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Updating the rules


Level 27
IGN: Avazil
DATE: 11/22/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Updating the rules on the forum page.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Due to the massive number of changes in the rules, updates, and patches, from the PAST year. (They were updated a year ago) I feel as if it would be suited if the rules were changed on the forums page. Players can't access and follow rules if they haven't been written down. Rather than updating them on months on end, I feel as if it would be nice if they were updated every other week. Or if a MASSIVE change has happened. It'll stop confusion through tickets and will help people accordingly understand them better.
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Level 45
+1, I'm only generally saying this as to the reason I got banned, for blacklisted mods. When I was unbanned the first time, I had looked over the rules a few times, generally to reassure myself as I had been gone for a while, and I did look at the 3.3a one, though it only specified advantages I didn't really use the freecam mod as a general advantage, as well shown in the clip that was submitted even shows that.
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Level 10
+1 I agree with this, they are too many situations where people are unsure of the rules and can't refer to anything. Which leads to them getting punished due to the fact they broke a rule that they didn't even know existed until they got the warning/ban.


Level 24
Community Team
Event Team
+1. Min cooked. And yes, rules need to be updated. if I could add onto this, faction rules like for school faculty should be public to everyone so we can all follow the same rules instead of just hearing it from one another. We had a bit of issues in school faction which rules were changed and a lot of us weren't informed of them causing faculty members to contradict each other and it was overall frustrating.

GANGRP - I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say that a lot of people involved in GangRP are confused about certain rules when it comes to GangRP. I won't speak on it much as I'm not as familiar with GangRP rules and someone who is more well informed about the rules for it would be better to speak about it. I bring this up though because rule differences often cause conflict between players and it's 100% better to minimize the controversy for players.


Level 163
Updating the rules won't hurt. Instead, it'll come into use, especially for new players joining the community. A revamp of the rules will hopefully make each rule seem much clearer too.


Level 115
I'm all for it, so +1. But there's a lot that goes into this which I just kind of want to explain

Updating the rules seems simple and all, and adding more rules, but it's really not. It takes a long while for rules to be added to the rule post and for rules to be changed, since staff and Kimi are involved and don't all have other things to do as well, so just by that reason alone it takes a long while.

In addition, new rules have to be discussed. That's why we haven't seen a change in the KPS rules for guns with KPD.

Just stay patient. It'll happen eventually


Level 183
To be ʚhonestɞ, most players don't end up reading the rules. They just learn by falling in them through their experience.


Level 46
Community Team
Lore Team
Major +1
I get that it takes time, but some people are getting banned for stuff they didn't even know about even if they did read the rules, it wasn't there or anything. If it's not directly in the rules, I'd personally say it'd be a false ban/warn since they wouldn't have any way to know about it. Nobody should learn about something with something that hurts their player history and can get them removed from various factions or roles they have, ESPECIALLY if they didn't even know about said rule. (This isn't meant to be rude in any way, I'm just saying how I see this).


Level 27
Thread starter
To be ʚhonestɞ, most players don't end up reading the rules. They just learn by falling in them through their experience.
I understand. But they are there for a reason.

Nonetheless of people learning through experience, sometimes there's a few rules that are brought up out of the blue. Some of which that aren't written down. And due to the fact they aren't, people tend to get warned for things that they have no idea as to what caused it.

Even to a player who has overlooked the rules several and countless times, others state this and others state that. So they never really understand what can or can't be done.

It's just easier if they were to be written down to avoid misunderstandings or punishments that weren't exactly specified to more experienced players even. It's just more simplistic.


Level 63
IGN: Avazil
DATE: 11/22/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Updating the rules on the forum page.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Due to the massive number of changes in the rules, updates, and patches, from the PAST year. (They were updated a year ago) I feel as if it would be suited if the rules were changed on the forums page. Players can't access and follow rules if they haven't been written down. Rather than updating them on months on end, I feel as if it would be nice if they were updated every other week. Or if a MASSIVE change has happened. It'll stop confusion through tickets and will help people accordingly understand them better.
absolutely +1 slay queen


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
Just to probably help this suggestion, Which rules do you feel should be updated on the rules list?



Level 146
There is no such thing as an unwritten rule, everything that is enforced is currently listed in no unclear terms in the rules document.

The only thing we need is for faction specific rules and documents to have their own section somewhere within the document, so that they would be really accessible for any player in one location.


Level 115
GANGRP - I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say that a lot of people involved in GangRP are confused about certain rules when it comes to GangRP. I won't speak on it much as I'm not as familiar with GangRP rules and someone who is more well informed about the rules for it would be better to speak about it. I bring this up though because rule differences often cause conflict between players and it's 100% better to minimize the controversy for players.
I just saw this...

Most rules are obvious and speak for themselves. If there are questions about them, you can ask in the crime discord #help channel. Or you can make a ticket in-game or directly DM a staff, depending on its urgency. A lot of the misconceptions within the gangRP rules come from people who haven't read them and tell others what they think the rule(s) are, meaning more people will use the incorrect rules.

Some scenarios where stuff wasn't specified clearly, now have been. Look at the gangRP FAQ and consistent updates such as the clarification on the metal bat hit on a ballistic face mask.

People need to ask questions when they are uncertain, instead of going what they 'think' is right. That is mainly for most gangRP rules, and this is how I've observed it

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