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KARAKURA NEWS | Taking A Deeper Look Into Torture


Level 136
Taking A Deeper Look Into Torture

Hello Karakura! My name is Norio Watanabe and today I'm bringing an interesting topic for you all today! By the title you can already guess what this will be about. Now grab you some coffee and get cozy because this might take a while for you to read!

When most people are asked if torture should be justified they will immediately respond with no. But does the answer always have to be no? The definition of torture is a way of practice using things that can harm the individual such as hot irons, burning at the stake, severe beatings, and much more things. However, which is more painful is it painful physically or mentally? The most common method of using the term torture is by severe physical pain on the individual. There can be different kinds of physical torture that don’t have to be severely painful, for example keeping the individual awake for many days causing sleep deprivation. How can the audience tell what is torture and what is not? For example, let’s say a civilian is being assaulted by an attacker. That civilian is able to use their jaw to sink their teeth into the attacker. This would not be torture instead it’d be a way of self-defense to get away from the attacker. Yes, it does cause severe pain but this still wouldn’t count as torture. Now take a look at how someone can affect the individual’s mind mentally to think they’re being tortured can happen in many ways. Let’s say the individual is given a drug to make them hallucinate making them think inside their mind they are actually doing it. However, that is not the case instead this is a way of torturing someone mentally.

So is torture a bad thing, or is it good? Torture is indeed an evil thing to do. There is no such thing as good torture. Torture will always be used in a painful matter either mentally or physically. Whether the pain is slow-rising or immediate pain. It’s even said that torture is way eviler than murdering someone. This just shows how powerful being or using a torture method is on an individual. Does torture have to include killing someone? No, torture does not involve killing an individual. As the person is being tortured their whole world turns into only pain they can feel and imagine. When the individual is being tortured the victim is absolutely physically powerless during the torturest acts.

Overall should torture be justified? I went across the city of Karakura and asked civilians their opinions on this. Down below I was able to grab a few opinions on some.

The first civilian I asked was Officer Luca Matsuoka.
NW: = Norio Watanabe
LM = Luca Matsuoka

[!] An audio recording would be displayed. Along with a transcript. [!]

NW: "I have brought in Luca Matsuoka to see what his opinion is on for torture. Luca do you think torture should be justified?"
LM: "No, I do not think torture should be justified at all anywhere. It's very inhumane."
NW: “What if the Karakura Police Department was in a situation where a hostage was in place and a location couldn’t be found. Would the KPD then use a means of torture to get the answer out of the individual who kidnapped the hostage?”

LM: “No, the KPD does not use any methods of torture, nor would it in such a situation. What we do is interrogate them normally. It is forbidden to use any unlawful techniques during interrogations, this includes extreme intimidation or offering money in exchange for information.”

NW: “Thank you for your opinion Officer Matsuoka.”

[!] The audio recording would end here. [!]

After I talked to Officer Matsuoka I decided to go around and ask more civilians. I was able to run into a Shrine Maiden and ask for their opinion.

NW = Norio Watanabe
AT = Ahma Tokugawa

[!] An audio recording would be displayed. Along with a transcript. [!]

NW: “My name is Norio Watanabe and today I’ve brought another civilian in Karakura to give me their opinion on this topic. What is your name?”

AT: “My name is Ahma Ukiyo Tokugawa.”
NW: “Nice to meet you Ms. Tokugawa. I’d like to to ask you if you could give me your opinion if torture should be justified?”

AT: “So first I must ask if there is any specific area that you refer to torture being justified. Would it be police? Gangs? Military?”

NW: “It can be in any area, however, my specific area was the Police. But please give me your opinion out to whichever area you decide.”

AT: “Well my opinion stands the same in all areas. I just thought I would ask. I feel torture is a terrible thing that should be out right outlawed for all nations. If you have ever read deeply on this topic; some of the things that they do destroys peoples mind.”
NW: “It does indeed. Let me ask you this though, what if a loved one of yours was taken and the Police wasn’t available. You have no location on your loved one but you know who did it. Would you use any means of torture to get their answer out?”

AT: “I do like the question you pose there. People have the tendency to change there opinions when it becomes personal. I however am unmoved by this subject regardless. Torture is not the only way to gain information.”
NW: “Of course there is many ways to get information out. But what if none of those methods worked and the only option left was to use torture? Would you absolutely have to use it if it meant to see your loved one again?”

AT: [!] A long pause. [!] “. . .I would not.”
NW: “Thank you for your opinion Ms. Tokugawa.”

AT: “Of course. It was my pleasure.”
[!] The audio recording would end here. [!]

After gathering these opinions from these two. It came to my conclusion that torture should never be used in ones hands on another. I hope this topic grabbed your attention Karakura. This is Norio Watanabe reporting from Karakura News. I

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Level 69

NW: “Of course there is many ways to get information out. But what if none of those methods worked and the only option left was to use torture? Would you absolutely have to use it if it meant to see your loved one again?”

AT: [!] A long pause. [!] “. . .I would not.”


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