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Weapon Stats


Level 40
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Weapon Stats

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Recently I have had a slight confusion on the School Roleplay weapon stats; I completely understand the stats, it's not that I can't understand the range, or what the items can do, It's the fact on how a Pipe Wrench has 1 block range, a Pocket Knife has two block range; and the Sai has a 1 block range. Visibly, the pocket knife & the Sai have the same range, or length. Even if you buy a Sai, and Pocket knife, they'd be a similar length, Sai may be longer. If I were to put a Pocket Knife and a Pipe wrench next to each other, the Pocket Knife would visibly be shorter than the Pipe wrench, the Pipe wrench would be a similar length to a Kitchen Knife(steak knife, in this example)
I say, change the pipe wrench to 2 blocks, and the pocket knife & Sai to 2.

Weapons towards the top are linked to an Imgur Link to show the images from Official Weapon Stats

Now, another thing is what these items physically look like:

- AVG Length 15-20 CM

Pipe Wrench
- AVG Length 25-45 CM

- AVG Length 45-55 CM

How will this benefit the server and community?:

More realism in weaponry​
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Level 10

I think having the pipe wrench as a 2 block weapon would make a lot of sense considering the length of a pipe wrench both irl and the model within SRP.

Sai realistically based on the length you have shown in the post would also be 2 block however i think it would be okay to leave it as 1 block in game considering what it does and how it is modelled.

PK should 100% be 1 block range, it still holds its useful traits in a fight based on the fact that it's a sharp and it can also be thrown (3 block range)


Level 110
Community Team
Lore Team

Before I start the yap, I need to clarify: The way (I think) perms/stats work is more comparable to a game mechanic rather than a realistic roleplay approach.

I agree with you that, from a realistic point of view by the actual IRL length of the weapons, the reach stats don't make sense and should be as you suggested. However, there is a HUGE but that comes along with it, which falls in line with the "how perms/stats work is more comparable to a game mechanic"

- I could get behind a pipe wrench being a 2-block range, although apart from putting in more realism, it is generally unnecessary. For what it is worth, the pipe wrench is a 10k cheaper alternative to a metal bat with a 3-block range, so it is truly a niche; currently, it already sees limited use, and a 1-block extra range does not seem like the 'proper' solution to fix that. — Also, putting in more realism in weapons might cause more debate on other matters where realism could be implemented, which then just turns into the same cycle of what happened previously of the simple statement: "SRP doesn't aim to be 100% realistic or 100% make-belief; how realistic can you truly make a block game?" — I could get behind the +1 range, but its generally unnecessary; realism is not the aim.

- But, here it comes: A sai with a two-block range? Simply just no. A sai has a one-block range because this is to balance the game mechanic of the sai — The sai can disarm/mug weapons regardless of their mug stats, as long as the weapon is not a (spiked) bat, spiked glove or fire axe. The entire purpose of the Sai being one block range is so that the only weapon it can mug and doesn't have to action to approach is a pipe wrench (which, like said earlier, already sees limited use) If you upped the range of a sai to it's 'realistic' range of two-blocks, then all of a sudden the sai becomes MUCH stronger, seeing as it doesn't have to action to approach for weapons such as a Pocket knife, tactical knife, or crowbar. In short: The balancing factor to the sai's unique ability is that it has a small range, and thus has to action to approach almost all weaponry seeing as it outranges them.

- You can also see this as a reason why the Pocket Knife has a two-block range, although that is fairly debatable, and once more, I could also get behind the pocket knife's range being changed to one block. However, that would also be something that affects the sai's stats. Also, you could argue the two-block range was implemented so it doesn't have the same range as a pipe wrench or spiked gloves, but still less range than a metal bat.
(because if you look at it from a true realism perspective,—which is the aim of this suggestion—who in their right mind would charge at a knife with a pipe wrench or spiked gloves? It makes sense for them to 'act to approach' or in other words make the conscious decision to step up and try to charge at the wielder of a knife. Of course, this isn't an exactly valid argument, but since this suggestion is about realism, then take this realism into account as well.)
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Level 40
Thread starter
- You can also see this as a reason why the Pocket Knife has a two-block range, although that is fairly debatable, and once more, I could also get behind the pocket knife's range being changed to two blocks
Grammatically correct. <3


Level 66
Realism isn't exactly a factor to heavily consider when it comes to SchoolRP.
Pipe wrenches were most likely given such a small radius due to a few things:
- They are cheaper.
- They are legal, similarly to a metal baseball bat.
- It's not a misdemeanor or a fineable offense for having it in your inventory if you are a felon.


Level 10
Keep in mind the fact that bats are 3 block range. Meaning people with a pipe wrench would still need to approach them before being able to hit them.
The same way that this change would make it so people with fists would have to approach someone with a pipe wrench.

In my opinion I think that the bat would still be better than a pipe wrench even after the change, but this just makes the pipe wrench slightly better than it is already.

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