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Moderation Quality of Life Improvement | HampterHunter


Level 69
Community Team
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Suggestion Category: Moderation

> IGN: HampterHunter

> DATE: 20/10/2023

> WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A Better, Clearer, and Improved Moderation System.

  • > Section 1: Main Suggestion

Though I understand for the reason why the name of the admin that has issued the ban in being removed, as well as when replying to an appeal, I do think it is essential to provide some form of evidence or some sort of short summary of what they have said or done to allow the banned person, to give them the chance to explain themselves, to present their side of the story. While some may say It might seem unfair, namely those who think that it will potentially 'expose' the other party who made the report, we need to acknowledge that false reports CAN happen. There are cases of bans where people are taken out of context because either the person who reported them cropped out the message, edited it, or tampered with it. And the sometimes the individuals being accused and have evidence given against them would confused and have exactly zero clue, on How, Why, and What makes them got banned.

  • > Section 2: Summary

In a way simply, think of it as a Court Prosecution, all Evidence against the Defendant will be accessible to the Juries (Other Admins) and the Judge (Admin in-charge of the Ban), AS WELL to the Prosecutor and the Defendant Itself, giving more balance for both sides to Defend or to Disprove.

> HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Providing a summary or evidence can serve as a way to go against such situations, allowing those who are banned to actually explain themselves even if the admin who banned them remains unknown. It's important to remember that providing such things doesn't compromise the identify of the reporting party, it seeks to maintain an actual just system where we can defend ourselves and also Improving the overall moderation quality of RoleplayHub in General.


Level 279
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This can be summed up in KimiNoUso's reply below:

These rules are meant to protect the people reporting others as well. Removing it would lead to harassment and more issues


Level 69
Community Team
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Thread starter

This can be summed up in KimiNoUso's reply below:

These rules are meant to protect the people reporting others as well. Removing it would lead to harassment and more issues
There should be a good middle ground, Players who are accused may review the evidence that has been censored from It's original Reporter's name.
This way people would not be so pushed away from appealing when they HAVE to, knowing that they're innocent without a way to Prove it, otherwise it would lead to more dislike towards the Moderation System, I'm not saying reveal the staff who's handling the person's identity who's reporting, I'm saying that a Player who has been banned deserved to know How, Why and What got them banned, because most of the time, They can't recall what they did days prior or even Think that what they're doing does not breaks any rules, which would give them the impression that either:

1. A Player does not like them and Reported them using out of Context 'Evidences'
2. A Certain Staff Dislikes them.

That way, people who has been banned remained not knowledgeable on who banned or reported them, but know exactly what they did, when they did it, and see if they can defend themselves and prove their innocent.


Level 35
There should be a good middle ground, Players who are accused may review the evidence that has been censored from It's original Reporter's name.
Chances are that if you see the evidence you'll immediately be able to narrow the reporter down to a few individuals, which is what is being avoided. Afterall, you're the one on the other end of that evidence.


Level 69
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Chances are that if you see the evidence you'll immediately be able to narrow the reporter down to a few individuals, which is what is being avoided. Afterall, you're the one on the other end of that evidence.
Then allow banned players ask for summary of the evidence brought up against them, instead of radio silence, giving them exactly no clue on what to put on their Appeal shall they ever make one, which leads to more Complex Situation both for the Person towards the Moderation Team, and to the Community as a whole.


Level 35
Then allow banned players ask for summary of the evidence brought up against them, instead of radio silence, giving them exactly no clue on what to put on their Appeal shall they ever make one, which leads to more Complex Situation both for the Person towards the Moderation Team, and to the Community as a whole.
I think this is more of people not understanding the moral of, if you know you're pushing boundaries by saying something, or thinking you're isolated enough from the server to avoid backlash, you're probably wrong and should refrain from participating entirely.

It is not an administrators responsibility to tell you the exact instance in which you were caught, because the only thing that matters is you did it in the first place, and staff are satisfied with the evidence.

You're not fighting that specific report that got you banned, you're fighting the claim that you have participated in such offense, and chances are if you can't link it back to a specific conversation or instance you probably aren't ready to be let back onto the server due to the frequency of the offense.

You should think of a punishment at face value, and not linked to an individual case.


Level 69
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I think this is more of people not understanding the moral of, if you know you're pushing boundaries by saying something, or thinking you're isolated enough from the server to avoid backlash, you're probably wrong and should refrain from participating entirely.

It is not an administrators responsibility to tell you the exact instance in which you were caught, because the only thing that matters is you did it in the first place, and staff are satisfied with the evidence.

You're not fighting that specific report that got you banned, you're fighting the claim that you have participated in such offense, and chances are if you can't link it back to a specific conversation or instance you probably aren't ready to be let back onto the server due to the frequency of the offense.

You should think of a punishment at face value, and not linked to an individual case.
And what If the individuals are banned for reasons that does not make sense? What are they gonna do? take the Ban and just wait it out? It happens more than we think, people getting banned because someone took something out of context and essentially weaponizing it against them, causing them to lose a lot of things they worked for that they realistic-ly wouldn't risk to lose.

There is simply too many Possibilities in Moderation apart from 'If evidence is presence, it's clear this person actually did it' that I believe and STRONGLY advised that It's being taken more seriously and more in-depth, cause the amount of times, I've known about situations like this, It's... honestly kind of.. Sad.


Level 238
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
If you are confused regarding your ban, you are able to submit a ban appeal requesting for more information.

Additionally, a staff report can be made if you believe your ban occurred under unfair circumstances and you would like it to be reevaluated by the Senior Administrators and/or Owners, as they will have access to the evidence that led to your ban.


Level 69
Community Team
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If you are confused regarding your ban, you are able to submit a ban appeal requesting for more information.

Additionally, a staff report can be made if you believe your ban occurred under unfair circumstances and you would like it to be reevaluated by the Senior Administrators and/or Owners, as they will have access to the evidence that led to your ban.
Well, we can, except apparently It's not allowed to ask for information about your ban other than asking for the Ban's Reasoning.

And Staff Report only works if the player banned knows from the first place which staff banned them, which doesn't exist anymore, due to the new system.

And now it's just becomes a bigger complication, for someone who's trying to prove their innocence, despite them having strong evidence of their innocence or not.

Wrath ⛥

Level 99
I think this rule absolutely needs to be reevaluated, considering privacy regarding why exactly people are getting banned.
I hate to say it but I am hearing case upon case upon case over time of abundances of people getting banned with no clue how or why or even a reason why.
It's seriously getting like, scary? in a way? Yes, I understand wholeheartedly why protecting identities of staff and reporters are important, but at the same time, I think it leaves a lot of uncomfortable room for potential for abuse and unclarified/unfair bans. How are people supposed to understand or even be capable of being sorry or improving after what they did if for the most part- they have no idea what they even did? How are they supposed to assure people 'yes, I won't do this again' if they have no idea what they even said or what they did was wrong? Nobody can learn from being banned- like what a ban is supposed to do for someone, (remove them from the platform for some time to revaluate their actions and consider the rule they broke and understand 'yes, what I did was wrong' and accept this in an appeal to staff so they can also understand they've understood what was wrong - at least for the most part) - if in the first place, they aren't even able to know? It's ... oddddd..?


Level 137
u can submit staff reports if you truly believe that your ban was unfair and out of pocket. (No, you don't need to know who banned you to submit a report about it).

And in the wise words of user Alimonino...

"Speaking from my own experience, as long as you respect and try to understand the staff member who issued your ban, they will be more willing to work with you so you can figure it out. That being said, it is the banned player's responsibility to think of what they did and understand on their own what rule's they've been broken based on their ban message and/or other information provided by staff. Anyone can write a ban appeal that says "I'm sorry, I'm was wrong, I'll never do it again," but only the ones who genuinely mean it will be able to consider their actions and understand why they've been banned in the first place."


Level 344
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!
cropped out the message, edited it, or tampered with it
Just to reassure you, Staff Members cannot accept evidence if it has clearly been tampered/edited, and they are unlikely to issue a punishment without full screenshot evidence.

And the sometimes the individuals being accused and have evidence given against them would confused and have exactly zero clue, on How, Why, and What makes them got banned.
tl;dr: We have an appeal system for this reason. If your appeal was denied, you can always create a Staff Report to have a Senior Admin re-review a case.

If you are banned with a denied appeal and you believe the ban is false, you can open a Staff Report including your Ban ID (the option to do this becomes available when answering "Are you currently banned?" with "yes"), then just put the staff member as "N/A", refer to Rules 2.11b. Senior Admins can explain the reason to you, but still will not provide the player-given evidence.

Ultimately, we do not provide direct player-given evidence to protect every one involved in the situation (we also do not provide the member of staff who handled the ban for this reason). We have an appeal system and a reports system for a reason, and no current Admins are issuing 'false' bans however unfair a situation may feel from your own perspective; if an Admin were to issue 'false' bans, they would be dealt with accordingly, however they follow clear guidelines and rules when handling bans to prevent this.

You can see a similar thread here from before Ban IDs were introduced, nevertheless the point still stands and if you are banned, the civil discussion mentioned in the thread can occur in appeals, dms and reports. After a report has been closed, you can always reach out to the Senior Admin if you're still confused.

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