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Franca Rozmanova Santos | Biography


Level 72
Franca Rozmanova Santos

Basic information

Full name: Franca Viktoronva Rozmanova Santos.

Name: Franca Rozmanova Santos

Gender: Female.

Occupation: Security worker at Saynora Giftshop, Daisuki Yohin.

Former Occupation: ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛

Height: 6'2.

Race: Slavic-European

Sexuality: Bisexual

Languages: Russian, Italian, Korean, Japanese.

Weight: 74.39 kg.

Age: 18.

Dream occupation: To work as a maiden at the shrine.

Highest level of education: Grade-12.

Criminal record: Obstruction of Justice x2. Assault with a weapon and gang affiliation.

Hobbies: Researching weapons.

Illnesses: N/A.


Viktor Rozmanova (Alive)
Status: Father
"Oh Franca, how long It's been."

Mikhail Rozmanova (Alive)
Status: Uncle
"Been a while, I thought you'd be arrested by now."

Amanediel Rozmanova (Alive)

Status: Brother
"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Lucifer Rozmanova (Alive)
Status: Cousin
"Hey, Franka. How are you?"

Akuma T. Santos (Alive)
Status: Brother
"You're the dumbest Santos ever, Franca."

Hanae Domen (Arrested)
Status: Acquaintance
"⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛"

Nyoko Y. Santos (Alive)
Status: Sister
"What was the description of her again?"

Aoi Shinomiya (Dead)
Status: Acquaintance
"We go in, and we find any evidence we can get our hands on."

Valentina Y. Santos (Alive)
Status: Sister
"Well, do you need something?"

Sosa V. Santos (Alive)
Status: Ex-sibling
"Franca, if you were to lay a hand on my fucking child I'll kill you."

Amelia Venanzi (Alive)
Status: ???
"I'm sorry, I truly am."

Antonino Drakos-Corella (Arrested)
Status: Ex-sibling
"⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛"

Sophia von Moltke (Alive)
Status: Ex-sibling
"Carry me like a princess."

Tyrone Takada S. (Alive)
"Want some alcohol?"

Santiago Montana (Alive)
Status: Cousin

Status: ???

Akira Santos (Alive)
Status: Brother
"Short as hell!"

Adrian F. Santos (Alive)
Status: Brother
"You cannot pull."

Itu Z Saiaku-Togomi (???)
Status: Acquaintance
"Fuckin' dumbass. Next time don't be late or I'll cut your leg off."

Allen Kyoshiro (Alive)
Status: Ex-sibling, friend.
"Did you wash your hair, Franca?"

Jericho (Alive)
Status: Rude bitch.
"Fucking loser aren't you?"

Camille Corella (???)
Status: ???
"Why is your hair so.. Ugh."

Kumi ⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ (Alive)
Status: Friend?
"Hello, Franca."

Marcel Fushiguro (Alive)
Status: Friend
"Shut up."

Toru Y. Munakata (Alive)
"Well, madame Corella. How are you this fine evening?"

Emelia Togomi-Martinez (Dead)
Status: Friend/Acquaintance
"Here, this is what I've gathered on ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛."


It was a subtle day, a creak in the floorboard's as the steps echoed throughout a household. The young adult would rub her eyes, walking into a bathroom. She'd walk over to the sink, grabbing her toothbrush. "I'm so tired.. Do I really need to do this today?" She'd breath in, letting out a quiet yawn. She'd reach her hand out, taking out a container of tooth paste as she laid it onto the dry brush. She'd turn on the tap, wetting the toothpaste as it sunk into the brush. She'd hurriedly move the toothbrush up, brushing her teeth side to side for over 2 minutes. Tick tock, the clock in the other room kept on making. Tick, tock. She'd finish bushing her teeth, spitting out what was in her mouth as she drunk water and spat it out. Placing the tooth brush away. She'd step over quietly, the creaks in the floorboards would echo throughout the house. She'd grab a wallet, some keys and open the door.

As she left the house, she began to walk to a nearby train station. As she reached a place to buy her ticket, she'd place his hand into her wallet. Taking out some cash, she'd deposit it into the machine as it beeped. Printing out a ticket, "Agh, my ears.. How annoying." As she passed towards the train, she'd sit back and rest against the cold wall as it comforted her tired body. She'd wait, as time passed each train came and went. After an hour mark of time passing, a light train with blue and red stripes would come to a stop. She'd build herself up, pealing her eyes as she looked closely at the train. Her eye's light up, she'd walk over to the train calmy, entering it as she approached a seat she'd jump down, leaning against the chair.

Eventually the train came to a stop, she'd of arrived just outside of Karakura, a new life to begin. She entered Karakura, beginning her new life with an apartment at P block. At first, it was hard for her to settle in to such a new place but yet, it was just fine. With her family here and surrounding her, it only made things more bearable and easier. Her often interactions with Sosa were both, awkward and sometimes unenjoyable for her. But in the end, it worked out just perfectly for her.

Overtime, a gang would of peaked Franca's interest. A gang known as Kyogoku-Shiryo, ran by a couple people with over 30 members. Coming from a criminal family, she'd be delighted to join such a wonderful gang. Ever since she joined, her criminal arc would slowly begin to arise. SHe'd be involved with only minor crime's, nothing out of the ordinary. At the start, she was amazing at committing crime. Left and right, she'd be committing crime constantly. But of course, she was never caught by Karakura Police Department.

After Kyogoku-Shiryo no longer interested her, she chose to leave and join a new gang. A gang known as Shinriki. Now, Shinriki didn't have many members but was at the same time a good and well managed gang. It had it's ups and downs but at certain times Shinriki was a great gang, the only problem was nothing about it was confidential. In the end, both leaders and a higherup chose to trash her apartment for fun? She simply couldn't do anything but get them out of the apartment and clean it up, what a shame it must've been.

She'd of left Shinriki after some time, joining something that isn't a gang. But instead a Syndicate, it'd be known as, Dokkaebi Syndicate. Within this Syndicate, it was well organized. A good team of individuals and strong people who would barely face defeat, unless they chose to be ****y or stupid. During time, the Dokkaebi Syndicate would reign to be a terrifying gang if outnumbered. But what interested Franca the most into joining? It had to be something. Well, the Syndicate's plan was to overthrow not Karakura Police Department or anything like that. But they wanted to overthrow the Karakura Black Market itself. They'd go through a vast amount of training, they're identities would all be confidential to most. Their rankings resembled skill and order, of course, Franca would grow ****y with how she did stuff. Which led her to lose up to 300,000 worth of masks and weapons. Including this, the Syndicate would've later changed their idea for some reason which led Franca to no longer to find anything interesting or of use to be.

During one certain day, a cop would of arrested Franca for a bail for up to 200,000 yen. The cop however, seemed to be corrupt of some sorts? Offering to make a call for Franca, she chose to hand the cop her brothers number over, Akuma Santos. The cop began to call Akuma, ring ring.

"Uh, hello?" The cop whispered, another voice on the other line was heard.

"Who is this? What do you want?"

The officer spoke into the phone. " Um. I was told to tell you Franca got arrested?" The cop whispered over the phone, only to be replied by.

"Franca? Arrested? What a dumbass." the call would come to a stop, a rather intriguing ending. After some days passed, she'd of gotten bailed out. A day after she would've gotten out. Something new would've happened, in plaza the same cop would've approached her. Asking her to follow the cop. Franca would agree, following her throughout business park and staying at an alley.

The cop would cover her body camera, she'd then begin to speak in a subtle tone.

"Well um, Franca.. I need you to do something, for me." She said, looking directly at Franca.

She'd reply "Well? What is it?" The officer would cough, clearing her throat.

"I know I shouldn't ask this but, I need you to find incriminating evidence on someone.

" Her eye's widen, she'd bring her finger up to scratch the side of her nose that was itching. "Incriminating evidence? On who. Also, there's CCTV everywhere. Wouldn't this raise suspicious?" She asked, glaring at the officer which soon replied.

"Just, She'd describe Kaede ‘Jim’ Yasushi. Him, I need incriminating evidence on him." Then, the conversation went silent. Franca agreed as she left the scene, beginning to collect evidence.

By the time she collected evidence, the cop would of already of reached out to her brother, Akuma. Akuma was always a mile ahead of Franca, no matter what. Akuma would have countless amounts of information on the person the officer was looking for more then Franca could ever get her hands on. The officer would be engaging in a conversation with Akuma then Franca. By the end, it'd end up to lead all the way up to the pier. In the end, Franca and someone who worked for Akuma, Aoi Shinomiya were both tasked to break into the news station and get information. Aoi Shinomiya was a reporter there, but their task was to simply break in and steal any information. Aoi lockpicked through the door, getting it open. They'd both enter the news station, Franca would follow Aoi, both headed upstairs. They'd be found in front of Kazuo DeLuca's office, Aoi would lockpick the door open. Both of them would manage to enter. Franca rummaged through to find anything, lockers, floorboards, cushions, couches, high places. Aoi searched the computer, chair, floor, anywhere.. But nothing to be found. As they were searching, they heard footsteps. Their hearts sunk, they quickly ran before fixing anything and hid. They'd peak out of a corner, remaining hidden as they saw Kazuo DeLuca went past into his office.. While he walked past, they took it as a chance to run.. Getting out safely, as the news hit Akuma he was disappointed and enraged.

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Level 72
Thread starter
NO I ACCIDENTLY PRESSED POST. I'll add later; Itu Z. Saiaku-Togomi, Allen Kyoshiro, fix the grammar, improve the arc's, make it all pretty and more interesting. And when Franca quits being a criminal, also if you believe you can be seen as a Friend to Franca and would like a place on the biography feel free to send a message on discord! I also need to add Kumi...
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Level 49
where's Itu Z. Saiuka-Togomi, bro hit her with a bat multiple times for not attending Kyogoku training


Level 72
Thread starter
where's Itu Z. Saiuka-Togomi, bro hit her with a bat multiple times for not attending Kyogoku training
listen i'll add him later after i get enoguh motivation to make the biography pretty and finish the News station arc


Level 72
Thread starter
I still need to add Itu, Allen, Jericho, finish the news station Arc. Then the breakout plan, Aoi's death and Kaz's arrest, and Hanae Domen telling Akuma Kazou did it, and when Franca raided Kaz's apartment and searched for any information. It's a lot i still gotta add and then i gotta fix up the criminal stuff and implement the fight club thing and more of the syndicate arc and franca's arrest and when she quits being a criminal


Level 30
I still need to add Itu, Allen, Jericho, finish the news station Arc. Then the breakout plan, Aoi's death and Kaz's arrest, and Hanae Domen telling Akuma Kazou did it, and when Franca raided Kaz's apartment and searched for any information. It's a lot i still gotta add and then i gotta fix up the criminal stuff and implement the fight club thing and more of the syndicate arc and franca's arrest and when she quits being a criminal
camille should be added as well fr /j


Level 72
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