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Bring back rolling for Initiative.


Level 10
What's your Minecraft Username?: Chunk05
What's the title of your suggestion?: Bring back rolling for Initiative.

What's your suggestion?:
My suggestion is that now the rule change has brought the change so that gangrpers cannot pre-type or keybind actions ahead of time. We bring back rolling for initiative to make fighting in general more organised and fair.

As of current, gangrp has been really unorganised especially when it comes to fighting in large groups or with the KPD. Since we can no longer pre-type our actions ahead of time, this means that when we run up to a police officer we have to type out a whole action. Roll for it. But the action cannot be simple like (/me hits the officers over the head) it has to be detailed.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
In the time it takes average people to type out a detailed action. The cop just backs away and tases you, so i suggest the following. Bring back Rolling for initiative to counter that time. That way we can run up to the person we are fighting and press a roll keybind. (Which is allowed) to decide what order we action in. This will also benefit combatrp as a whole considering a lot of people get mixed up about the order of actioning. If everyone rolled for initiative then this wouldn't be an issue as the order would be clear.

Plus Jeremylobo agrees


Level 40
+1, In my personal opinion, It is really hard to get anywhere nowadays, whenever you can just tap S to back up, & taze.
Last edited:


Level 143
Government Lead
Yeah tbh I can get behind this. That said please note just like GangRPers cannot use 1-3 word actions, KPD also are required to abide by the same rules. If u see them breaking that rule then do report it

Other than that yeah +1 it makes sense for organizational purposes


Level 26
I strongly agree with this.

It made sense to not roll for initiative in the past considering gangrper's could send in a quick detailed action ahead of time. But now due to the fact that keybinds and or pasted actions were removed, Gangrper's don't have the time to do anything whilst wanting to enter combat. Thus, making it impossible to do anything against a cop who can right click and back away instantly.



Level 6
+1 Heard Chunk talk about this alot in vcs and i agree, at first you were able to run up to a cop and have a chance, now you dont have a chance at all.


Level 110
Community Team
Lore Team
I just assumed it wasn’t considering a suggestion was made for it
Well, it is... that's the thing

It's 2am, so please forgive me for my lack of effort, I just want to get this out of the way real quick.

Rolling for the initiative is already a thing!
See the spoiler for Rules #6.3 directly copied from the rules terminology thread.

6.3 If P2L is not utilized in a combat situation, players of a party must /roll for initiative in the turn-based system to determine who goes when in combat.

6.3a Players must roll out of their designated amounts (listed in 4.6) before a combat situation begins to determine the order of turns. An example is listed below in the spoiler.

6.3b One of two exceptions to the rule above is if the fight is 1v1, meaning one player versus one other player, where the “element of surprise” still exists and no rolling prior to starting the fight is necessary.

6.3c The other exception to 6.3a is if the fight is 4v1, where all turn-based combat reverts to party-based and the lone member of the latter party is forced to P2L the opposing party’s actions.

6.3d In any other combat situation with rolling for initiative (e.g. 2v1, 3v1, 2v3, etc.), rounds will be determined by whoever rolls the highest goes first and so-on in a sequential order. Again, an example is listed below in the spoiler.

- A key part of rolling for the initiative is that it accounts for is that rolling for the initiative is not needed if the combat scenario is a 1v1. Meaning, if it is solely you fighting another player, including KPD, neither parties have to roll for the initiative.

- As soon as any other player(s) enter the fight, making it a 2v1, 3v1 or 4v2 for example, you must by rules definition roll for the initiative, to decide the turn order of the fight.

I had a talk with some members of a gang about this as the suggestion initially got posted, and out of the discussion came the view that staff does not enforce this rule enough. To which, I now raise the question of how many people have made a report about no rolling for the initiative in their combat RP? Most likely not a lot, seeing as staff would enforce the rules they would have in their rulebook. (I'd hope.)

Furthermore, I asked them why they would not report it if people did not roll for the initiative, seeing as it breaks the rules set in place. To which they replied with that it would overwhelm staff with the amount of reports they would have to make. Whilst it is their job after all to deal with all the reports given.

Lastly, they explained their desire for this rule to be enforced heavily, as seemingly no one follows the rule anymore and abides by it, and also no punishment was handed out. Meaning they have the feeling that no one has ever rolled for the initiative in months.

This desire for this rule to be more heavily enforced, and used, as seeing as this suggestion 'suggests' all conflicts with the overall problems at fault here:
- People not reading the rules.
- People not reporting it.

Of course, staff can't heavily enforce it if no one makes a report; they cannot be there to revise and watch over every ongoing combat situation on the server. It needs player responsibility as well in the matter of making a report if someone breaks the rules. But, of course, how can you make a report about breaking the rules if you do not know the rules yourself?

To conclude everything I yapped about, I'll summarize it in short:
- Rolling for initiative exists already. (Not needed for a 1v1)
- Staff can't enforce the rule if no one reports it.
- People need to read the rules more thoroughly.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
I'm going to bed.


Level 10
Thread starter
Well, it is... that's the thing

It's 2am, so please forgive me for my lack of effort, I just want to get this out of the way real quick.

Rolling for the initiative is already a thing!
See the spoiler for Rules #6.3 directly copied from the rules terminology thread.

6.3 If P2L is not utilized in a combat situation, players of a party must /roll for initiative in the turn-based system to determine who goes when in combat.

6.3a Players must roll out of their designated amounts (listed in 4.6) before a combat situation begins to determine the order of turns. An example is listed below in the spoiler.

6.3b One of two exceptions to the rule above is if the fight is 1v1, meaning one player versus one other player, where the “element of surprise” still exists and no rolling prior to starting the fight is necessary.

6.3c The other exception to 6.3a is if the fight is 4v1, where all turn-based combat reverts to party-based and the lone member of the latter party is forced to P2L the opposing party’s actions.

6.3d In any other combat situation with rolling for initiative (e.g. 2v1, 3v1, 2v3, etc.), rounds will be determined by whoever rolls the highest goes first and so-on in a sequential order. Again, an example is listed below in the spoiler.

- A key part of rolling for the initiative is that it accounts for is that rolling for the initiative is not needed if the combat scenario is a 1v1. Meaning, if it is solely you fighting another player, including KPD, neither parties have to roll for the initiative.

- As soon as any other player(s) enter the fight, making it a 2v1, 3v1 or 4v2 for example, you must by rules definition roll for the initiative, to decide the turn order of the fight.

I had a talk with some members of a gang about this as the suggestion initially got posted, and out of the discussion came the view that staff does not enforce this rule enough. To which, I now raise the question of how many people have made a report about no rolling for the initiative in their combat RP? Most likely not a lot, seeing as staff would enforce the rules they would have in their rulebook. (I'd hope.)

Furthermore, I asked them why they would not report it if people did not roll for the initiative, seeing as it breaks the rules set in place. To which they replied with that it would overwhelm staff with the amount of reports they would have to make. Whilst it is their job after all to deal with all the reports given.

Lastly, they explained their desire for this rule to be enforced heavily, as seemingly no one follows the rule anymore and abides by it, and also no punishment was handed out. Meaning they have the feeling that no one has ever rolled for the initiative in months.

This desire for this rule to be more heavily enforced, and used, as seeing as this suggestion 'suggests' all conflicts with the overall problems at fault here:
- People not reading the rules.
- People not reporting it.

Of course, staff can't heavily enforce it if no one makes a report; they cannot be there to revise and watch over every ongoing combat situation on the server. It needs player responsibility as well in the matter of making a report if someone breaks the rules. But, of course, how can you make a report about breaking the rules if you do not know the rules yourself?

To conclude everything I yapped about, I'll summarize it in short:
- Rolling for initiative exists already. (Not needed for a 1v1)
- Staff can't enforce the rule if no one reports it.
- People need to read the rules more thoroughly.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
I'm going to bed.
Yes it is indeed already a thing. But like i had previously stated. Nobody. Does it.


Level 110
Community Team
Lore Team
Yes it is indeed already a thing. But like i had previously stated. Nobody. Does it.
Things to do when someone doesn't follow the rules:

1. Correct them. (Use citation for maximum effect)
2. Make a report.

This isn't rocket science


Level 24
Well, it is... that's the thing

It's 2am, so please forgive me for my lack of effort, I just want to get this out of the way real quick.

Rolling for the initiative is already a thing!
See the spoiler for Rules #6.3 directly copied from the rules terminology thread.

6.3 If P2L is not utilized in a combat situation, players of a party must /roll for initiative in the turn-based system to determine who goes when in combat.

6.3a Players must roll out of their designated amounts (listed in 4.6) before a combat situation begins to determine the order of turns. An example is listed below in the spoiler.

6.3b One of two exceptions to the rule above is if the fight is 1v1, meaning one player versus one other player, where the “element of surprise” still exists and no rolling prior to starting the fight is necessary.

6.3c The other exception to 6.3a is if the fight is 4v1, where all turn-based combat reverts to party-based and the lone member of the latter party is forced to P2L the opposing party’s actions.

6.3d In any other combat situation with rolling for initiative (e.g. 2v1, 3v1, 2v3, etc.), rounds will be determined by whoever rolls the highest goes first and so-on in a sequential order. Again, an example is listed below in the spoiler.

- A key part of rolling for the initiative is that it accounts for is that rolling for the initiative is not needed if the combat scenario is a 1v1. Meaning, if it is solely you fighting another player, including KPD, neither parties have to roll for the initiative.

- As soon as any other player(s) enter the fight, making it a 2v1, 3v1 or 4v2 for example, you must by rules definition roll for the initiative, to decide the turn order of the fight.

I had a talk with some members of a gang about this as the suggestion initially got posted, and out of the discussion came the view that staff does not enforce this rule enough. To which, I now raise the question of how many people have made a report about no rolling for the initiative in their combat RP? Most likely not a lot, seeing as staff would enforce the rules they would have in their rulebook. (I'd hope.)

Furthermore, I asked them why they would not report it if people did not roll for the initiative, seeing as it breaks the rules set in place. To which they replied with that it would overwhelm staff with the amount of reports they would have to make. Whilst it is their job after all to deal with all the reports given.

Lastly, they explained their desire for this rule to be enforced heavily, as seemingly no one follows the rule anymore and abides by it, and also no punishment was handed out. Meaning they have the feeling that no one has ever rolled for the initiative in months.

This desire for this rule to be more heavily enforced, and used, as seeing as this suggestion 'suggests' all conflicts with the overall problems at fault here:
- People not reading the rules.
- People not reporting it.

Of course, staff can't heavily enforce it if no one makes a report; they cannot be there to revise and watch over every ongoing combat situation on the server. It needs player responsibility as well in the matter of making a report if someone breaks the rules. But, of course, how can you make a report about breaking the rules if you do not know the rules yourself?

To conclude everything I yapped about, I'll summarize it in short:
- Rolling for initiative exists already. (Not needed for a 1v1)
- Staff can't enforce the rule if no one reports it.
- People need to read the rules more thoroughly.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
I'm going to bed.
Fire ted talk


Level 143
Government Lead
Well, it is... that's the thing

It's 2am, so please forgive me for my lack of effort, I just want to get this out of the way real quick.

Rolling for the initiative is already a thing!
See the spoiler for Rules #6.3 directly copied from the rules terminology thread.

6.3 If P2L is not utilized in a combat situation, players of a party must /roll for initiative in the turn-based system to determine who goes when in combat.

6.3a Players must roll out of their designated amounts (listed in 4.6) before a combat situation begins to determine the order of turns. An example is listed below in the spoiler.

6.3b One of two exceptions to the rule above is if the fight is 1v1, meaning one player versus one other player, where the “element of surprise” still exists and no rolling prior to starting the fight is necessary.

6.3c The other exception to 6.3a is if the fight is 4v1, where all turn-based combat reverts to party-based and the lone member of the latter party is forced to P2L the opposing party’s actions.

6.3d In any other combat situation with rolling for initiative (e.g. 2v1, 3v1, 2v3, etc.), rounds will be determined by whoever rolls the highest goes first and so-on in a sequential order. Again, an example is listed below in the spoiler.

- A key part of rolling for the initiative is that it accounts for is that rolling for the initiative is not needed if the combat scenario is a 1v1. Meaning, if it is solely you fighting another player, including KPD, neither parties have to roll for the initiative.

- As soon as any other player(s) enter the fight, making it a 2v1, 3v1 or 4v2 for example, you must by rules definition roll for the initiative, to decide the turn order of the fight.

I had a talk with some members of a gang about this as the suggestion initially got posted, and out of the discussion came the view that staff does not enforce this rule enough. To which, I now raise the question of how many people have made a report about no rolling for the initiative in their combat RP? Most likely not a lot, seeing as staff would enforce the rules they would have in their rulebook. (I'd hope.)

Furthermore, I asked them why they would not report it if people did not roll for the initiative, seeing as it breaks the rules set in place. To which they replied with that it would overwhelm staff with the amount of reports they would have to make. Whilst it is their job after all to deal with all the reports given.

Lastly, they explained their desire for this rule to be enforced heavily, as seemingly no one follows the rule anymore and abides by it, and also no punishment was handed out. Meaning they have the feeling that no one has ever rolled for the initiative in months.

This desire for this rule to be more heavily enforced, and used, as seeing as this suggestion 'suggests' all conflicts with the overall problems at fault here:
- People not reading the rules.
- People not reporting it.

Of course, staff can't heavily enforce it if no one makes a report; they cannot be there to revise and watch over every ongoing combat situation on the server. It needs player responsibility as well in the matter of making a report if someone breaks the rules. But, of course, how can you make a report about breaking the rules if you do not know the rules yourself?

To conclude everything I yapped about, I'll summarize it in short:
- Rolling for initiative exists already. (Not needed for a 1v1)
- Staff can't enforce the rule if no one reports it.
- People need to read the rules more thoroughly.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
I'm going to bed.
yap yap yap yap yap


Level 10
Thread starter
Things to do when someone doesn't follow the rules:

1. Correct them. (Use citation for maximum effect)
2. Make a report.

This isn't rocket science
Would it not be more effective if i made people aware of it here. Also with a possibility that staff could announce it somewhere. Rather than doing it 1 situation at a time and getting accused of stalling for calling out a rule.

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