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Tips for finding roleplays


Level 0
Hi! Twas wondering if anyone has any tips on finding people to roleplay with. I have a bit of a hard time approaching people, so any advice would be appreciated!


Level 6
It can be hard at times, but I would say finding an interest is a good way to find RP. Especially plug-in related interests. For example if you play and hang out at volleyball courts, then you can ask others simply to "play?" and then after strike up a convo. You can do the same with other plug-ins. Another idea is joining classes, and chatting with the people next to you, or the teacher. Applying for roles is another route, like professor etc.

If you do want to learn how to approach people, an easy way is to go up to someone and giving a compliment or mentioning something that they're doing.

Remy ツ

Level 16
Fr I struggle with the same things. So, I try to look for people who aren't in big ol' groups, they tend to be sorta sassy and whatnot, and people who look and seem approachable. People who look weird or don't look inviting I would try to avoid. Just play around with it! If some people wanna be crapheads, just let 'em. It's their bad if they miss out on a great RP-er! Also, if you wanna, /friend me! I'm always looking for another friend to play with!


Level 163
I understand how you feel and what you're going through. The best thing you can do is take the advice from Zrle and Remy. I just made my first serious green-tag character (aka greenie lol) if you see the character Ouki Nakimi don't be afraid to approach me. I'm more than happy to roleplay with you and anyone else!!!


Level 30
Hi! Twas wondering if anyone has any tips on finding people to roleplay with. I have a bit of a hard time approaching people, so any advice would be appreciated!
The simplest way is often the best way. You'll find its easier if you just approach whoever and talk about nothing in particular or something you have in common, more times than one you'll find a few people who will keep in contact and roleplay with you whenever you're online. It just takes a little push before you get used to talking to strangers. However never view yourself as inferior to them because you think they're too cool. If you do find someone who thinks they are better than everyone else then it was better to have distanced yourself from them in the first place, but it was always the effort that counts because that'll get you used to approaching people and weeding out the people you wouldn't get along with.

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