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KARAKURA NEWS | Karakura Graveyard


Level 33

Karakura Graveyard (1).png

[ Karakura Graveyard ]

Welcome to the city of Karakura’s own graveyard, located in the Shopping District of the
part of town, just off of Komichi Road and right beside the Ochiba forest. 1718468303496.png
Here recently, there has been an update in the area, as our beloved church and graveyard
have been given an update. The Church with its more rustic modern look, and the graveyard
with its more traditional style. Now as you arrive, you are greeted with a more direct path to both the church and graveyard, leading to both the front doors or the church and the entrance to the graveyard as they now lay side by side.

Once arriving at the graveyard, I noticed an immediate change from the previous one we had. To begin with, the pathways are now much wider, allowing for small groups of people to come honor their family members without getting in the way of other guests. The next item on our list is the more traditional look and feeling, matching our graveyard to ones that may be commonly seen. Along with all of these changes, some things stayed true to what we had previously. The path that had gone through the graveyard to the forest has stayed, adapting to the new look with both the forest and the graveyard. Notably what can also be seen around the graveyard and the edges of the forest are the Japanese black pine, Japanese red pine and Hinoki cypress trees that are all native to Japan.

[ Graveyard Culture ]

Now in Japanese culture, it is common for the deceased to be cremated and have
their ashes placed inside vertical stone columns that are dedicated to the family.
1718468588429.pngThese gravestones are made of dark stone, only having the name of the family written on them. At the bases of these graves, citizens may find vases of flowers and incense stands where family members may come, bring fresh flowers and pour some water over the graves as part of a religious ritual. Normally cemeteries are not tourist destinations for many, their aesthetics offer a more private attraction. Japanese cemeteries are neat and clean, not having many bright colors. Often you will also see sotobas placed near gravestones. Sotoba are wooden planks that are engraved with names, prayers, and dates of death. Cemeteries are not usual tourist destinations, as their aesthetics are supposed to offer a private attraction.

With this new found knowledge of Japanese culture, the new updates and additions, and the small information given about mainland cemeteries. Citizens can now appreciate our graveyard to its full extent just as much as some of the rest already do. While most people may not have someone who is laid to rest in the graveyard, some may come to pay respects to the ones who are laid to rest here or to explore the grounds to view the new features that are explained above. While our graveyard isn’t as crowded as some of the ones that are on the mainland, listed below are the ones who are currently in the graveyard, along with their birth year and death year, and any phrase listed on their Sotoba.

“Mike” Akihito 1987 - 2022
Taiketsu Akihito 1986 - 2021
 “Forever with us.”
Akane Akira xxxx - 20201718469301303.png
Izumi Akira xxxx - 1995
Aiko Asōgi-Ō. xxxx - xxxx
 “Beloved matriarch.”
Sakuta Hanazono xxxx - xxxx
 “Gone but not forgotten.”
Hiro Kato 1999 - 2022
Satomi Katō 1946 - 2022
 “Now at peace.”
Paola Kodama 1985 - 2022
Natsuo Larcune xxxx - xxxx
 “Rest well old friend.”
Hayami Mori 1964 - 1999
 “Uniting Factions”
Mi-Young Saito xxxx - xxxx
 “Show no mercy get none.”
Ryo Saiky
2002 - 2021
 “IRL Troy Bolton.”
Kagura Shizuku xxxx - xxxx
 “Envious of those who are loved.”
Violet Tea xxxx - xxxx
 “Faculty misses you dearly. .”
Reizo Tokushima 1985 - 2022
Nichole V. W. xxxx - xxxx
 “Did you want a pocky?”

Our graveyard may not be the same size as most of them on the mainland, but it still contains many people for whom we all still love and we try to keep their memory going on. During the remainder of this article, I have had the honor to interview the father of Hayami Mori, who passed away a little over 25 years ago this year. With this interview, I will be asking about Ms. Mori, who she did as a profession, and dig into what she was like as a person before her passing. Please enjoy the audio recording of the Skype call I had with Seiji Mori.

[!] An MP3 file began to play, the sounds of papers rustling and the noise of what seems to be a skype call join sound came through [!]

Hanazono :

"Hello, and thank you for joining me today for this interview. Now, before we can begin, can you please introduce yourself?"

??? :
A small cough could be heard on the other side of the screen.
"My name is Seiji Mori, Ex-Karakura Police Sergeant, currently retired in Edogawa, Kanto. Thank you for having me here today Yamato."

Hanazono :
"It is indeed a pleasure to have this interview with you sir. Hopefully Yuma has informed you about why I had reached out sir?"

Mori :
"Small details, but my Granddaughter did tell me that you wished to speak to me about my late daughter, Hayami. Her Aunt, may her soul rest well."

Hanazono :
Took a moment to clear his throat before speaking.
"Yes, I would like to ask a few questions about your daughter for an article I am writing about for Karakura News, the same news station she was employed at before her passing."

Mori :
"That she did.. She loved her job, Damn good at it might I say. I was proud of her when she went the route she did. Of course, I would have liked her in The Force with me. But, not everyone is able to become a Police Officer and stay sane by the end of it."

Hanazono :
"That is the harsh reality of it sadly, shall we move onto the questions? I don’t wish to take up too much of your free time."

Mori :
"Right, of course. Excuse me in my old age, I tend to ramble on."

Hanazono :
"That is absolutely fine, now with the first question. Who exactly was Hayami Mori? We know she was a Reporter, but could you go into more details about who she was?"

Mori :
"Hayami Mori was my eldest daughter out of her siblings. She has two younger brothers, as you know, my youngest is Yuma’s Father. Bright girl, she was very driven in her work. In journalism."
A small chuckle could be hard over the Skype Call.
"Got her degree in English and Journalism. Before her death, she was supposed to tour the United States with.. Who were they? Fox4 or something like that? Very ambitious, very intelligent."

Hanazono :
"I have read some of her previous reports, and from what it seems she was quite brilliant. I’m sure you are indeed very proud
of her for her accomplishments. What was Hayami like? Such as her personality or some of her more notable actions?"

Mori :
"As her Mother would put it, bubbly. She was always wanting to make new connections to help her in her journey to the next article. Up until.. The incident, she was going over to Town Hall to interview a lawyer or judge.. I can’t exactly remember about who or for what, it was something to do with the Mayoral Election that happened not too long before her death."

Hanazono :
"It seems she must have been a very outgoing person, it is very obvious how she was such a good reporter. What was her life like before her passing? Along with some of the things you have already mentioned, is there anything else going on in her life?"

Mori :
"Haya was a very personal person, she didn’t like much of her personal life and work life to intermingle. But, she was getting close with that Kajiyashiki boy. But, besides that, It was just work, work, work."

Hanazono :
"That is understandable, a lot of the reporters who currently work at the station have the same views as your daughter. They like to prioritize their work over a lot of. . other things. Can you go into detail about some of the things that were happening before the incident?"

Mori :
"Haya was just acting as her normal self. She was making phone calls, interviewing people, arranging meetings, gathering photos on her camera. Stuff like that, she spent most of her time in the Black Room developing photos. You might not know what a Black Room is, it’s a.. There I go rambling again. Sorry, back on topic. She was acting as normal, nothing was wrong in the slightest. No signs. No nothing."

Hanazono :
A small chuckle could be heard from the recording.
"I do indeed know what a Black Room is, I’m not as young as it seems. But there was really nothing, or any signs about anything? That’s a bit of a surprise to me. . So, in some of the previous articles posted after the events, can you tell a recap about what happened afterwards?"

Mori :
"After her death, I personally got involved in the search for her killer. Which, typically, is not something officers do. We aren’t allowed to get involved in cases that are personal to us, so as not to get ‘too emotional’ or ruin the investigation. But, I pushed through and my Commissioner at the time allowed me to work alongside me closely. But, you saw what happened afterwards with the public release of her death and the article that was released."

Hanazono :
"I have, Yuma has shown me the reports and I have read through them a few times. I see that the 25th anniversary of her passing recently passed back in February, so after 25 years, what does the family do to honor her memory and keep her legacy going?"

Mori :
"Since her grave is in Karakura, it is far from where we currently are living. So, in our living room in both of my son’s homes and my own. We have dedicated shrines for Hayami, we offered her favorite food and lit a candle. Natto with a little soy sauce. She always loved it and had it every morning with some rice."

Hanazono :
"Ah yes, even I enjoy some natto every now and then. It’s quite the easy breakfast for people on the go. Yuma and I frequent the graveyard to pay our respect to both of our family members who now rest there. Is there anything your family may regret they didn’t do or didn’t have the chance to do before her passing?"

Mori :
"There were a lot of things I wished for us to do with Haya before her passing. Small things, like family dinner, meeting her potential partner, stuff like that. But, It’s not here or there."

Hanazono :
"That is understandable, losing someone like that is like losing a piece of yourself. Now, would you ever come back to the town where it happened, especially to visit her grave? Seeming it has been 25 years since her passing, I would believe it is not hard for you and your wife to travel the distance over here to visit her."

Mori :
"A couple of years after her death and us moving back to the mainland, my wife and I did come to visit her grave. Then life got a hold of us and eventually, old age. I might be strong but I am fragile. I can’t make the long trip anymore to see her. My two sons on the other hand, maybe. Shin goes over to Karakura now and again, Yuma’s younger brother, but it’s not often we hear from him as his job is. Top Secret as he tells us."

Hanazono :
"Along with that, how do you feel about some family returning to the town? Especially Yuma, since she has now been living here for 9 years alongside me."

Mori :
"I don’t have an opinion of the matter as it is my family's decision to move back. As long as my family is happy and healthy, that is all that matters at the end of the day. Why would I, a senile old man, stop them from doing what they want? Nonsense."

Hanazono :
"Now, I wouldn’t call you a ‘senile old man’, just more of a man full of wisdom and knowledge. You may not be your daughter, but you were one of the people who knew her best. What do you think she’d say about the evolution of the News Faction? Like where we stand today as a business, with the people involved and who run it."

Mori :
"As I do not know about the people in the News today, besides that Ezio creature.. But that is beyond the point currently, I think Hayami would have been glad about the direction the News has taken. "

Hanazono :
"Why am I not surprised you have heard about Ezio. . Anywho- Do you think she’d be proud of how reporters work now, or at least from what you have heard from?"

Mori :
"From the News that Yuma sends me and what I tune into from time to time, I think she would be good on some and iffy on others. Like Yuma, Hayami dislikes crime as a whole. So even putting any type of light on that topic would be a dislike."

Hanazono :
"I personally have had PLENTY of side-eyes from Yuma about some of the. . activities that have happened around town so I get that completely. This is the last question I have planned for you, and I apologize in advance if it may seem to- harsh for you. Is there anything you would change if you had the chance to?"

Mori :
Silence went over the call for a couple of seconds before a cough could be heard.
"Unless the kid who did this showed signs of aggression towards Haya, I don’t think there was anything any of us could have done differently. As much as I would love to say ‘yeah sure let’s do this or that’. I won’t lie to you, it would be a disservice to you and this interview. Haya would strike me down if I choose to start lying now. But, to answer it short and simply, No. I don’t think there would have been anything I would have changed. Hayami did her job well and it is only up to the Kamis to judge when it’s our time to go. What we go through in life."

Hanazono :
"I appreciate you being honest with me, and I understand the love that you have for your daughter. I would practically be in your own shoes if something like that had happened to my own daughter. Mr. Mori, I thank you for spending your time taking this interview with me and talking about your daughter. I look forward to the next time we may talk, and next time you can hamble on about ‘senile old man’ things."

Mori :
"Hopefully you and Yuma come over to the next set of holidays! Wife Bando is making her signature Kim-"
Suddenly disconnects with a message at the end:
I accidentally hit the red button.

[!] The MP3 audio file would end there. [!]

As many citizens can now see from the interview above, the people who rest in these graves are not long forgotten. They are still loved how they were when they were alive. I am honored to have had the time to have the interview with Ex-Karakura Police Sergeant Seiji Mori. Some of the information that was given out during this interview, may not have been seen in the interviews or the reports about The Murder of 1999. Hopefully this has been eye opening for more others than just myself, and brings knowledge into those who are new around our beautiful yet chaotic city. This has been Sr. Reporter Yamato Munakata-Hanazono, and thank you for stopping by.

Do you have something you'd like to report or be reported on?
Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487 or message us on Onrain

[OOC] I want to give a huge thank you to DarkEclipic, the original author of The Murder of 1999 lore piece and head of The Mori Family for allowing me to involve them in this article. You can find the original lore piece by clicking on any underlined mention of The Murder of 1999.

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