened to cause you and Asher to break up as I wasn't there when it happened, but I still see you as a brother to me. You continue to help me despite no longer being in the family, and I'm grateful for that. I will still call you my brother."

*=*Judah Theodor[Friend][Alive]
"We may have had our fair share of argument and fights, but I'm still glad to call you a good friend of mine. Thank you for being there for me, especially now, when I need people the most."

*=*Safiya Winters[Best-friend's girlfriend, friend][Alive]*=*
"You better treat my best-friend well or I will beat your ass, got it?"

I will add more at a later time. I can't remember everyone right now.

*=*Current/Past love relationships*=*

*=*Reyes I. Foyer[Ex-Girlfriend][MIA]*=*
"I don't understand why you stopped showing up in town. You know what? You were right. You don't do well in relationships at all. I hope you have a good life."

*=*Piera A. Lacrosse[Ex-Fiance][Dead]*=*
"It really hurts you know? You suddenly stopped showing up once I became pregnant. Why? Why did you? Was it because you were afraid? Or... did you leave to get the milk like someone would when they're afraid of taking care of a child? Well I don't care. I won't forgive you for leaving me and our child, even if you are dead."

*=*Jasmine K. Hiragi[Ex-girlfriend][Alive]*=*
"I wish you told me that you were still in love with Laura. I wish you stopped me from kissing you when you were awake. I feel like I was taken advantage of when I was at my darkest time. It hurts. It feels like a knife was stabbed right at my heart. I do want to be your friend again, but it will take me some time to actually become a friend with you again, and to forgive you."

As soon as Nikki would finish talking her final words, she would slowly walk up to the camera. The camera would be shaking a bit as she would be looking around it, trying to turn it off. "How do you turn thi-" With that the recording would stop, the screen going to black. On the screen it would slowly fade in with text saying "Nikki Monet O'Dea's biography" before it would fade to black again, and thus ending the biography.

I will add more photos later, including majority of the characters in the relationship section!



Level 271
I love how the biography looks like but it is kinda fucked from my got broken from it):


Level 20
*=*Safiya Winters[Best-friend's girlfriend, friend][Alive]*=*
"You better treat my best-friend well or I will beat your ass, got it?"

she adores Akemi and Nikki- especially their friendship together!

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