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PHD -> adult degrees


Level 35
What's your Minecraft Username?: Leo_14
What's the title of your suggestion?: PHD -> adult degrees

What's your suggestion?:
My suggestion to possibly add a little more uniqueness when graduating from PHD to an adult is that when you graduate PHD to adult you pick a certificate option for what your college degree majors in, so say I graduated PHD I do /graduate and then I get the option of

marine biology
medical science
Sport science

I think it will just add a little more uniqueness to graduating from PHD to adult.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I believe this will benefit the community by perhaps picking degrees for a more of a icly reason for what they might want their adult character to go into the future. E.G business degree - apply for a store,

I also believe this may give more people reason to graduate from PHD to adult and that they actually get someone from PHD to adult besides the role


Level 123
Community Team
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From what I knew as a former SLT, it is possible for PhD to assist in applying for careers, so this is already something semi-implemented. As for exactly attempting to get PhD students to become adults, I don't find it suitable since we already lack with the number of PhD students. There is no reason to attempt to get rid of PhD students as they add more to the roleplay, and reaching PhD as a whole is an achievement! So someone getting into adult after a PhD is a downgrade most of the time since you can become an adult by applying for any faction and quitting after two months

Leaning onto -1 here for getting students to become adults as a goal

Leaning onto +1 for having students get an easier access to careers for being PhD (which I assume is already something based on my prior knowledge)


Level 50
As a PHD, I am not interested in all the positions on the server that can be obtained with a PHD, for example, you can directly enter KPD, but the price is that you will lose your PHD.
In my opinion, this is not equal:
To enter KPD you need an excellent application, that's all.
But to become a PHD you need to take two exams and pass them all, and then submit a thesis and pass it, which usually takes a year or even longer.
So I will not use my hard earned PHD.

But even so, I won't become an adult. I like school and I like the title of PHD.


Level 145
As a player that has the PhD role, I have to agree with Oli on this. Getting the PhD role is a huge accomplishment on the server- and throwing it away to get the adult role is kinda… sad in my opinion. After all the work you have to go through to climb the grading system just to get the adult tag is actually ridiculous. If you want the adult tag you can get it from being in a faction for 2 months. There are players out there including myself that took a couple of years just to accomplish getting the PhD role. I know for a fact that I will most likely never get rid of this role due to the high accomplishment and work I’ve put in to achieve this.

So -1 to letting students get the adult role after getting PhD as a goal.

+1 to PhD students having easier access to get into careers/factions they’re interested in. After all, with all the hard work these players have put in to get the role only makes it seem fair that they get something out of it and this is what I can see being fair.

I also believe the goal of achieving the PhD role is something that should be encourage seeing how it’s the highest degree on the server- not a lot of people have the PhD role and when exams come around for the PhD role majority of those students who get it automatically request for the adult role. Why put in so much work to get the highest degree on the server and throw it right out the window for an adult tag? When you can go be in a faction that’ll take less time to achieve the PhD role to get that adult tag you want? It simply doesn’t make sense to me. I also see it as a waste of time too and taking up spots for those who actually want to keep the PhD role when it comes around for exams.

I believe the system of PhD -> Adult should change. And that should start with after someone gets the PhD role they must keep that role for a number of x months before requesting the adult role OR after someone gets the PhD role in order to get the adult role they must be in a faction for a number of x months on their PhD account before getting it. That way the PhD exams and role isn’t a gateway to getting the adult tag so quickly after taking an exam. It’d also hopefully increase the number of players having the PhD role on the server overall.
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Level 29
I agree with oli, though I'd wish no one went throwing away their PhD role for anything else, especially not for adult. We could use more PhD students, and in general I can't fathom why you'd go through months of trouble to get the role when you can get adult with way less effort. The opinions I have on this are so strong I don't think I can even express them here.

PhD best role, not taking constructive criticism


Level 123
Community Team
Lore Team
I believe the system of PhD -> Adult should change. And that should start with after someone gets the PhD role they must keep that role for a number of x months before requesting the adult role OR after someone gets the PhD role in order to get the adult role they must be in a faction for a number of x months on their PhD account before getting it. That way the PhD exams and role isn’t a gateway to getting the adult tag so quickly after taking an exam. It’d also hopefully increase the number of players having the PhD role on the server overall.
Personally, I don't think anyone on their right mind would go for adult via PhD


Level 181
Community Team
Lore Team
Getting PhD is already a goal in itself, so I don't think people should get it JUST to throw it away. I understand that it's one way on getting adult role, but I think an additional exam should be added for PhDs, like a graduation exam for passing college. Kinda like the PhD exams but more in a private settings with a board of directors(SLT or group of people) over the persons degree.

Like maybe they have to have 15+ classes during that month to be eligible to be part of the exam process then do the exam part of a harder topic of their choice, or something like that.


Level 347
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We do have plans to keep degrees on the player profile, however we haven't implemented subject specific degrees due to non-PHD degrees not being specific. However, once we do implement degrees to /record we'll include subjects to PHD degrees.​

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