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KARAKURA NEWS: The Murder of Okashima Tsuremi


Level 86

July 28, 2023. - 35.55C | 96.0F - Gloomy skies with high chance of rain ; humid - SUMMER

On July 25th, 2023, Okashima Tsuremi crawled into KPD station to utter the final words of ‘Don't let them get it” before dying on their wood floor.

Okashima Tsuremi was the definition of ordinary, he had the usual black hair, casual white button up, simple black pants, quite frankly he was so ordinary that not much could be found about him. However, Tsuremi seemed to have a secret that quite frankly was his downfall, and death. On July 25th, approximately 8PM at Karakura Police Station, a bloodied Tsuremi entered the KPD station Via crawling, officers on the scene immediately became frantic as they figured out what was wrong and what was going on. Upon finding Tsuremi, the last thing eyewitnesses claim he spoke was
“Don't let them get it” before he succumbed to his injuries.
Tsuremi’s lifeless body was taken to the Karakura Hospital to get an autopsy in which Detectives on scene were apart of, two of which being Sasha Vasylenko and Sunmi Yoon. The autopsy revealed that Tsuremi was stabbed fatally in the heart, however it became suspected that it was a likely last resort situation as something else was found in his autopsy.. Upon further investigation, two objects were found that caught the interest of the officers, an aged polaroid photo of Tōge tunnel was located along with a note that was stated to have numerals on it. Those numerals were not stated publicly however photos were authorized to be taken of the polaroid photos discovered on Tsuremi.
To learn further details about Okashima Tsuremi, an interview between reporter Yasushi, Surgeon Hashimoto and Doctor Heddo commenced. Due to the sensitive details of this interview, an overall recap of what was said, asked, and answered will be explained. Firstly, it was asked how long it takes for the average person to die upon being stabbed fatally in the heart, both medical professionals present stated 3-5 minutes, max. From there a photo of the outside of KPD was presented, in this photo every CCTV in the surrounding area where Tsuremi was found to have died was circled in red. The question came up afterwards is this: If it takes 3-5 minutes max for someone to die, and Okashima Tsuremi crawled, not walked or ran, to the station, would it be reasonable for an intelligent or prudent person to assume that he must've been stabbed close by outside the station? The medical professionals stated yes, seeing as he even crawled, there is no way he was stabbed further then a block away, it must've been then and there. Yet, it seems according to those questioned at Karakura Police Department.. That the CCTV was of no use. No use? When CCTV shouldve captured this man being stabbed nearly without a doubt? Perhaps he was stabbed around the one tiny corner.. That no one could see him from. A shame.

The topic switched after that conversation, moving onto questioning an odd trace found in Tsuremi’s system.. Poison. The poison found in Okashima Tsuremi’s system that was revealed upon interview. Hoshimoto, the professional who did TSuremi’s autopsy, was unable to identify it, but did state that the poison was still in the stomach during time of death. Later in the interview it was stated its estimated the poison entered his body extremely recently to the stabbing. There was quote on quote “direct signs of him regurgitating and vomited as result of the suspected poison”. Of course, further questioning was done to learn that due to the vomiting, traces of the poison / chemical would come up along with the other substances inside the stomach, in addition, stomach acid comes up into the esophagus which burns ever so slightly, hence why throwing up often hurts. These instances mentioned were found in and on Okashima Tsuremi, leading to the astute observation of the vomiting and or regurgitating being correlated with the poison. This also made it easier to assume that Okashima Tsuremi did not inject the poison knowingly, and or didnt want too. Due to the nature of this poison, that it caused all the vomiting and additional pain, it was likely given to them by someone else. As that other person wouldn't care what would happen to them, instead just want the job to be done in one way or another. Usually if someone willingly ingests poison, they'd take one that's quiet, puts them to sleep in a calmer fashion so as to not alert others. During further conversation, it was able to conclude that the poison was taken before the stabbing, due to the quick time frame of it, there's likely no way the poison would have began reacting quick enough to trigger the vomiting before death. In addition, if the poison was acting so fast, when found Okashima Tsuremi would have still been sick at the scene, possibly unable to speak.
After the initial time poison was brought up, topics about the death log itself emerged. Here it was explained a lot of what was already known, such as the stab wound, the poison, the objects found on Tsuremi, and so on. However two things did come up that weren't earlier told when interviewing Karakura Police Department Officers, that being that Okashima Tsuremi has a head wound, blunt force trauma, to the top of his head. What caused it is unknown, a possible fight or struggle perhaps. What was also revealed was more about the numerals note, same note Detective Sumni Yoon refused to elaborate on when KA news tried to ask about it earlier. Hashimoto elaborated however, stating on the note were exactly five Roman Numerals. These numerals itself isn't needed to be publicly announced, but it was later confirmed by another officer that it was likely a password of sorts.. Or at the time of this all, it was believed to be.

But one question still was yet to be answered, who killed.. Okashima Tsuremi?

What he was to have been protecting was confirmed later by KPD to be an Emerald like gem located at the Tōge Tunnel, during the excavation of this gem two officers (Sasha vasylenko & Nana Cove) were shot and others nearly gassed to death.. Leading any prudent person to realize that this gem mustve been surely important. But against that just leads to even more questions.. Such as why? Why is it so important? Who wanted to keep it.. And who wanted it.. So badly? And of course, lastly, is the person who wanted he gem - the same person who murdered Okashia Tsuremi on July 25th, 2023?

This was Jim Yasushi, signing out.

Have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487, drop us a report in the bin at the KA news station.. or message us on Onrain @KaNews!


Level 131
Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) hmmmmm....

so... the most interesting tid bits for me are ...

The Timing of the Stabbing
So Medical professionals stated that Tsuremi would have died within 3-5 minutes of being stabbed. Correct? If Tsuremi was indeed stabbed close by to the police station, why does the CCTV footage not capture the event? Is it a failure of the technology? Or was there a deliberate attempt to manipulate or avoid it?

Unidentified Poison
The fact that a professional couldn't identify the poison seems unusual... it kinda suggests either a highly unusual substance ... or a potential oversight in the Was this poison used to control or coerce Tsuremi before the stabbing? Maybe the poison did not cause the death but was rather used for something else?

Blunt Force Trauma to the Head
This head wound is mentioned but not elaborated on. Was this part of a struggle? Does it provide any clues to the identity or methodology of the assailant? Any ideas?

The Refusal to Elaborate on the Roman Numerals
Detective Sunmi Yoon's refusal to talk about the numerals note may suggest something sensitive or classified about the information. . . . . . Is there more to this than is being shared with the public? Is the investigation still ongoing and some informations can't be revealed? Or could this be an indication of a more profound conspiracy? Mabye even involving the police itself. . . .

The Emerald-like Gem
Is the gem merely a valuable artifact? Or does it have some ... other significance? Perhaps cultural or historical? Understanding its true value might shed light on the motive AND the identity of the killer.

Tsuremi’s Warning
Last but not least . . . . the last words spoken by Tsuremi: "Don't let them get it." They seem to be a warning. Who is "them?" and what don't they want them to get? The emerald? Or something else?

It could be a few things, involving a criminal organization... a personal vendetta, ... a political conspiracy... or a treasure hunt that has gone horribly wrong. It could just all be a coincidence and he was an unintentional witness to a larger crime... or it was never about the gem, and he was the target all along, and victim to a professional assassination, with lots of red herring leads that aim to deter from the true intentions of the perpetrators.

长卂丅卂尺卂 尸卄丫㔿

Level 120
Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) hmmmmm....

so... the most interesting tid bits for me are ...

The Timing of the Stabbing
So Medical professionals stated that Tsuremi would have died within 3-5 minutes of being stabbed. Correct? If Tsuremi was indeed stabbed close by to the police station, why does the CCTV footage not capture the event? Is it a failure of the technology? Or was there a deliberate attempt to manipulate or avoid it?

Unidentified Poison
The fact that a professional couldn't identify the poison seems unusual... it kinda suggests either a highly unusual substance ... or a potential oversight in the Was this poison used to control or coerce Tsuremi before the stabbing? Maybe the poison did not cause the death but was rather used for something else?

Blunt Force Trauma to the Head
This head wound is mentioned but not elaborated on. Was this part of a struggle? Does it provide any clues to the identity or methodology of the assailant? Any ideas?

The Refusal to Elaborate on the Roman Numerals
Detective Sunmi Yoon's refusal to talk about the numerals note may suggest something sensitive or classified about the information. . . . . . Is there more to this than is being shared with the public? Is the investigation still ongoing and some informations can't be revealed? Or could this be an indication of a more profound conspiracy? Mabye even involving the police itself. . . .

The Emerald-like Gem
Is the gem merely a valuable artifact? Or does it have some ... other significance? Perhaps cultural or historical? Understanding its true value might shed light on the motive AND the identity of the killer.

Tsuremi’s Warning
Last but not least . . . . the last words spoken by Tsuremi: "Don't let them get it." They seem to be a warning. Who is "them?" and what don't they want them to get? The emerald? Or something else?

It could be a few things, involving a criminal organization... a personal vendetta, ... a political conspiracy... or a treasure hunt that has gone horribly wrong. It could just all be a coincidence and he was an unintentional witness to a larger crime... or it was never about the gem, and he was the target all along, and victim to a professional assassination, with lots of red herring leads that aim to deter from the true intentions of the perpetrators.
Explanation worth an oscar


Level 86
Thread starter
Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) hmmmmm....

so... the most interesting tid bits for me are ...

The Timing of the Stabbing
So Medical professionals stated that Tsuremi would have died within 3-5 minutes of being stabbed. Correct? If Tsuremi was indeed stabbed close by to the police station, why does the CCTV footage not capture the event? Is it a failure of the technology? Or was there a deliberate attempt to manipulate or avoid it?

Unidentified Poison
The fact that a professional couldn't identify the poison seems unusual... it kinda suggests either a highly unusual substance ... or a potential oversight in the Was this poison used to control or coerce Tsuremi before the stabbing? Maybe the poison did not cause the death but was rather used for something else?

Blunt Force Trauma to the Head
This head wound is mentioned but not elaborated on. Was this part of a struggle? Does it provide any clues to the identity or methodology of the assailant? Any ideas?

The Refusal to Elaborate on the Roman Numerals
Detective Sunmi Yoon's refusal to talk about the numerals note may suggest something sensitive or classified about the information. . . . . . Is there more to this than is being shared with the public? Is the investigation still ongoing and some informations can't be revealed? Or could this be an indication of a more profound conspiracy? Mabye even involving the police itself. . . .

The Emerald-like Gem
Is the gem merely a valuable artifact? Or does it have some ... other significance? Perhaps cultural or historical? Understanding its true value might shed light on the motive AND the identity of the killer.

Tsuremi’s Warning
Last but not least . . . . the last words spoken by Tsuremi: "Don't let them get it." They seem to be a warning. Who is "them?" and what don't they want them to get? The emerald? Or something else?

It could be a few things, involving a criminal organization... a personal vendetta, ... a political conspiracy... or a treasure hunt that has gone horribly wrong. It could just all be a coincidence and he was an unintentional witness to a larger crime... or it was never about the gem, and he was the target all along, and victim to a professional assassination, with lots of red herring leads that aim to deter from the true intentions of the perpetrators.
idk who you are, but your enthusiasm, questions and points are so valid and made my day


Level 131
karakura's attorney general would like to speak with you
oh gosh... (๏ᆺ๏υ)

But I need a Keishō "permission for absence" slip from the school receptionist.

I don't want my grades to be affected... ( ಠ益ಠ)!!

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