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Alan Jackson | CODEX & BIO


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Alan Jackson | CODEX
Written and Issued by REDACTED

"What? Is there even ANYTHING that you want to find out about me?"




  • 'AL'
  • 'Expedite'
  • 'Emperor' (Given by Romulus)
  • 'Altieri'
  • 'Forelli'
  • 'Foreigner'
  • 'Old Man' (Given by Leo and Hachi)

Let's start small, Alan Jackson... The 'Expedient Foreigner' among the many nicknames he's gotten. Unless you know him by 'F-Jacks' or 'Expedite' then I'd assume you're a Criminal, that he doesn't trust.

Tall, about 6 feet... 5 Inches? Yeah that's about right. Half-Italian and Half-American... Specifically Italian from his mother's side and American and a little bit of Irish on his father's side. Talks either in Chicago Accent, or your regular American Accent. What's interesting is his Italian and Mandarin, guy almost speaks like a Native, even learned many of the Dialects for Mandarin, good for him and his Business.

Oh yeah, He's the founder of the International Company named Nirmala, which is odd because that's an Indonesian word. They make accessories such as Glasses, Watches, and Laptops as far as I'm able to figure out. One of the few things I can figure out. There really isn't much to this guy that I can dig up, not even outstanding warrants in his hometown. However the closest thing I can dig up when it comes to his company is that it faced Investigation from the Singaporean Government (Yikes, and weird.) for 'Suspicious Shipment Activity' on January 15th, 2015.

Net Worth is... interestingly pretty high, Make sense for someone with a Passion like his. Those cars does not come cheap.
He doesn't box, nor have martial arts history... So what he uses his somewhat big posture is... unknown. However he's got past-involvement with a Competition Shooting Group in Texas. And an avid fan of Beretta, Benelli and Winchester.
Interestingly he also graduated from Karakura College with a Master's Degree in Engineering, He then went on to pursue Business College externally from Karakura.

Voice Claims:
(Tommy Angelo, Mafia 1: Definitive Edition)

Some Artworks:

By: @SkyFantasyWorld

Theme Musics:
Kygo - Freeze (Main Music)

Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove (Relationships)

OTR - Midnight Sun ft. Ukiyo (Car Related Theme)

Kygo - Stranger Things ft. OneRepublic (Racing Theme)

M83 - Wait (Death Theme)


General Backstory
Born in Chicago, Illinois to an Italian Mother and an American Father, named Isabella Altieri and Alexander Jackson respectively. Alan's early life wasn't really easy for him in the sense of safety, His father being a known Caporegime in the local rising Crime Family the 'Forelli Crime Family' has landed him some heat from the get-go. Frequent Police Inspections in his home and even the dangers of being outside in the neighborhood was at an all-time high. Most of his younger days are spent focusing on education that his father gave him about cars, that's where the addiction starts. By age 13 he's already able to open up a 4-cylinder engine and put it back together.

However shortly before his 14th Birthday his father was killed in a vehicle accident while attempting to disguise a interstate smuggling run as a Street Race. His father's death prompted the leader of the Family he works for to send them away, oddly enough internationally to Japan for whatever reason that has not yet been disclosed. Young Alan found himself with his mother in the Kyushu Prefecture of Japan. Living there for a while Alan made friends with the locals, and a particular Chinese Family who he got pretty close with from their daughter. Childhood crush stuff. However at the age of 18 he was sent away to Karakura to pursue education, which he did pretty well. Earning a Master's Degree in Engineering, Alan plans to try and give being a Mechanic a go. An Opportunity opens up for him to oversee a Garage and it went pretty well.

During this time however Alan was digging deep about his father's passing and what might be the reason for his death. Upon finding out he disappeared back to America for a decade, giving snippets and mails to his mother which it's still unclear how he's been able to do it. But nonetheless he resurfaced following a pattern of Assassinations and Murder across America. The Feds suspect him to be involved in the Crime Family but couldn't find proof. So Alan went back to Japan, where he decided to move to Karakura permanently while still visiting his mother. A few engagement rings and a divorce later, and 5 years building up his company. Alan was given news that his mother has passed, and so he went back to his Mother's home to be the one that put her to rest.

This was a lot for him, maybe a little too much. He proceeded to go missing for another year, coming back an entirely different person. A little calmer, but a lot more stoic. Whatever he's done has definitely taken a toll on him.


From a Young age it's apparent that Alan's interest has been in Automotive and Racing, being involved in several Street Races and getting busted a few times. However going off scot-free most of the time. However he's also got an interest in Ranching, He often visits his Aunt in America to help around in the Ranch for a month or so. Even planning to start a Ranch himself when he retires from everything. However for a few years he was also pursuing Racing in a Semi-Professional Level, He was good but stopped before he went fully professional.

Firearms was his 3rd Interests naturally. Known by his peers as modern day cowboy due to his fast quickdraw. However an 'accident' in Karakura that led him to lose his right arm hinders that title a bit, However with his robotic prosthetics he was still pretty quick on the draw compared to most people. And now he hits significantly harder with his right hand too.


'You came into my life when I was at my lowest, and made raising two adoptive kids bearable, Thank you.. But now's my turn to keep you safe.'

Marina and Alan has been engaged for the longest of times and are expecting to get married around October.

'I get why you won't get along with Hachi, but he's still your brother, part of your family. And family stick together.'

While a bumpy father/daughter relationship, Alan still cares about Astri as if she's his biological daughter.

'Okay for once... shut the fuck up about Ferrari, and please stop pranking your sister, you have your own daughter now so please make a great example to them.'

Despite the brash attitude towards each other, Both Hachi and Alan met through illicit Street Racing Related Activities and has garnered enough respect for one another.

'You stuck around for the longest time, even attended the disaster you called a Wedding. So where are you now?'

Souta was Alan's right-handman during his leadership of Forelli and Altieri, treating him like a brother more than a good friend, They haven't talked to each other after the downfall of Altieri, and rightfully it makes the Multi-Connection Spirited Alan a little worried.

'Without you on the streets, Street Racing feels bland. You were the heart of it when I was running that Garage, and your Racing Spirit lives on with everyone.'

Alan sees his younger self in Romulus, a Spirited Street Racer with a knack for practicality. However after Rome's wise decision to retire early and leave town, Alan has been stuck thinking about the Racing Scene and who to pass the Torch to this time.

'A Racer's Racer, that's all I can say about him. And I respect the hell out of it.'

Impressed at Naganori's Collection and Racing History, Alan would love to see the Racing Scene grow with him being a core part of it.

'I told Leo to look after you well, and he's doing a good job after all.'
While not having much close interactions, Sky and Alan made it clear that both of them will look after Leo and Each other in Return. Alan having some form of Responsibility of his Good Friend's Wife safety as well as due to the Hanazono-Altieri Partnership that they had.

'He's a great kid, lotta potential, and I'm glad I can teach him a thing or two about plenty of things.'
Leo has been under Alan's care ever since Leo's a little kid. Think of it like an Uncle, If your uncle is a disgruntled criminal with tendencies to go missing and wind up at home covered in blood.

'God she can be annoying at times, however she is still a good kid... shame she chose the criminal path while being young.'
Buer really has not been the biggest fan of Alan but Alan just seems to consider her as an annoying niece.

'Sketchy Shrine Maiden, with a sketchier associates and history, but I don't know what to make of them, they seem trustable.'
Not exactly clear whether or not they're trusted by Alan but it seems to be pointing at Yes.

'They're... Okay? Souta seems to trust them, they had a lot of faith in Altieri and they were pretty quick to learn and grasp things.'
Former member of the Altieri Italian Mob, only left after Souta left, which I guess is a sign of loyalty, Alan still keep tabs on them through Leo.

IWAI MITAKE | Employer
'You're a strange person, and I don't trust you, but since you're my employer, what the hell... I guess.'

Conflicted with Iwai after a certain interaction at the Graveyard, Alan grew wary of Iwai. Planning a Contingency plan in the case the unpredictable Employer decided to come after him.

YUUKI SANGO | Former Fiance
'I have nothing to say to you, It was a short period of naivety in my life.'

Former Fiance when Alan was young, they disappear just before Alan disappears from Karakura for a few years. Bullet Dodged for both?

REN MISONO FUJIMOTO | Former Sottocapo
'Everybody talked, and after Forelli I heard you were a loose compass, I don't think I trust you anymore.'

While a respected and trusted Sottocapo during Alan's lead in Forelli, The Former Sottocapo disappeared later down the line and joined another group, while unknown if they are betraying Alan, Alan took the initiative to consider them almost untrustable.

KURO FUJIMOTO | Former Caporegime
'Word travels quick, You moved on from the Family and joined a group that tried to get something from us.'
Was a respected Capo, however much like the Sottocapo, went out down the line and joined another group, and It's unclear if they did talked about their experience and the members of the family to their new group, but better be safe than sorry.

CULTS & CULTISTS | Despised Group
'God I hate these sons of bitches.'

Cultists keep clear, Alan has had one-too-many run-ins with Cults and Cult Members and have consider them mostly Hostile on sight, Even if you don't plan to hurt him, If he knows you're one, you're gonna get all sorts of disgusted looks from him.

BIKER GANGS | Despised Group
'They need to remember, two wheels ain't shit against four.'

Alan had bad histories with Bikers gangs after one decided to trespass and thrash his Aunt's ranch. Which ended in a big fight between the Ranch Workers and the Biker Gangs.

'You know you're a fuckin' headache when you're hated by both sides of the Law.'

Growing up with the mindset of Organized and Proper Business-like Criminality, Alan are not the biggest fan of Anarchist group despite having allied with one of them prior, It's just simply sloppy and purposeless in his eyes.

Will add more (Comment if you think your char should be on here)​



We're talking about everything related to Alan Jackson so why not talk about his cars?
Here are the 4 most important cars that he have:

2015 Challenger SRT Hellcat Widebody

Obtained in America, this Challenger was used in his attempt at the annual 'The Run' event where 250 Drivers battle it out across America. Placing 51th overall due to a sudden issue arising midway through. It's not an overly modified car, only having stripped back seats and endurance tank attached.

He still uses it as his general day-to-day car sometimes.

1965 Pontiac GTO

A car with significant Street Racing History in Japan. At least to Alan, However this started off as his car in an automotive event in Australia in which he heavily modified it to compete with modern-day sports car. Which translated well with the Japanese Touge roads.

Still being used to drive around.

2015 Dodge SRT Viper T/A

His pride and Joy project car. Started off as a Regular Viper T/A, this has been HEAVILY modified into a grip racing beast. With Performance nearing literal Racecars on the track. This car will bring anyone that's not him to their knees. The power and speed is truly visceral.

Still being driven around to not collect dust.

2014 Koenigsegg ONE:1

His most expensive and fastest car. The car that brought him to HIS knees. He stated multiple times that He's still worried about pushing the car to it's absolute Limit. The car's the only one in Karakura and one of the only 7 Examples made by Koenigsegg. How he manages to get ahold of it is... Unexplained.

He drives this car pretty often, Probably to get used to it's raw performance.


  • Alan has a few notable information, One of the biggest being his connection to the Criminal Underworld that has remained undiscovered. However with that comes with problem of it's own. Having people hunting him due to his past actions. He's a High Bounty target set by the Commission in America. However after recent events the Commission has lowered his priority to try and make amends with him. However opportunistic Bounty Hunters still goes after him.
  • Alan is not a spiritual person, and in some cases despises cult-like behaviors. This is due to an event involving a Cult in 2012 in Montana, USA.
  • Alan is also evidently does not welcome Biker Gangs, and think very lowly of them, this is due to a Biker Gang messing with his Aunt's Ranch that sparked a massive gunfight in 2018, where Police are involved in protecting his aunt's ranch from armed Biker Gang.
  • Alan's a horrible fighter in terms of hand-to-hand. He's always prefer a quick and clean method of just shooting the person with a Gun, This and alongside another reason is what kept him from murdering anyone in Karakura.
  • While not spiritual, he believes in the existence of Spirits or Ghost, something he rarely talks about due to an incident he experienced... well... TWO incidents.
  • Alan has an interesting ability of being able to quickly draw his hand for anything at an irregularly quick speed. Some compared it to the fastest modern time quick drawer, and even after he lost his main arm. For some odd reason his reflex barely gets affected.
  • Alan is dependent on Music, Music is what keeps his flow correct, what keeps him focused, and what keeps his reflex and dexterity on-point, It is even rumored by some associates that he's almost like... Baby from the movie Baby Driver.


In the year 2022, A sudden resurgence of Street Racing happened in Karakura. While not the first time it happened, It sort of paved a way to a more functional and bigger Racing Scene in Karakura. It started off from a small business rivaling the BMD with the initial of 'KSR' which was started by three people, one of which is Alan. The business got decently active that it brought the attention of the Karakura Black Market, who offered them to assimilate into the KBM or stuck fighting against the KBM for interfering with criminal related business. While the two founders were disagreeing, Alan with the highest leverage and knowledge of possible outcomes reluctantly goes ahead and agreed into Assimilation, stating that he's responsible for what happens next. Fortunately nothing bad happened, and the business was successfully assimilated, and at this point a Garage was situated by the now moved Club Luxe. Alan was put in charge of being the Defacto owner of the Garage while the KBM Dealer that was assigned the business run things from the underground.

By this stage Street Racing were becoming much more active, with smaller racing groups and gangs finding interests and trying to get their names into the scene. With one Delinquent Crew coming on top, this is also around the time when Alan met Romulus, who looked up to him as some sort of Veteran in the Racing Scene, Every Races are not done with Alan being invited, and while he couldn't attend every each one of them, He let Romulus start up races around town with his blessings and his guidance. However he had instated a single rule that must not be broken by Racers in the Scene. Street Racing should not end in Physical Fights, Alan made sure this rule is noticed and enforced, and even confronted a gang about it himself, which sparked up a small Veterans vs Newcomers rivalry in the scene.

Fast forward, Alan stepped down from the Street Racing Scene for a while, leaving the Garage owned by another group while he ventures into other things. However still connected with other racers and his personal friends in the racing scene, He became a rather known name by this point. Having became the original founder of the new generation of Street Racing that are still around, while the other two... seemingly disappeared.
In the coming months Racing was fluctuating, from active to inactive, and while It's due to rising concern from citizens as well as the ever-growing KPD Arsenal at taking down Racers, most racers are forced to go into hiding and do their races in the dead of night or when KPD activity is low.
That is until the first Big Race of the Street Racing Scene under the rebranded name of 'Karakura Autos' and a new Director.

The Racing scene passed a few directors before settling on one that promised something big, and the rest is History.


It's unclear whether or not Alan has been involved in Crimes other than Street Racing now, His history has been filled with lots of problems and problem solving. While during the Forelli and Altieri era he was the most active, making sure that the problem he's facing doesn't get interjected into Karakura, It seems like new problems keeps on appearing even after he stopped with Altieri and finished off the last of his main problems.
However one that's more unique... Despite his backgrounds and history. He had never killed anyone in Karakura, and there's only a few people that ever point that out to him and all of them got the same answer for him:

"I guess... death doesn't follow me here."

During his leadership, he barely got his hands dirty, but as soon as he set foot outside town, that barrier that's stopping him from doing so, seems to just... disappear. Alan decided to chalk it up as some Spirit-related stuff, but ultimately nobody knows.

It's also unclear how connected Alan is post-Altieri. After the fall of the Mob Family he kind of just... wander aimlessly, only focusing on Street Racing and his Family, but every year he return to his mother's grave and pay her a visit. And he's been doing this ever since her passing. A touching side of him, but I guess It make sense if you ever decide to be close to him. You start to realize that he's a very Family-Oriented Person. Putting family and those he cares about first even before himself.

It's like his moral compass always fluctuates. Leo Volante can attest his irregular behavior after his final push against his aggressors. He's much more stoic, much more... blunt. And little more... odd.

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Level 80
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no literally i never see him doing anything but people (the fanbase) always talk about him
He's quite a humble man for the most part, and kept his things lowkey, but anyone who interacts with him for an extended period of time knows what he do


Level 80
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Updated, decided to go away from the previous style, went for informative type of Biography.


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Bio Update:

Added some Relationship (not final), will add more eventually. (Comment if you think your char should be on there tho)


Level 183
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'You stuck around for the longest time, even attended the disaster you called a Wedding. So where are you now?'

Souta was Alan's right-handman during his leadership of Forelli and Altieri, treating him like a brother more than a good friend, They haven't talked to each other after the downfall of Altieri, and rightfully it makes the Multi-Connection Spirited Alan a little worried.
Brother is doing that underground bmd network, he sees all and is left unseen

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