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Islamic imam


Level 1
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION:there should be islamic imam's since there are priest's and it only would be fair if you can teach about other religions than christianity if this gets added can you make it avaible for a younger age than 25
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?:people could learn about another religion


Level 50
I won't comment on this suggestion, but I will state some facts.
We don’t even have Christian priests, let alone other religions.
In Karakura, Shintoism is generally recognized.
The shrine is a faction, which is why there are shrine related professions on the server.


Level 81
I won't comment on this suggestion, but I will state some facts.
We don’t even have Christian priests, let alone other religions.
In Karakura, Shintoism is generally recognized.
The shrine is a faction, which is why there are shrine related professions on the server.
As much as I am all for inclusivity, I don't think it'd pay off to have a new faction for Christian priests, or Muslim imams. Basically, what Joe.exe said.
Also, I think you're kind of under a misapprehension: the "Priest" tag is only given to Shinto priests.

That said... if there's a Christian church, why not have a mosque built? Of course, this isn't a necessity, but I'm curious.


Level 108
Community Team
Lore Team

Mainly relating to what Joe.exe & Tays2fly said, but also to add onto another point.
- In japan, all other religions such as Christianity and the Islam are nationally only recognized for 5.8%, of a total 100%. The remainding 94,2% is mainly focused on Shintoism/Buddism (A lot of the Japanese population practices both, so in a full scale it is around 70.5% Shintoism and 67.2% Buddism, which exceeds a 100%) and then 1,5% christianity.
- Relating to what I said above, I do not think a small, off shore Japanese island with only around maybe 600-700 citizens, would really include other religions within the infastructue (Christian Churches, Mosque's, etc.)
- The Shrine still remains as a faction, seeing as what is stated in my first point; Shintoism is the biggest religion in Japan, logically their precense would be fairly 'established', hence why it is a faction.

Adding on other religions would become a general hassle, seeing as well for 'equality's sake' we'd have to make factions for those as well, their own unique buildings on our already cramped map etc. But generally, other religions aren't too recognized in Japan either way.


Level 81

Mainly relating to what Joe.exe & Tays2fly said, but also to add onto another point.
- In japan, all other religions such as Christianity and the Islam are nationally only recognized for 5.8%, of a total 100%. The remainding 94,2% is mainly focused on Shintoism/Buddism (A lot of the Japanese population practices both, so in a full scale it is around 70.5% Shintoism and 67.2% Buddism, which exceeds a 100%) and then 1,5% christianity.
- Relating to what I said above, I do not think a small, off shore Japanese island with only around maybe 600-700 citizens, would really include other religions within the infastructue (Christian Churches, Mosque's, etc.)
- The Shrine still remains as a faction, seeing as what is stated in my first point; Shintoism is the biggest religion in Japan, logically their precense would be fairly 'established', hence why it is a faction.

Adding on other religions would become a general hassle, seeing as well for 'equality's sake' we'd have to make factions for those as well, their own unique buildings on our already cramped map etc. But generally, other religions aren't too recognized in Japan either way.
Agreed, 100%. Now that I think about it, a mosque isn't very... necessary. If you have a Muslim character, you can RP it out at home! You don't need a mosque to pray, even in character.


Level 76
Community Team
Media Team
Doesn't need a separate role necessarily to be an Imam if you're playing as a muslim, just find the right group, or play your muslim character correctly to gain that status among other characters that are muslim.


Level 142
Government Lead
You can read from the following suggestion here -

The church near the shopping district is in fact deemed "universal" and accepts all religions. Feel free to roleplay out your religions there! That said, you can also construct small shrines/places of worship in your apartments, though do keep in mind they still need to be realistic apartments (bedroom, kitchen etc) and not completely turned into places of religion.


Level 223
Council Lead
Everyone has already provided clarification for the original suggestion, but I can see your perspective as to there not being diverse religious locations. Although there is already a church on the map for all religions and the church is meant to be universal and built for any religion; I do feel like it pertains more to other religions due to the features it has such as the confession booth or the cross on top of the building. It would be nice to add other additions to the church to provide other religions the same exposure or provide features that pertain to other religions.


Level 347
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- The Church near to the Shopping District (as said above) is universal, we simply don't have the space on the map to cater to every religion unfortunately, however you can use the Church whenever you like to practice any religion ICly so long as you're doing so respectfully.​

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