Tsuryoku: Aki Masahiko; responsible for creating what is likely SchoolRP's greatest gang of all time, in nearly every metric except time. (Which will inevitably change.) To consider Aki's character anything but enthralling and interesting would be a discredit, and a straight up lie. One of the best written, and most carefully played characters I've ever encountered.
SensoDojin: Ken Oki Tusyoi; THEE absolute lad.
Dumbelldor: Jewel Han; Gambling addict extraordinaire, Yuta's #2, DAY ONE.
ilovemyplanex2: Zenjiro Akiyama; I love my angry boy and how he's developed into a young man with a geezer attitude towards the world.
SillySilus: Ani H. Matsumoto; Absolutely and undoubtedly the most fearless character I've yet to encounter.
arxchn0: Souta Nomura; Again, just a lad, a pal.
Maiyos: Thao Saiky 'Daisuki'; every interaction is an absolute laughing fest and a wonderful time. Undoubtedly one of the best-written characters, with a balance of comedy and deranged old-person energy.
fotoforos: Autumn Togomi Chusi; No introduction needed. The name alone is enough.
ALL OF MASAHIKO: Genuinely one of the most concentrated collections of high-quality roleplayers I've ever encountered. Without skipping a beat, every single one of you makes this list.
CandyAngel017: Mint Koji; Whether it be on Laurey or Yuta, Mint reached out and became one of the most fun people to encounter in day-to-day interactions, always a blast when Mint is around. An adventure starter every. Single. Time.
dumbrut: Beau 'Rut' Akiyama; is an absolute joy to roleplay with, likely the greatest green tag player I've ever come across. Genuinely refreshing to watch someone take green-tag roleplay seriously. Some of the most hilariously accurate writing I've ever seen for a younger character.
Mr_Mow: Yo-Yo Yo; forever will hold a special place in my heart. As Yuta's oath brother, I miss this character day in and day out. Consistently a joy to roleplay with, and someone I consider a close, and genuine friend.
omuku: Melran King, Ktono (Last name); One of the greatest writers I've ever encountered. Insanely talented; I don't even know where to begin. Melran King, sassy and hilarious to interact with, is a joy to run into every time. Feels like a pleasure to be able to interact with someone at this level of skill. Unbelievable. Ktono, for the short time I've known her also evokes this pure display of writing skill. What a beast.
nylu: Sefu Tanaka; The definition of class. This man uses words I don't even know sometimes like they're nothing. A best at descriptive writing, his name carries a reputation of its own.
Slimmey_Lil_Rat: Euphilia Mortic; interesting would be a damn understatement. Helpful in every case, supportive, and kind, Euphilia can be one fun character to interact with. I am immensely lucky to have the opportunity to roleplay with her so often.
Thooorn: Ryo Kirishiki; What a dislikeable character. God, I hate how much I hate him! Thooorn has undoubtedly written one of the most memorably villainous characters I've yet to encounter, and every sly moment around him turned into a battle of wits and underhanded moves! A genuine enemy, and one I'm proud to interact with. What a lad.
TheEz8Fury: Deno Von Moltke; Similar to the last case, despite my in-character rivalry with Deno; I cannot deny or discredit how well-written of a character he is. The man oozes venomous professionalism and in all cases, carries the undeniable aura of trouble.
Smoll_Potatoe: 'Phat' Rat Akiyama, Randarious Montes; Becoming one of Yuta's closest friends is no small feat, but on TWO separate characters, completely individually? Insanity. By far one of the funniest, and friendliest set of characters I've ever had the absolute privilege of interacting with. Rat is hilarious, and often gets Yuta both in and out of hijinx, and Randy is no different. Introducing Yuta to the non-criminal world, and vice versa has led to a brilliant and enjoyable dynamic every time.