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(WIP) Bora 'Bread' Jumbo


Level 1

Basic Information

First Name: Bora
Surname: Jumbo

Preferred Name: Bread

Pronouns: She/Her | It/Its

Age: 18


Height: 6'2

Skin Color: Tan

Eye Color: Pale Purple

Hair Style: Mid Length | Messy

Hair Color: Naturally black, dyed purple

Fashion: Grunge

Abnormalities: Prosthetic left leg and right arm


Date of Birth: August 9th, 20XX

Place of Birth: London, England

Race: Hispanic

Sexual Orientation: AroAce

General Appearance

Appearance: Bread enjoys big sweaters, even if it's boiling hot outside.
She has a stock pile of huge sweaters in all different patterns.
Its favorite sweater is one that her Pops made for her back
in England. It has a small heart embordered with the letter B
inside the heart. Bread also enjoys ripped jeans with fishnets under
the jeans. While not her daily outfit, she can be seen with that combo
very frequently. It also has a red sweater it stole from its dad. It's too small for
Bread to wear anymore, seeing as her dad is 5'5 and she long
since past that height.

Personality: As a person, Bread is a mixture of her two dads.
While quiet and unsure of herself at times, Bread can be
extremely chaotic. One of these instances caused where her nickname
came from. Bread adores pranks. Often times found with her notebook,
scheming up a prank for her roommate

Diseases/Illness: Due to an unknown chronic illness, Bread has lost her left leg at 10 and right arm at 14.
It is also losing its hearing and has to wear hearing aids.
It has a cane that it occasionally uses due to some days where
it has flareups. Due to her illness, Bread has to have frequent checkups at the hospital.

Voice Claim: Anges (Fantastic Mr. Fox)

Equipment: Bread uses a lot of mobility aids, such as cane, crutches, and a wheelchair.
Bread also has two prosthetics, her left leg and right arm.
She also has two, red hearing aids.


Hobbies: Cosplay | Marksmanship | Programming/Hacking

Skills: Bread learned majority of her skills from her dads.
Marksmanship came from her war veteran Dad and coding/programming
from her Pops. Cosplay was a self taught skill, something that an old friend
back in the UK taught her.

Fun Facts: Bread is slightly blind! Everything is always slightly blurry.

Person's Name & Relation
Giuliano Jumbo - Father (Dad)
Giuliano had found Bread when she almost accidentally got ran over at 6 years old. Bread had fallen into traffic thanks to a sudden pain and Giuliano had been quick enough to grab the small child out of harms way. Giuliano helped check over Bread and asked where her parents were. Upon her answer of being a foster child, he began to search about fostering a child. Bread was officially adopted at 13.
Maugier Jumbo - Father (Pops)
Maugier is the active spouse of Giuliano. When his husband told him about Bread,
Maugier had agreed to help foster Bread. In fact, Maugier brought up adoption to Giuliano first.
Lotus Rosalina Sidorova-Evergreen - Close friends
[Updated as up 07/05/2024]

At birth, Bread had been left in foster care. She hopped families frequently, but not just because of her behavior, but her health as well. Bread had an unknown chronic illness in which her limbs would start to lose function. Signs of a limb going out were shown by dark spots appearing on the affected limb, a numb feeling, and paleness. Due to the illness, Bread had lost many chances at a stable home.

At the age of 6, she was out walking in the city of London when her left leg had started to ache badly. Being a child, Bread wasn’t really visible to adults. Because of this, Bread was accidentally tripped into traffic and couldn’t get up. Luckily for the child, a person noticed her and rescued her from becoming roadkill. All that Bread could remember was that the man wore a red sweater. When she was brought back to the group home, Bread kept talking about this superhero that saved her from the traffic. The workers, none the wiser, thought she was just making things up.

A year later, Bread was told about a new house she would be placed in. A young married couple had gone through the lengthy process of foster care to specifically house a child in need of special care. Bread was more than excited, being 7 years old, and was ready to live with her new family. The day of the interview came and Bread recognized one of the men in front of her. The shorter one had the exact same red sweater that Bread was saved by. When she looked a bit behind the red sweatered man, Bread saw a man who seemed well dressed. He also towered over the smaller male. The couple had done extensive research on how to care for a disabled child and the foster group Bread was a part of decided to let the couple take Bread in.

It took a week before her flare ups kicked in again. This time, she was in school when a new spot had formed on her leg, causing her to crumple to the floor during recess. The teachers had originally not believed her, considering her to be acting just to go inside, until they realized she couldn’t stand up. That’s when her foster parents started looking into mobility aids for her.

Fast forward 3 years and one adoption later, Bread would lose her left leg to her illness. Because of work, the family moved to Japan. From there, Bread began a new life with her new family. She was a quick learner and picked up Japanese quickly. At 14, Bread lost her right arm the same way she lost her leg. Now equipped with prosthetics and many mobility aids, Bread is able to have a functioning life, at the cost of frequent doctor appointments.
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Level 1
Thread starter
I had thought about using this as the quote for one of my chars biographies i'm working on redoing, you beat me to it ;sob; /j (Bora looks more deserving of it anyway) ANYWAY GREAT BIO!!!!
TYSM! You could use the other version? Like the one that's "I didn't die at 12, guess I'm here til 93" :D!! I'm also super interested in your chr now that you said that lmao


Level 37
TYSM! You could use the other version? Like the one that's "I didn't die at 12, guess I'm here til 93" :D!! I'm also super interested in your chr now that you said that lmao
LMAOO all good, i doubt ill even remake her bio anytime soon - i've been procrastinating for like a year. . . oops

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