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Bail or release notification


Level 13
What's your Minecraft Username?: CriminalRP
What's the title of your suggestion?: Bail or release notification

What's your suggestion?:
Most of the time we have to wait days to find out that our characters released which causes many problems for criminal rpers or normal players that happened to get on the wrong side of the law and we'd have to check with other people to find out which is kind of a liability

We should be able to get a notification apon a character you own being bailed out of jail I believe we should get a immediant notification about bail when it comes to criminal characters as not everyone is up to date with their jailed characters.

We should also get notifications of characters being released from jail as well just to make sure the player truely knows so they can get back to what they were doing

How will this benefit the server and community?:
bail or release notifications will help players be up to date on their arrested characters.


Level 146
Back when I was playing my first teacher character and I got arrested for the goofiest of reasons all the time, random people would always bail me out; usually I was online when it happened, since I would be bailed almost immediately after being arrested (back when this was an option). One time I was arrested for arson (which was a SCAM, I did no such thing but it was 2019 so whatever), and was sentenced to 5 IC years with an incredibly high bail. Less than a year afterwards I checked to see the status on my character's sentence, and apparently somebody had bailed him out without telling me. Thank you, random SRP guy who was ballin' in like 2020 or something, you a real one.

Anyway this is something I assumed to already be a thing, makes sense to implement it if it isn't.


Level 67
It would be difficult to implement with how frequently a lot of characters get arrested.
There's no loss in checking your character's jail status personally using a different character (or sensually, asking someone else to do it for you).


Level 4

In all seriousness, it really isn't the hardest thing to just go to the front desk of the Station. Like DarkxWalker said, something so small, but complicated would be a struggle to implement and keep up-to-date, especially with the amount of arrests that happen almost daily. I've resorted to making a personal discord, writing down all of my characters with their current status such as <Criminal, not criminal. Arrested, Released.> As well as their bail amount. People want everything simplified down to the T, which isn't necessary if you can just easily keep track yourself. It would be pretty sick and would be extremely helpful, but it isn't something I'd direly need.


Level 79
Community Team
Event Team
The arrest plug-in is already down currently and being worked on so this would be a lot to implement. Also, I feel like keeping it to where you need to go ask the front desk if you're bailed allows for more roleplay which is what the server is about. Just ask if you're bailed via a different character or asking your friend to ask.

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