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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Yuu Narukami: A symbol of corruption


Level 1

In my time as a student of Karakura high school, I’ve noticed the student council change drastically in a short period - and it’s a change for the worse. As mentioned in a previous report by my collaborator, there is a reoccurring theme of corruption in the student council - a trait seen most prominently in high school councillor Yuu Narukami. Throughout his time as a councillor, there have been a plethora of complaints against him for a variety of reasons - typically all either consisting of harassment, assault, or blatant abuses of power.

Various students of Karakura high school have given accounts of experiences with Yuu for the purpose of this report - One such testimony being found in the account below, from Den Celestiasume.

(LC - Lia Celestiasume, DC - Den Celestiasume)

LC: So, what past experiences do you have with Yuu Narukami?

DC: Ohh (expletive), Yeah, no - all of them negative. Ritsu and I would just be… standing, and this DWEEB comes out of nowhere and tells us to stop PDA-ing or whatever. [REDACTED]. I didn’t do any PDA until he brought it up, when I started doing it out of spite. In fact - I have a li’l story to tell about Yuu’s actions recently. Mind if I tell you?

LC: Go ahead.

DC: So, I was chilling the other day. Made a TON of friends. All girls, due to my natural women attracting nature, haha… when this bozo-stick comes out of nowhere and begins… borderline slutshaming them? Now - I’m one to agree that some of the outfit choices I see around school… shouldn’t be allowed, but- like, THESE GIRLS WERE FULLY CLOTHED, THANK YOU VERY MUCH??? The most that was showing was shoulders - are shoulders too risque for you, Yuu? So anyway, in order to make him go away, I used a foolproof plan… I threatened to PDA him if he didn’t leave us alone. Maybe he’s just really into shoulders…

LC: Maybe, yeah… Anyway - is there anything else?

DC: He gave me a detention because I threatened to PDA him. I never knew it was a rule to threaten someone with a concept, but okay… and- like… he can’t argue that it was for harassment because he was the one harassing me and my friends.

LC: Yeah - that’s a blatant abuse of power.

DC: I wrote a banger of an apology letter as a detention task, but for some reason he didn’t like it. And TOLD THE TEACHERS TO KEEP ME LONGER???

LC: That’s just petty…

DC: Overall, yeah- just an asshole.

Another student, who chooses to remain anonymous, provided this account.

(Interviewer - LC, interviewee - Sir Mustache)

LC: So, first question; what past experiences do you have with Yuu Narukami?

Sir Mustache: Guy’s a menace, consistent challenging over something to do with his honour, always being creepy and bothering me, he told me to ‘stay in my place’ one time like he was some higher, ascended being or something.

LC: I see. Is there anything else he’s done?

Sir Mustache: Well, I put him down once for some comments he put my way, and he had me called to the council room. Once there, he spent a whole ten minutes pressuring and intimidating me in front of the college vice president; she kept telling him to back off and stop, but he eventually put some weird mask on and cut my hair inside the room, flaunting my cut hair in front of me.

LC: I see. So he's not only directly physically assaulted you on school grounds, but ignored direct instructions from faculty. Not at all how a councillor should act, by any means. Is there anything else?

Sir Mustache: I forgot his name again, but… [REDACTED]

LC: So, in conclusion, Yuu Narukami is a standoffish, narcissistic bully?

Sir Mustache: You’re forgetting self-centered, idiotic and cowardly, abusing his role to get what he wants. I remember the days of council when it actually meant something, now… people like him are ruining it.

Furthermore, during the Friendship Day celebration hosted by the school, Yuu decided to engage in a venture in which he entered the costume contest with the sole intent of mocking college cheer captain Mee-Young Jaibatsume, entering the contest with a questionable costume of her made up of the very ponytail Yuu had formerly cut off of Mee-Young, and dragging me into his performance as an unwilling participant - declaring Mee-Young abusive during his performance and assaulting me on-stage to represent this, and proceeding to in turn assault Mee-Young when she intervened in an attempt to stop the slanderous performance. He was openly reprimanded for this, but his punishment equated to a mere slap on the wrist - this raises the question, how has he not been removed from the council? Could this be an indicator of a wider, lingering issue?


Level 113
should've done that expose on eichi blackburn
eichi blackburn is and will always be the og corrupt councillor and the best
yuu nakanoobie doesn't COMPARE

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