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Shift Club Activities to Afterschool!


Level 80
Community Team
Lore Team
What's your Minecraft Username?: DivingBlues
What's the title of your suggestion?: Shift Club Activities to Afterschool!

What's your suggestion?:
After attending a day and a half at a school in Japan I noticed the club activities were hosted after school, ran by the students with a supervising teacher. I wanted to suggest moving all club activities to after school hours to match real life schools! But also not take away the time to host during lunch time or have small hang out sessions. Big practices or, group meetings would be shifted to after school hours just after the bell rang for the class to be over.

The time limit would be from the end of the day until the gates closed or just before then. Allowing them enough time to do some activities or fun things for club members afterschool giving students a reason to remain back.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It would allow students to be able to be within the school grounds after school hours and give them a reason to hang back and hang out. Further boosting the after school activities and giving them a reason to stay back and use up the random ‘After School’ time period or, encouraging clubs to run after school and bring some fun life into their time. This would also allow for them to run more frequently as the lunchtimes at school can be boring or too short for club meetings.

I feel like the end of the day is rushed because people don’t look forward to being trapped in school. In inviting the clubs to run in after school hours like traditional in real life clubs it would bring some life to the school making it feel less empty. It would also give some students who are apart of a club, a reason to log on and stay back to have fun. Allowing for more time and some more separated time from the main part of the school for clubs to run. Breathing some new life into the otherwise desolate side of the school and give the reason for some teachers to stay back and hang out (as some log off straight after schools finished).

It would also allow students who wanted to move out of their room some peace of mind. Letting players be unbothered by those who are bored and don’t want to remain in school to leave so they don’t disrupt them while they’re out doing their activities. This would give the players who don’t want to be bothered time to leave and allowing the clubs to hang out and do their thing in what would normally be a populated area of school.

Finally, it would give the clubs a chance to do more activities and team bonding. Clubs are meant to be something fun that’s ran every so often inviting students to come be involved into and bring some fun life into an otherwise dull side of school. Giving them the chance to run after school would boost all above and allow for them to slow down, corporate with each other and, spend time having fun. This would give them a longer period of time other than just lunch times and let them have fun after school, doing what clubs want to do in the free time. Also bringing those who want to stay back and do something time to do something. Or, inviting other players into the afterschool hours to either recruit or have fun joining in.


Level 145
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
You’re missing a very human element in my faction, and that is that translating SRP timing from or too real life timing is near impossible.

I love the idea of being able to fill that time after school where no one does much but unfortunately this is something that’s down to the club leaders themselves and the time they have; holding them to a standard like this, especially if strictly could make the role feel limiting and trapped, which is the problem the role faced before hand.

I don’t want my faction to feel like a chore for my club leaders, I want them to be able to comfortably make decisions and use their time in their clubs how they see fit, and sometimes importing realism on to SchoolRP can feel or be limiting unfortunately


Level 37
You’re missing a very human element in my faction, and that is that translating SRP timing from or too real life timing is near impossible.

I love the idea of being able to fill that time after school where no one does much but unfortunately this is something that’s down to the club leaders themselves and the time they have; holding them to a standard like this, especially if strictly could make the role feel limiting and trapped, which is the problem the role faced before hand.

I don’t want my faction to feel like a chore for my club leaders, I want them to be able to comfortably make decisions and use their time in their clubs how they see fit, and sometimes importing realism on to SchoolRP can feel or be limiting unfortunately
This was going to be my exact argument, while I understand what your suggesting diving, its just converting SRP time to real time to do time stamps in the servers is very hard to do (in my experience ive been able to calculate it maybe 4 hours prior) and doing the opposite real to srp time is hard too.

Furthermore if we were to do this it would be very stressful on the club leads and it would like customable said, feel like a chore.

Furthermore SRP clubs are ran different to Japan, we don't have teacher supervisors we have council ones so it would also place a burden on the council faction which Is also busy with detentions after school.

If players want to engage in the clubs id suggest messaging the club owners to make club meetings and activities open to the public like the occult club does!! we ping everyone who is interested in club activities about a week before the planned meeting, saying what it will be and if its for the public or members only to allow people to get the experience!!

Furthermore some clubs do operate on a door open policy! ( I believe the occult, nap and media club do this) where you're welcome to walk in at any time of the day to get involved within the club room and conduct your own things!! or you can plan meet-ups within the club and its members !


Level 9
As Customable and Leo mentioned, if there was any way to streamline translating in-game time to OOC time, and vice-versa, I would be incredibly open to things like this, but at the moment this sort of thing just isn't doable.

Even scheduling flash events as a club leader is nightmarish because they're often times time-sensitive in regards to IC time, and you just can't predict that sort of thing for more than 4-6 hours ahead of time with restarts, crashes, and the like.

Again, I would REALLY like something like this, and I'm sure many of my fellow Club-Leaders and Club Members would agree, it just isn't able to be reliably facilitated. I suppose one thing that could be done is pinging my members during that Afterschool window, but being a Club Member just isn't admittedly of much importance to many, especially given a majority of my club members have other roles and responsibilities on the server. So, I doubt attendance would be very high if we went about it like that, especially with so little notice.
Last edited:


Level 52
I like your suggestion. However, it may be difficult to implement because we cannot guarantee that at the end of the IC day, a Club will have enough members online to play and meet up.


Level 31
+1, I like the idea of being able to host club activities both during and after school hours, considering it’s more realistic and again gives players a reason to stick around school even after closing.

-1 Only issue I see this presenting is the possibility of trolls or just delinquents in general during after school hours. The fear rp system set up for faculty might need a revision if this were the case, as for most cases handling this behavior isn’t required after school hours as of currently unless certain circumstances present themselves. I like the idea a lot though!

Overall, pretty neutral!


Level 80
Community Team
Lore Team
Thread starter
You’re missing a very human element in my faction, and that is that translating SRP timing from or too real life timing is near impossible.

I love the idea of being able to fill that time after school where no one does much but unfortunately this is something that’s down to the club leaders themselves and the time they have; holding them to a standard like this, especially if strictly could make the role feel limiting and trapped, which is the problem the role faced before hand.

I don’t want my faction to feel like a chore for my club leaders, I want them to be able to comfortably make decisions and use their time in their clubs how they see fit, and sometimes importing realism on to SchoolRP can feel or be limiting unfortunately
I didn’t mean to limit them to that. I must’ve like not stated it clearly before… sorry on my behalf. But I was suggesting opening it up as an option for club leaders to host activities and stuff afterschool if they wanted to! While they could continue during lunches and stuff, they would also have the option if wanted, to go and host afterschool for a little!


Level 145
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
I didn’t mean to limit them to that. I must’ve like not stated it clearly before… sorry on my behalf. But I was suggesting opening it up as an option for club leaders to host activities and stuff afterschool if they wanted to! While they could continue during lunches and stuff, they would also have the option if wanted, to go and host afterschool for a little!
oh I see, they actually do have the option, its entirely down the the club leader and their time at hand to make this happen however, some prefer to free wing timing as its much easier

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