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LUCIANA OMORI. | Official Character Biography


Level 17
Don't take any of this information In Character, as usual. Please ask beforehand if you'd like to! + credit to tevsu for the art.

NAME. Luciana Dove Omori.
NICKNAMES. Ana, Anita, Ani, Nini
AGE. Twenty Years Old.
DATE OF BIRTH. July 12th, 2002.

HAIR COLOR. Naturally Dark Brown; Dyed Orange.
EYE COLOR. Dark Blue.
FEATURES. Tattoos cascade across Anita's body from the collarbone
and downward.

OCCUPATION. College Student.
HOBBIES. Writing, Playing the Guitar.
PHONE NUMBER. (030) 851-8895
ADDRESS. House 306 / Complex K, 601.



Santino Park. | Father, UNKNOWN.
"I really am sorry."
Kelli Itoa Yoko. | Mother, DECEASED.
"I will never love you. I will never forgive you for what you had done.
I'm grateful you're gone."

Akari Park. | Twin Sister, ALIVE.
"Sister... I miss you. I know I haven't been around much. I miss you,
I really do. And I'm sorry."

Chris Yamashita-Aiko. | Younger Brother, ALIVE.
"You've done so much in so little time for me. There's no one like you, little sibling!"
Ryousuke Park. | Younger Brother, ALIVE.
"Suke... My dearest brother. I hope you come back to town soon! I miss you a lot,
the house feels really empty without you. I love you!"

Amaya Omori-O'Sullivan. | Adoptive Mother, ALIVE.
". . . Mama. I miss you. I know I have college and you're always on duty, but I hope
yourself, Mother, and I can all hang out soon!"
Calico O'Sullivan-Omori. | Adoptive Mother, ALIVE.

"Mother! I'm sorry I haven't been around to see you recently. I promise I'll do better about that,
and about learning our religion! I love you, mother!"

Amalia Yamashita. | Daughter, ALIVE.
"The most beautiful girl alive is you, my dear. You're still so young with such a future ahead of you.
I'm so proud of you, and so is your dad. We love you, little Lia. We always will."

Loren + Lane Yamashita. | Twin Daughters, ALIVE.
"Loren... You and Lane. Two of my greatest blessings are found within your hopeful brown eyes.
My sweet daughters, how I love you."

Kenzo Yamada | ???, N/A.
"I don't wish to speak to you ever again."
Karma Tanaka | Ex-Fiance, DECEASED?
"I have nothing to say but I miss you. I always will."
█████████ | ???, ALIVE.
"I love you with a passion that is so otherworldly. My heart will
forever call your name."

Only time shall reveal the secrets.

Bee M. Miyahara-Akori. | Best Friend/Sibling, ALIVE.
"Beeloved! No person shall ever compare to you. You're an otherworldly human being, I'm so grateful to have you in my life.
You deserve so much, I'm so glad you have Dakota. I'm so happy to have heard of the news of you two!"

Hikosaburo Vacazamora. | Best Friend, ALIVE.
"OH MY GOD. So much gossip to tell you and Bee. Let's hang out some more with our other friends!"
Monosuke Y. Kurosame. | Best Friend/???, ALIVE.
"Monosuke. . my dear Monosuke. You know everything there had been and everything there might be to come. No person
shall ever compare to you, or the blessing of friendship you've granted me."

Yuji Yokuto. | ???, ALIVE.
". . . I don't know where to start or where to stop."
Xochitl Mc. Mullen-Cherie. | Best Friend, ALIVE.
"MY GUUUUURL. I love you and our gossip sessions."
Hollie R. Moreau. | Best Friend, ALIVE.
"Literally bae. Literally. AND THE GOSSIP? THE TEA???"
Jericho M. Ketsueki. | Sibling Figure, ALIVE.
"How I love you, Jer. You will forever mean everything to me!"
Allen V. Kuznetsov. | Close Friend, ALIVE.
"You're incomparable! You're amazing and I'm grateful for you."
Dakota, Dakari, Damien and Delilah Altaha. | 'Siblings', ALIVE.
"I love you idiots! I'm glad we were all raised together. I owe it to all four of you for being able
to get me through what is possibly the worst time for all of us."

[ Please tell me if you'd like to be added! ]

A most peculiar woman indeed. I wonder what story we shall uncover...

It all started on a quiet summer morning in Karakura, Japan. A woman was due to give birth to twin girls.
They were born with mostly no issues; first came Akari, and second came Luciana. They were found to be
healthy babies for the most part. They were little blessings for this family; Santino adored both of his little
girls. Kelli, on the other hand... Had an entirely different perspective on both of them. Kelli was never fit to
have become a mother. There's absolutely no doubt about that. She was too rough with the twins, especially
when Santino wasn't around to stop it. Eventually, the two had an awful divorce and an even worse custody
battle. Santino got custody of Luciana, and Kelli ended up keeping Akari with her. This was the beginning of
a tumultuous life that Luciana was going to be holding. At the age of three, Luciana and her father went on
and moved to Spain. This is where her nickname came to be. Santino's family was from Spain, and they all
lived in close vicinity to one another. Santino's parents gave Luciana the nickname Ana before it
gradually became Anita. From there on, that was the only name the girl went by. She went to school in
Spain, up until her senior year. At 18 and 35 respectively, the father-daughter duo decided to move back to
Karakura. This only began the turn of events that led us to the ginger girl we know and love today.
Anita Park. That's the girl that this new world knew. That's the girl that Luciana portrayed to the world.
She didn't like Luciana; she only wanted Anita to be shown. The kindhearted, wholesome person as all
of her friends and family revealed her to be. The ginger with a notable pink streak that changes every
holiday. What about the dark brown-haired, young child within Anita? What about little Luciana, the
secret, real side? What if we got to know her, rather than Anita? She's certainly a peculiar woman, the

real Luciana Omori... So why don't we speak about her in this story?
Last edited:


Level 9
Bee M. Miyahara-Akori. | Best Friend/Sibling, ALIVE.
"Beeloved! No person shall ever compare to you. You're an otherworldly human being, I'm so grateful to have you within my life.
You deserve so much, I'm so glad you have Dakota. I'm so happy to have heard of the news of you two!"
Literally smooches for u :srpblush:


Level 61
Event Team
me when me when me when me when luciana MEOEOWOEWOOEOWOEWOWEOWOE. guys i heart gingers with pink streaks in their hair named luciana omori


Level 17
Thread starter
-- More relationships (Hikosaburo!!!)
-- Backstory addon


Level 17
Thread starter
-- Romantic Relationship Aspect Added!

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