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KPD having to roll to tase when in range of a weapon


Level 12
IGN: Aradicle
DATE:11th November

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY: I believe KPD having to roll to tase someone when in range should be brought back and is common sense, first of all officers having a much higher chance of outrolling you when you try to attack them then being able to honor insta tasing/ending you is completely unfair. Realistically if someone is holding a weapon 2 block range from a taser they should have to roll to shoot it. Please bring back KPD actions not just being honoured to give gangrpers a fair chance, it forces us to gather 6 man groups to be able to have a chance against 1-2 cops because each of their turns guarantee someone being put out of the fight without having any chance of not being tased. Pretty much if you miss your attack which is likely, the officer has a guaranteed chance of tasing you.

Fights against KPD practically rely on gangrpers getting lucky and rolling against /roll 200, the second they miss they’re out of the fight. Imagine fighting someone who is guaranteed to finish you in one singular blow with no chance of them missing, KPD should have to roll to tase when in range change my mind. #makeitbalanced

Edit: At the very least I believe certain weapons in range of a KPD officer should be allowed to deny the taser and make them roll to shoot it in range. For example a katana should have to be rolled against to tase.

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Level 105
Officers are meant to be avoided during crimes, not fought. That's why they're so much more equipped and have better utilities over criminals

I'm on mobile and can't explain more in depth currently but I'm sure someone else will explain further


Level 12
Thread starter
Officers are meant to be avoided during crimes, not fought. That's why they're so much more equipped and have better utilities over criminals

I'm on mobile and can't explain more in depth currently but I'm sure someone else will explain further
so pretty much just dont mess with KPD because you’re not supposed to beat them.


Level 63

KPD is meant to be stronger. We aren't meant to be like normal citizens. We are government workers who are made to take down crime, so we aren't gonna be equal to the crime we are fighting. Realistically we are gonna be more trained and better prepared. Equipment and situation-wise. I think its fair that we have the ability to tase because realistically you can't fully dodge a taser shot that fast if you are that close. Its not like a bat or a katana no its prongs shooting out very quickly so it makes sense that you cant really dodge it

You also have to remember if its a 1 v 1 yes we have the advantage but oftentimes times cops are just surrounded by 4-5 people and our tasers in that situation are useless really


Level 95
Authorization Team
There’s only a 50 roll difference and it’s purely based on luck, if you roll low then that’s not really on us. There’s been a few times where officers have rolled lower than others and lost a fight. Having to action to tase would be difficult for officers already when it comes to more than one criminal because of people trying to get an action in all at one time while rolling against someone else which happens a lot. As Ghost said, they’re to be avoided and not fought because of what they carry and how much it overrules what others have to protect themselves from harm.


Level 105
so pretty much just dont mess with KPD because you’re not supposed to beat them.
Pretty much; GangRP is mostly about fighting amongst other gangs, not with the police. Although some gangs do have their focuses on the police (or at least used to) that's the main point. That's not to say you can't attack police, but if you do plan on it, it's meant to be difficult which is why your best bet is to outnumber them or play it smart. After all, the police faction's member cap is less than that of a singular gang


Level 146
after reading this post and watching the linked clip, I have developed a further hatred for gang roleplayers

thank you

Edit: L
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Level 63

But.. even if you could roll against it, how would you be stopping the taser even when holding a weapon? Doesn't make sense imo.

Ocean Man

Level 49
I'm not sure If I'm right about this but, KPD needs to aim and land their tasers like how they do with the dart guns. However if what I said is false, then my answer is still the same.


Level 12
Thread starter

Even when KPD is heavily outnumbered, its not hard to just constantly switch between taser/tranq and keep reloading, shooting, reloading, shooting.

Extremely hard to beat, and it was much more balanced when KPD had to roll to tase in range and should be brought back. I've almost seen no gangrper wins against KPD since the rule was implemented that KPD honor every action even in range


Level 12
Thread starter
I'm not sure If I'm right about this but, KPD needs to aim and land their tasers like how they do with the dart guns. However if what I said is false, then my answer is still the same
no, if you're in combat with a KPD officer you cant dodge or do anything and they guarantee a taser hit on you- you pretty much have to stand still for them to tase you.

I didn't know this but found out recently


Level 12
Thread starter

But.. even if you could roll against it, how would you be stopping the taser even when holding a weapon? Doesn't make sense imo.
imagine someone holding a katana/weapon 10 inches away from you, they arent just going to allow you to raise your taser and shoot them- they'll try to stop it and its common sense and unrealistic that someone with a blade extremely close to you is just going to allow you to raise your taser and shoot them.


Level 63
imagine someone holding a katana/weapon 10 inches away from you, they arent just going to allow you to raise your taser and shoot them- they'll try to stop it and its common sense and unrealistic that someone with a blade extremely close to you is just going to allow you to raise your taser and shoot them.
during situations KPD always has their taser out - icly its already raised. its more of a simple pull of a trigger than it is raising it and shooting it!


Level 12
Thread starter

But.. even if you could roll against it, how would you be stopping the taser even when holding a weapon? Doesn't make sense imo.
exactly how a knife would beat someone 10 inch range from someone who's holding a gun, be realistic. for example grabbing their arm and moving it so they shoot to the side of you or something


Level 105

Even when KPD is heavily outnumbered, its not hard to just constantly switch between taser/tranq and keep reloading, shooting, reloading, shooting.

Extremely hard to beat, and it was much more balanced when KPD had to roll to tase in range and should be brought back. I've almost seen no gangrper wins against KPD since the rule was implemented that KPD honor every action even in range
The mistake they made in this clip was not rushing my character, and instead going all in on Angel's. Although, I'll admit, the plugin for the tranquilizer is a little buggy and I got more hits than I should've, which is why we decided to redo it; as forementioned, the best way to beat a cop is to play it smart and decisively, using numbers to your advantage. I've been doing this type of thing pretty consistently whilst I've been in the police faction, so I've personally adapted to how changes are made, and behavior of how people deal with cops; which should be vice versa with criminals and cops.

I don't remember a time in which the police had to roll to tase (at least within the year and a half I've been in it). Even then, it's still quite common that officers get majored and attacked with success, but it shouldn't be an everyday thing which is why they're so much better equipped. Take this for example; you're about a meter away from an officer holding a taser, and you have a katana. They need to move about a centimeter to pull a trigger on the taser, whilst the person with the katana has to properly swing it at them


Level 146
who's said icly that its already raised?
If you want to use this as an argument, it would have to go both ways. Who says that when a player switches to their weapon, that their character is in a position that allows them to immediately use it? And in the example that you provided earlier...
Imagine someone holding a katana/weapon 10 inches away from you, they arent just going to allow you to raise your taser and shoot them-
...Did you also action to have the blade mere inches away from the police officer, in a position that allows you to immediately hurt them before they can raise their weapon to shoot? Because if not, then it isn't fair to be nitpicky with whatever "state" a held item is in when it is pulled out.


Level 13

I don't agree with this suggestion. If KPD already has their taser out then realistically they shouldn't have to roll to taze you. The simple fact is KPD is meant to be avoided when committing crimes realistically. If you get caught and tazed thats your own fault and you should have tried your best to avoid the KPD, now during combat situations in which their tazer is not out then they should roll, but from reading everything you just seem to be salty that you can't fight back against them. The KPD in that clip did the proper thing. They don't need to roll to taze you lol.

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