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Roleplay Help!


Level 109
I'm Squidjees, and I just came back from a . . . 18 month hiatus, and I'm having trouble getting back into the swing of things. The whole, "say hi to a million people" thing got old, and that's exactly why I left. How do you guys spice up roleplay and keep it interesting? Also, is there a better way to make friends than just walking up to people? Also, how would you recommend making interesting characters that aren't the typical "6' 4" model with tragic backstory"?


Level 108
I'm Squidjees, and I just came back from a . . . 18 month hiatus, and I'm having trouble getting back into the swing of things. The whole, "say hi to a million people" thing got old, and that's exactly why I left. How do you guys spice up roleplay and keep it interesting? Also, is there a better way to make friends than just walking up to people? Also, how would you recommend making interesting characters that aren't the typical "6' 4" model with tragic backstory"?
number 1, ask someone to RP oocly, talk to people oocly, share your characters, and then you can work out RP icly. knowing what you want to RP (and having other people you know who want to RP that) before you RP is a really helpful way to get some good RP.

number 2, it's hard to make interesting characters and the way I suggest is bouncing your ideas against someone to get opinions and create a satisfying character. the best way for me to write is to bounce ideas off someone as it helps me.


Level 109
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number 1, ask someone to RP oocly, talk to people oocly, share your characters, and then you can work out RP icly. knowing what you want to RP (and having other people you know who want to RP that) before you RP is a really helpful way to get some good RP.

number 2, it's hard to make interesting characters and the way I suggest is bouncing your ideas against someone to get opinions and create a satisfying character. the best way for me to write is to bounce ideas off someone as it helps me.
Thanks so much!

For number one, what are some more unique roleplay ideas? Everything tends to become "come to my apartment and hang out" which gets old . . .

Number two is a great idea!


Level 108
Thanks so much!

For number one, what are some more unique roleplay ideas? Everything tends to become "come to my apartment and hang out" which gets old . . .

Number two is a great idea!
well, if you can talk to people... think of ways your character and others can INSPIRE CONFLICT. Conflict drives a lot of roleplay. Just thinking of conflicts can easily get a good RP. Typically I look to have an RP with conflict or drama (personalized for my character's personality).

Also, if you need someone to bounce ideas off of, my DMs and forums messages are open!


Level 109
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well, if you can talk to people... think of ways your character and others can INSPIRE CONFLICT. Conflict drives a lot of roleplay. Just thinking of conflicts can easily get a good RP. Typically I look to have an RP with conflict or drama (personalized for my character's personality).

Also, if you need someone to bounce ideas off of, my DMs and forums messages are open!
Awesome! thank you so much!


Level 146
Also, how would you recommend making interesting characters that aren't the typical "6' 4" model with tragic backstory"?
The best way to make an interesting character is giving them a big problem for them to overcome. It should be hard enough to influence the character's behavior for a long period of time, but not so difficult that it would be unreasonable or impossible (or annoying for yourself and/or other people). Ask yourself, why does the character have this problem? What would help them solve the problem? What's getting in the way of this character doing that? Once you have those answers, apply it to every aspect of your character, and let it take a stranglehold over their actions and emotions. Over time as you roleplay, you'll be able to build upon it, and either work your way towards resolving it or have your character be consumed by it.

I'll use my own character as an example. When I first started playing Ayako Kusanagi, I characterized her as a very prim and proper girl who takes being formal to its extreme. The girl grew up with the misconception that her family (one with a prestigious history) had high expectations of her and her twin sister, Ayaka; she chose to spend the bulk of her youth refining herself into a proper lady with many beneficial skills, save for any interpersonal skills (which she chose to rely on Ayaka for, as she excelled at them). To focus on her studies and to differentiate herself from the more social Ayaka, Ayako learned to suppress her emotions and expressions, which she very seldom gets passionate enough to show. As a result of her lifestyle and dependency on her sister until they moved to Karakura, Ayako never learned how to get along without Ayaka's assistance.

Now that I've played Ayako for a few years and had time for that social incompetence to simmer, I have a lot of fun playing her. She's experienced hardship in her family, friendships, and romantic relationships, all of which she (wrongly) believes to be the root cause of. Her weakened mental fortitude from her failures in relationships has caused her to begin failing in areas she used to excel, which after once believing she was a genius, dealt a serious blow to her ego. She understands that she can't go on like this forever, but has also convinced herself that change is impossible: it's too scary, too confusing, too unrealistic for her. Even so, no matter what, she always scrounges up the courage to improve herself (which is very good and also necessary if I want to actually.. y'know... talk and roleplay with people).


Level 109
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The best way to make an interesting character is giving them a big problem for them to overcome. It should be hard enough to influence the character's behavior for a long period of time, but not so difficult that it would be unreasonable or impossible (or annoying for yourself and/or other people). Ask yourself, why does the character have this problem? What would help them solve the problem? What's getting in the way of this character doing that? Once you have those answers, apply it to every aspect of your character, and let it take a stranglehold over their actions and emotions. Over time as you roleplay, you'll be able to build upon it, and either work your way towards resolving it or have your character be consumed by it.

I'll use my own character as an example. When I first started playing Ayako Kusanagi, I characterized her as a very prim and proper girl who takes being formal to its extreme. The girl grew up with the misconception that her family (one with a prestigious history) had high expectations of her and her twin sister, Ayaka; she chose to spend the bulk of her youth refining herself into a proper lady with many beneficial skills, save for any interpersonal skills (which she chose to rely on Ayaka for, as she excelled at them). To focus on her studies and to differentiate herself from the more social Ayaka, Ayako learned to suppress her emotions and expressions, which she very seldom gets passionate enough to show. As a result of her lifestyle and dependency on her sister until they moved to Karakura, Ayako never learned how to get along without Ayaka's assistance.

Now that I've played Ayako for a few years and had time for that social incompetence to simmer, I have a lot of fun playing her. She's experienced hardship in her family, friendships, and romantic relationships, all of which she (wrongly) believes to be the root cause of. Her weakened mental fortitude from her failures in relationships has caused her to begin failing in areas she used to excel, which after once believing she was a genius, dealt a serious blow to her ego. She understands that she can't go on like this forever, but has also convinced herself that change is impossible: it's too scary, too confusing, too unrealistic for her. Even so, no matter what, she always scrounges up the courage to improve herself (which is very good and also necessary if I want to actually.. y'know... talk and roleplay with people).
this is a GREAT idea!! thank u so much bro


Level 17
I personally just stand in a certain spot and think about going up to someone for 20 minutes then inch towards them and run away because i overthink then i log off and watch Akame ga kill over and over again even though i know how it ends.


Level 109
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I personally just stand in a certain spot and think about going up to someone for 20 minutes then inch towards them and run away because i overthink then i log off and watch Akame ga kill over and over again even though i know how it ends.
umm, ok


Level 14
!! Make a character that you are the biggest fan of. Obsess over them(not .. to much a normal obsess) and everything else. When you KNOW you’re character, doing something roleplay wise will just be a snap of the fingers for you.
you’re character is human aswell, remember that they experience fun, silly, sad or mad moments as well and they shouldn’t have to become any of those moments or scenarios just through roleplay. Don’t be afraid to just .. have them happen. Say that you’re characters father died in another city, cool just make them depressed! Create scenarios even if they don’t exactly HAPPEN in roleplay :D.


Level 109
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!! Make a character that you are the biggest fan of. Obsess over them(not .. to much a normal obsess) and everything else. When you KNOW you’re character, doing something roleplay wise will just be a snap of the fingers for you.
you’re character is human aswell, remember that they experience fun, silly, sad or mad moments as well and they shouldn’t have to become any of those moments or scenarios just through roleplay. Don’t be afraid to just .. have them happen. Say that you’re characters father died in another city, cool just make them depressed! Create scenarios even if they don’t exactly HAPPEN in roleplay :D.
lol, thanks dude


Level 66
how would you recommend making interesting characters that aren't the typical "6' 4" model with tragic backstory"?
I still struggle with this despite being on the server for forever, I find it fun to smooosh character personalities together to add a new twist. People also love to give their characters certain disabilities that would be fun or interesting to roleplay (just make sure you do your research). People also get inspirations from movies or books all the time, roleplay is suppose to be creative and fun so don't shy away from making that typical "6'4 model with a tragic backstory" because that's just the starting line for your character, their gonna go through a shit ton of things in Karakura that's gonna shape them.


Level 109
Thread starter
I still struggle with this despite being on the server for forever, I find it fun to smooosh character personalities together to add a new twist. People also love to give their characters certain disabilities that would be fun or interesting to roleplay (just make sure you do your research). People also get inspirations from movies or books all the time, roleplay is suppose to be creative and fun so don't shy away from making that typical "6'4 model with a tragic backstory" because that's just the starting line for your character, their gonna go through a shit ton of things in Karakura that's gonna shape them.
Thanks so much! I appreciate y'all <3

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