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Automated Class System


Level 0
What's your Minecraft Username?: frenzyyy
What's the title of your suggestion?: Automated Class System

What's your suggestion?:
What's your Minecraft Username?:

What's the title of your suggestion?:
Automated Class System

What's your suggestion?:
I think it would be cool to have an automated class system. NPC's could be used as professors for when nobody is online. These NPC's could begin talking when class begins... It would be less interactive however it would give the opportunity for people to continue roleplaying, especially when professors are offline. I think there could be some scripts written out for all kinds of classes. These are just filler classes, it would not take away from real Professor Classes and could be cancelled by Professors when they are choosing a period to teach in.

These classes could also have a question system, it would work like a quest almost, or like the "unscramble" chat game. The NPC would ask a question, then players would type out their answers in chat, if its the correct wording/near correct wording, they would receive an approval message and maybe a little reward?

These classes could have homework given out at the end, in which students would take a book n quill and complete the task, (for example, English class would be write a short story of your own. Bad example but you get the point). The school could have a little dispenser for homework to be handed into or a professor NPC to right click and give your homework to. Then homework could be marked by Professors and maybe you could get a small reward like some money, a skill, something.

It would be a little work but I really think it could help keep classes alive when professors are unable to teach or not online.

Alternative Idea:

You walk into a scheduled class on your timetable, you automatically get given a little worksheet or quiz paper with questions regarding that subject. You would answer them, complete the work and get to leave. This would be a more simplified version of the idea above. I can picture people in class, finishing their assignments and saying to their friends, "i've finished, see you outside".

Let me know your thoughts, thank you!
Ben :)

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It would enhance the class system roleplay. It would allow people to go to classes without the need of Professors being active 24/7. Everyone would of course prefer and look forward to a real professor, however it would be nice to be able to attend classes when they're offline or unable to host a class.


Level 12

Teacher players put so much effort into the classes they provide, it is one of the most stress inducing things on SRP. Having an NPC to replicate that would just be disrespectful to their work. Second, that would take an awful amount of effort to produce what would essentially be a buzzfeed quiz with extra steps. It isn't worth the dev's time to first create and then up-keep that.

I understand that it is annoying and frustrating when you are logged on and forced to stay in the school with no teachers online to teach, but you have to be patient. Many teachers are dealing with burnout and the new ones don't get nearly the same amount of attention or respect that NQT and QT get which can make the faction disheartening to interact with sometimes. But you just have to be patient. Teachers will teach throughout the month for quota, you just have to catch the times right.


Level 7
As a professor I don't think this is something the devs should waste their time on, college students in general barely show up to class as I rarely see over 5 people in one class. For grade 12s there usually are classes which take a lot of time to be able to set-up, so in general I just think it takes away from the fact the server is run by it's players and the effort put in by these players.



Level 3
I am actually neutral on this..

The teacher/professor faction and classes will always be player-ran, like stated in earlier replies. They put in a lot of work into making the classes fun and interactive for players, and that should continue being rewarded.

But I do think there could be room for some sort of addition to the daily rewards system (currently, just Tom Brown) that involves more school-related tasks. These could be a great way for new players to feel more immersed, making actual school assignments. Possibly in exchange for a little bit of yen or stickers, though I can see stickers staying exclusive to actual player-to-player interactions.

These classes could have homework given out at the end, in which students would take a book n quill and complete the task, (for example, English class would be write a short story of your own. Bad example but you get the point). The school could have a little dispenser for homework to be handed into or a professor NPC to right click and give your homework to. Then homework could be marked by Professors and maybe you could get a small reward like some money, a skill, something.
I feel like this is close to a decent solution, here's what I'd change

The way I envision it is by adding some NPC in the school, likely near the front desk which can give a student character a short book with some assignments. You want these to be instantly redeemable, so you're mainly looking at simple maths, basic spelling/grammar or multiple choice questions. The player can then hand in a signed and completed book and instantly receive a small reward based on what they submitted. Multiple choice questions in particular could serve as a great way to teach new players about the lore and history of the server and Karakura, similar to the college exams.
This "quest" could be repeated every school day (?) or at any other interval which makes sense, like periods 2-4 or OOC days.
wink wink

This is clearly in no way meant to replace the teacher faction. It is meant to fill in the gaps and provide new players, or those in unfortunate time zones the possibility to immerse themselves easier, without the need of waiting for teachers.


Level 79
Community Team
Event Team
Teachers and professors are players for a reason. Other reasons are likely stated above. I don't think we should be replacing anything else with NPCs.

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