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Color Codes for Non-Donor Ranks


Level 108
What's your Minecraft Username?: wethecreature
What's the title of your suggestion?: Color Codes for Non-Donor Ranks

What's your suggestion?:
Allowing people who haven't bought a donor rank to have access to at least two color codes, specifically one of the BASIC color codes and the white color code so that they can switch between action and dialogue within their /me, /it, /my, etc. (also normal chat since some people put actions in the middle of dialogue).


I don't think we need to give access to all of these color codes, however giving access to one of the "Minecraft Colors" to use as an action color, paired with access to the white color code, would be a nice thing. I don't think there'd be anything wrong with giving access to all the basic color codes listed above either, but that might be going a little far.

I think as well as white color codes and one of the other colors (speech + action), we should give access to Bold &/ Italic so non-donor ranks can show emphasis in their actions.


[1] "Non-donors already have access to switching between actions and speech by using " " in chat!"

I'm not sure why this future exists, I'm pretty sure it's so you can use actions in normal RP chat but typically new players don't realize that it's for that specifically and use that for actions entirely (that are also broken rn from what I can tell). Although they may be able to use actions in normal chat, they can't use speech (from what I've seen) in actions and that makes it tedious if you want to put speech into an action.

[2] "Color codes are a Donor-specific future and are one of the main motivations for buying ranks!"

Although color codes are a big motivator for purchasing a donor rank (escaping that weird default color code), we would not be giving non-donors access to hex color codes, therefore they would be motivated to purchase a rank so they can get access to custom colors.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Adding these codes for non-donor ranks allows some basic RP niceties and benefits (being able to use speech in /me, /it, etc and using colors and emphasis in normal RP chat).


(sorry if this is a bad idea I've been thinking about it in bed at 12am for a while now)

! salty

Level 47

give them &f and the piss yellow code, nothing else. itll take away the entire appeal of donor ranks


Level 29
+1 ngl to letting anyone use &f, also pls remove the " " function cus i cant quote someone without messing up the formatting


Level 27
Community Team
Event Team
+1 to the entire suggestion, incl. italics or bold. If only one of these is permitted then italics seems to be more useful. That's my hot take.

I appreciate you automatically responded to those who might feel it 'takes away' from the appeal of donor roles by observing how donors would still have a monopoly on, well...: the whole rainbow. Love that. We love comprehensive suggestions.


Level 119
as much as i love the idea of making alot of things free & available for people, im gonna have to go with -1 but leaning to neutral because theres simply not much things that the donor rank offers except for a title that shows you supported X much to the server and some goofy things aswell as a /feed.

If color coding was available to everyone even if its small amount i think sales would drop and i doubt the server owner wld want that


Level 146
Rather than giving them access to those specific color codes, it would make more sense if formatting in actions matched the formatting in normal dialogue. Essentially, make it so *asterisks* and "quotation marks" work for switching between action and dialogue in the action commands (such as /me and /it). This way would be less confusing for unranked players since using asterisks and quotations are more commonly practiced in most roleplaying communities.

I don't think it would make sense to give unranked players access to bold and italic formatting for the sake of emphasis, as you can achieve a similar effect through writing alone (such as by using more impactful words, capitalization, etc). I do agree that formatting can be more impactful, but it's more of a cosmetic thing than a necessity.


Level 330
To changing the system of quotation marks. I've seen messages be all messed up as a result of this system, specially when quoting things ICly

To allowing players to use default color codes. The server should still have rank exclusivity, and making this feature a global perk would decrease the store sales
+1 (like i agree with what @Yonio said)
To changing the system of quotation marks. I've seen messages be all messed up as a result of this system, specially when quoting things ICly

To allowing players to use default color codes. The server should still have rank exclusivity, and making this feature a global perk would decrease the store sales


Level 28
+1 The system of quotation marks does need a change to make it easier when formatting action
+1/-1 The colour codes I'm neutral about. I would not be against if the basic colour codes would be avaible to the public, and custom were a feature for ranks F and above, but Yonio brought up that it could be a decrease in store sales


Level 34
For sure, I think everyone should be able to have the ability to swap to speaking mid-action -- however, as you yourself pointed out:
"Color codes are a Donor-specific future and are one of the main motivations for buying ranks!"
I appreciate that you thought of a response to the criticism, but custom hex codes being donor-exclusive doesn't convince me.


Level 40
Teacher Lead
Quotations and asterisks system should be changed as it just makes things easier, however I will say that color codes should stay rank exclusive as its still a good way for the server to make money. (not to mention how mad some people will be about it suddenly becoming free when they paid to have it)


Level 108
Thread starter
I do agree with everyone here that adding all the basic color codes to non-donor ranks would remove the exclusivity of color codes. A compromise would be to give non-donors access to &f and making it so non-donors have access to &u or something like so that they can use the default color code whenever necessary (removing the " " feature).

All other minecraft colors and hex codes are locked behind the paywall and non-donors can still switch between dialogue and action.

Also what philbertman42 said is also a good alternative. (Allowing the opposite of " " in actions.)


Level 66
I don't believe most people who say they bought a donor rank just for the hex code and not for the other exclusivities that ranks retain. Either way, +1 to this in some cases. I agree that non-donors should be able to use the yellow colour alongside the &f hex code.

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