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if you had to be blatently honest, what would've been the worst FailRP/Metagame'd scenario, or act you've done?


Level 107
plz don't ban me staff this was like 3 yrs. ago.

a long time ago I tried to start a gang as a new player (red tag tho). guess what happened next. (I got bullied by my ex-friend for this forever about how bad I was at gangrp. I try my best, okay?)

broke someone's arm with no motive after I got perm-baited to. then with no motive they killed my char. (before the age of KPS perm changes. this was also when I was a new player.)


Level 35
Thread starter
plz don't ban me staff this was like 3 yrs. ago.

a long time ago I tried to start a gang as a new player (red tag tho). guess what happened next. (I got bullied by my ex-friend for this forever about how bad I was at gangrp. I try my best, okay?)

broke someone's arm with no motive after I got perm-baited to. then with no motive they killed my char. (before the age of KPS perm changes. this was also when I was a new player.)
erm.. interesting! Yeah, I had something similar, as a grade-10 I believe, i walked up to some random person and kinda stabbed their eye out..(with a PENCIL) this was a while back though, (i won the roll)


Level 284
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
i spoke through my police radio when my carotid got slit because it was the first time someone attempted KPS on me and i didn't know how it worked :skull: the situation got redone though so it ended up being fine


Level 107
erm.. interesting! Yeah, I had something similar, as a grade-10 I believe, i walked up to some random person and kinda stabbed their eye out..(with a PENCIL) this was a while back though, (i won the roll)
LMAO someone stabbed my character's eye with a pencil and it got voided


Level 35
Thread starter
i spoke through my police radio when my carotid got slit because it was the first time someone attempted KPS on me and i didn't know how it worked :skull: the situation got redone though so it ended up being fine
Yowch.. Yeah, makes sense though, newer officers back in the day didn't always know the rules, I'm not saying for all, but yeah


Level 114
i spoke through my police radio when my carotid got slit because it was the first time someone attempted KPS on me and i didn't know how it worked :skull: the situation got redone though so it ended up being fine

not related but i cant forget this moment I screwed up the action 1716836077602.png second time I 1v2'd an officer (which was actually succesfull!)


Level 146
I abused the punishment system to make a quick buck and to make my custom items public quickly.

Back in the day, when I didn't have the proper connections to shopkeepers and staff, I didn't know how to transfer ownership of items or how to donate them. However, I heard that custom items would be made public if I sold the copies for profit. So, my friend Toby (who used my alt account back then) and I would use the punishment system as a feature to make in-game yen for profit and to get my items into public ownership quickly.

Here's how: I would request custom item copies, they would be taken out of my apartment and sold for profit in the auction house. Once they became public, we made sure I received a share of the profits. I would then use these profits to order more custom item copies. I bought more customs at the RPHub Shop, rinse and repeat.

Nowadays, it's easier for me to just hand staff the list of custom items I want to make public or contact a shopkeeper if I need some money. I'm mostly interested in financing art contests and spreading custom items among my circle of SRP friends, so ingame yen is useful for this. However, I've since started simply gifting transfercodes. It's the most straightforward way to gift customs and lessens my efforts to distribute them significantly.


Level 107
I abused the punishment system to make a quick buck and to make my custom items public quickly.

Back in the day, when I didn't have the proper connections to shopkeepers and staff, I didn't know how to transfer ownership of items or how to donate them. However, I heard that custom items would be made public if I sold the copies for profit. So, my friend Toby (who used my alt account back then) and I would use the punishment system as a feature to make in-game yen for profit and to get my items into public ownership quickly.

Here's how: I would request custom item copies, they would be taken out of my apartment and sold for profit in the auction house. Once they became public, we made sure I received a share of the profits. I would then use these profits to order more custom item copies. I bought more customs at the RPHub Shop, rinse and repeat.

Nowadays, it's easier for me to just hand staff the list of custom items I want to make public or contact a shopkeeper if I need some money. I'm mostly interested in financing art contests and spreading custom items among my circle of SRP friends, so ingame yen is useful for this. However, I've since started simply gifting transfercodes. It's the most straightforward way to gift customs and lessens my efforts to distribute them significantly.
this is the most heroic rule-breaking ever


Level 195
When I was very new (late 2020) I had no clue what I was doing mainly regarding CombatRP, so someone scammed me for about 5k of a phone so I tried fighting them, and I had no clue what to do, I just randomly rolled and crap and didn't read LOOC when the other person kept telling me that I was doing the wrong thing. That's FailRP to me but I didn't know what I was doing at the time please don't harm me...

I've also had some smaller FailRP situations, mainly when I played in 2021-22, but I don't exactly remember what they were and how they went, but I know they existed.


Level 212
in 2018 someone wanted to fight me icly, they had every right to, all i did was said "no" and ran away, i ignored all of their actions and messages.. i was new and didn't want my character getting hurt >_<


Level 51
Metagaming: (FantasyRP) My friend asked for assistance OOCly because he was getting attacked by one of the more refined combatants on the server at the time. I got prepared with a good old friend of mine named Samuel, and headed there. The combatant started arguing that we metagamed but there was no evidence at the time because we simply... used discord instead of the messaging system in-game. Got away with a Mithril set which was the rarest at the time (and tends to take hours and days worth of playtime to grind for.)

I never recovered. The trauma of committing such an illicit act has left me incapacitated.

I don't remember any particular point on SRP where I intentionally metagamed or FailRPed.


Level 108
Metagaming: (FantasyRP) My friend asked for assistance OOCly because he was getting attacked by one of the more refined combatants on the server at the time. I got prepared with a good old friend of mine named Samuel, and headed there. The combatant started arguing that we metagamed but there was no evidence at the time because we simply... used discord instead of the messaging system in-game. Got away with a Mithril set which was the rarest at the time (and tends to take hours and days worth of playtime to grind for.)

I never recovered. The trauma of committing such an illicit act has left me incapacitated.

I don't remember any particular point on SRP where I intentionally metagamed or FailRPed.


Level 51
i spoke through my police radio when my carotid got slit because it was the first time someone attempted KPS on me and i didn't know how it worked :skull: the situation got redone though so it ended up being fine
Turns out I did do something like this. I recently (by recently, I mean four months ago) got attacked by the dissolved gang Moichido & Man'en at the time. They had KPS and valid motive to kill my character and instantaneously surrounded him. I stood no chance, my fate upon the battlefield was death. I felt his spirit closing in on me as the masked clads in blackout attires held weapons of many varieties. I felt hopeless.

At this moment, Mefisuto came to my assistance. A fateful moment, however, my character faced the worst fate of all. . /me stabs carotid. No one could have ever anticipated such a despicable move in the light of day.

My character, the Mechanic, now had ten minutes before he died. Mefisuto's attempts were respectable. Albeit, they lost. We were simply outnumbered and there was no way out of this. My character was carried all the way to the forest. The countdown is three minutes before my character bleeds out by SRP logic. My hands are sweating, hell, I AM sweating at this moment.

Would I, a black market associate, ruin the reputation of the black market by being one of the first to ever die? A clause that I did not anticipate? Surely not. I made my attempt to escape. I had to. My desperation and commitment to escape whilst my character was bleeding, was simply incomparable. I could have been Albert Einstein with my combat calculations and hope in RNG (random number generator) factors.

At that moment, I escaped. I managed to win a roll and I began running for my life. I have no clients. I am simply in a disadvantage as I have no autorun, no keybind for feed. All I had to do was run into the hospital and hope that a doctor could save me in time. Two minutes left. Time between the hospital and forest? About two minutes to reach.

And then he got me, the darn player. I squawked in defeat. My chair broke, in fact, the amount of sweat I was releasing probably turned my chair into Yonio's. My character was knocked out and then burnt at a campfire.

Little did they know, they FailRPed three times and the situation got voided. The gods and goddesses of SRP had saved my character at this very moment.

I was traumatised.
Thanks for listening to my story.


Level 284
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
Little did they know, they FailRPed three times and the situation got voided. The gods and goddesses of SRP had saved my character at this very moment.

I was traumatised.
Thanks for listening to my story.
this is a joke im sorry

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