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Making player head items placeable


Level 329
What's your Minecraft Username?: YonioTheNacho
What's the title of your suggestion?: Making player head items placeable

What's your suggestion?:
While it is true that heads are no longer allowed to be placed down due to some issues regarding their display, I found a way to actually achieve this by using the furniture plugin. The way to do this is by modifying the base skull template so it keeps the same scale and position as when you place it down as a block. This way, you can achieve the same result without having to deal with the past issues of people overusing them (not to mention they can also all the perks that come with the furniture plugin).

I tested this in a singleplayer world with a resource-pack tweak that can be applied to any pack, including SRP, and it looks like this:

This is applicable to any player head!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This would allow players to actually use flower bouquets, trophies and other items so they can be properly placed down without lagging the server all too much.


Level 35
What's your Minecraft Username?: YonioTheNacho
What's the title of your suggestion?: Making player head items placeable

What's your suggestion?:
While it is true that heads are no longer allowed to be placed down due to some issues regarding their display, I found a way to actually achieve this by using the furniture plugin. The way to do this is by modifying the base skull template so it keeps the same scale and position as when you place it down as a block. This way, you can achieve the same result without having to deal with the past issues of people overusing them (not to mention they can also all the perks that come with the furniture plugin).

I tested this in a singleplayer world with a resource-pack tweak that can be applied to any pack, including SRP, and it looks like this:

This is applicable to any player head!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This would allow players to actually use flower bouquets, trophies and other items so they can be properly placed down without lagging the server all too much.


Level 195
I was devastated when I figured out that we couldn’t place things like flowers in the pots, I would love to see this implemented if possible.


Level 142
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
-1 more items frames on server this wont end well xdddd
17,000 items frames (f3 entity loading) in the shopping district alone, i think:

- that statistic
- furniture being a purchasable custom item anyone can get
- custom client side loading based on distance and eye position
- the fact we can place more regardless of this change or not

won’t change much at all.



Level 20
17,000 items frames (f3 entity loading) in the shopping district alone, i think:

- that statistic
- furniture being a purchasable custom item anyone can get
- custom client side loading based on distance and eye position
- the fact we can place more regardless of this change or not

won’t change much at all.

that's why furniture plugin should be removed to prevent huge fps lags if heads on item frames will be added as a feature this server won't be playable. I litteraly had 20fps in hospital because of entities, with ryzen 5600, rtx 3060 and 32gb of ram, it's just better to let people place heads normally. i'm pretty sure there is a way to avoid head glitches, because i had them on my server without a problem.

i know this plugin won't be removed but as first place they should know what will happen when they added it. every casual mc player knows if you have alot of entities, you will just have huge lags and there is no way to prevent it- you just have to optimize number of (in this example) number of item frames. if it's not optimized, srp will lose alot of players because of their medium pc's. server itself lost already alot of players, so.. i still say BIG -1 for this idea.


Level 142
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
that's why furniture plugin should be removed to prevent huge fps lags if heads on item frames will be added as a feature this server won't be playable. I litteraly had 20fps in hospital because of entities, with ryzen 5600, rtx 3060 and 32gb of ram, it's just better to let people place heads normally. i'm pretty sure there is a way to avoid head glitches, because i had them on my server without a problem.

i know this plugin won't be removed but as first place they should know what will happen when they added it. every casual mc player knows if you have alot of entities, you will just have huge lags and there is no way to prevent it- you just have to optimize number of (in this example) number of item frames. if it's not optimized, srp will lose alot of players because of their medium pc's. server itself lost already alot of players, so.. i still say BIG -1 for this idea.
You cant circumvent an issue by the total removal of a feature that has become synonymous with the server, I agree to optimising it but the truth is, its not going to make much a different if these heads are added.

The problem exists, avoiding this isnt going to stabilise or fix it any further, you're focusing on pennies.

Mods like entity culling greatly reduce entity lag and help optimise it by not rendering entities out of view, and whilst I understand not everyone has the capacity to get mods or run them, its a sacrifice that has been made and is to far gone.


Level 30
I think the fact that this suggestion even exists (heads were in the game, heads were removed, now there's a suggestion asking for their return) puts into perspective the fact that SRP has a few custom plugins which are... unfinished, for a long time - check this out:


This is from the "Options" item which appears in Apartment Edit Mode. The only actually working option here is the "Builder's Kit", which gives access to light blocks and barriers. If heads were removed, so should have been this WIP function.

Anyway, I agree with the suggestion. Although I personally don't see heads being used in favour of custom models anymore - unless they're free.


Level 20
You cant circumvent an issue by the total removal of a feature that has become synonymous with the server, I agree to optimising it but the truth is, its not going to make much a different if these heads are added.

The problem exists, avoiding this isnt going to stabilise or fix it any further, you're focusing on pennies.

Mods like entity culling greatly reduce entity lag and help optimise it by not rendering entities out of view, and whilst I understand not everyone has the capacity to get mods or run them, its a sacrifice that has been made and is to far gone.
I know, people bought customs. If not this, this plugin could be removed. But if heads on item frames will be available for everyone, it will make difference. It won't change much if it's only for builders and few buildings. I was against this plugin when it was released with it's bugged version already, i knew it will be very bad move.

While entity culling is indeed helping, it WON'T help if you're near/inside interior with alot of entities. What can be done for bad pc's is only turning off visibility of item frames in sodium setings, but it requires Reese's Sodium Options and Sodium Extra. Item frames won't be rendered only for your client, which makes gameplay alot more comfortable. Highly recommending someone with bad pc to try it. But it comes with unability to see furnitures aswell, as they're put in item frames. So for example you won't see fountain on spawn, but you can be blocked by "furniture hitbox" which is barrier block or invisible glass pane. But still, this is a way out from bad optimilization that server did to itself, by giving option for players to get custom.

Idea of the plugin was really fire, but that's how Minecraft works. They should predict this will happen. I'm absolutely sorry for everyone with bad pc's. This is a nightmare for them probably.


Level 15
As the flower shop owner, our most popular (and cheaper items) are bouquets that are head models! People constantly complain that they cannot place these down, and if I could get these to be placeable it'd make the items much more desirable and valuable to hold onto.


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