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A story of the pursuit..


Level 96

Location: Somewhere in Russia, Old Housing residency || Time 20:42 || 23/07/23

A figure with a drenched coat would stand in front of the entrance door, slowly inserting a metal pin in making slow shifting movements.. and adding another pin.. Like an arch waltz focusing on the task, he’d twist the lock insertions.. before in minute moments a flick of the key lock would be escaped and the door would slide open…

Soi'vju: “Finally..”

A door creek sound would reveal hallway light. Light would slowly open sight to wooden flooring covered with bottles of beer, papers, letters & medications. A sorrowful sight of reddish stains would trail as walked into the apartment…

Soi'vju: “Yuu… oh dear Yuu.. what has happened to you…”

He’d front into the apartment, closed the door behind him and dropped the soaked coat.. through the dark apartment he’d slowly scout searching.. before seeing a smashed room door.. Stopping there for a second.. he’d sigh worried, taking a look in the room..

Soi'vju: “. . .”

Yuudai sat huddled in the corner of the dimly lit apartment, his breaths heavy with the weight of his pain. The room was a reflection of his inner turmoil, with discarded bottles and scattered belongings painting a picture of the chaos within him. He had been drowning his sorrows in alcohol, trying desperately to numb the memories that haunted him from his troubled past. A strong remark of physical and emotional wounds would be noticed..

Soi'vju: “I have finally found you.. hah..”

As the evening descended, the clock somewhere in the back would strike the arrow hits, Soi stepped into the room, and he was met with the sight of the disarray, immediately realizing something was terribly wrong. His heart sank, and he quickly followed the trail of destruction to find Yuu in the corner.

"Who is.." Yuu's voice trembled as he looked up through tear-filled eyes. "I-I.. NO, you are NOT REAL.. GO AWAY LEAVE.. You can’t be SOI!"

Concern etched across Soi's face, he took a few cautious steps toward Yuudai. "I am real Soi... Zephyr told me of your state… Are you okay?"

Yuu shook his head, his dishevelled hair falling into his eyes. "No, I'm not. I'm really not. Leave me alone..."

Without a second thought, Soi knelt down beside, gently wrapping hands around Yuu's shoulders. "Hey, it's okay. You can talk to me. I'm here for you."

Yuu's vulnerability overwhelmed him, and he struggled to find the right words. "I-I've been haunted by these memories, Soi. Memories from my childhood that I've buried deep inside me. They keep resurfacing, and I don't know how to handle them."

Soi listened attentively, giving Yuu the space to express his pain. "You don't have to go through this alone, Yuu. We all have our demons, but facing them together makes it a little easier…"

Yuu wiped away a tear, taking comfort in Soi's presence. "You won't understand… please leave…"

Soi gave him a reassuring smile. "Try me. I may not have experienced exactly what you have, but I'm willing to listen and help in any way I can, I gave my promise and I am here for you."

[!]. . . [!]
With a deep breath, Yuu began to recount the haunting memories of his childhood. The abuse, the neglect, the emotional and physical scars that had never fully healed. Soi listened without judgment, feeling the weight of Yuu's pain but not letting it deter him from being supportive.

As the night wore on, Soi and Yuu shared more than just words. They shared moments of vulnerability and trust that strengthened their bond. Soi fetched a glass of water for Yuu to help sober him up, while Yuu shared stories of happier times before his childhood took a dark turn.

[!]. . . [!]

"You're not alone in this, Yuu," Soi said firmly. "We're are now living life together, side by side, blood to blood, breath by breath and I care about you deeply. I won't let you suffer in silence… So please let me be here with you and from now on.. I will do what I can..."

Yuu looked up at Soi, gratitude shining through the cracks of his broken spirit. "Thank you, Soi. I've been pushing people away because I thought they'd judge me or leave me if they knew the truth."

Soi chuckled “I know… You have told me it in Karakura already… But hey, now when you have flashbacks coming back call me.. be with me, over time, we will overcome this… together”

Yuu would nod as Soi wiped away and cleaned the male’s injuries. Soi would use the nearly found aid kit, bent from the sides and covered in reddish stains similar to the ones on the floor.

Yuudai: “Soi..”

Soi'vju: “Mhm?”

Yuudai: “I love you..”

Soi'vju: “I love you as well silly..”

[!]. . . [!]

Directed by Arc and Hex


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