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Benifiting all factions including gang rp


Level 16
What's your Minecraft Username?: CriminalRP
What's the title of your suggestion?: Benifiting all factions including gang rp

What's your suggestion?:
If you remove a ton of stuff to gang rp some of the factions will render useless once these gang rpers leave.

Police Gang RPers and government
Police needs something to do with crime like taking down gang members. Removing gang rp would take away 80% of their calls

Add things to gang rp such as new Rules or new things to gang rp as well as adding things to cops to keep the government and gang rpers hyped.

Adding new things to gang rp to benefit it and buffing it just a little bit but not too over powered that it can win against the government a lot but maybe have like a roll increase if you are in a unverified or verified gang by 10 points for example gang rpers can roll 160 if they are 18 if they are in a uvg or vg.

Maybe keep the cops the same rolling wise but add more items and things to keep them happy.

The government doesnt need much added to keep them happy mayors and governors judges and lawyers have a lot to do besides crime in general.

We need to come together as a community to keep all factions afloat rather than remove things and slowly kill them off.
This will keep all the government officials and criminals with something fun to do

Medical Factions

Medics need patients to do their job and meet their quota Because most of the people that goes to the hospital is harmed by gang rpers nobody flat out roleplays being sick. Theres things to counter act that.

You can add more things such as staff events or lore on more diseases and how they are spread to keep the hospital faction dealing with sicknesses more.

Injuries are mostly done by crime rp but there is a rare chance that it happens without involving crime rp and they wanna rp it
infact but not a lot of people roleplay injuries such as lighting strikes or broken limbs if they are not being chased by gang rpers or cops

Things that were Removed from gang RP

Probably doesnt need to be re added

Unconsented kps outside gangs, I guess people were getting upset when their characters were dying.

4 hit points, I don't know how it benifits gang rp in general. Gang rpers did adapt to it in general so it isn't a issue.

Unable to gore rp certain actions that were allowed in 2023 and below such as,
Bashing someones head with a bat as a killing action, Cutting off a head, This i find as a reasonable removal. Don't re add it

Probably needs to be re added

Dangerzones in powerplant, The removal did not benefit crime rp or roleplay in genaral if not it decreased it.

Less removal or nerfing of gang rp but buff it a little just not too much because having criminals weaker than a toddler isnt gonna make anything fun for both factions.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will benefit gang rp and every single faction
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Level 116
Police deal with many other crimes other than GangRP. (Of course, GangRP is a major part of it, but there are other crimes that KPD deals with).
Plenty of people go to the Hospital to RP injuries and sickness unrelated to GangRP.

I don't think making many neccessary changes to GangRP is going to create the worst player decrease in history -- either and it won't result in the removal of factions.

I don't think there is much to be said about this suggestion since there aren't any specific changes you mentioned that you think need to be halted.


Level 64
Excuse me, but which features were removed?

The only features that I saw that were removed were the ones that made other's peoples lives, who did not take part in GangRP, more miserable (KPS and Majors revamp) and the ones that made GangRP more of a PVP community, and less of a roleplay community (Crime Zones). Of course everyone noticed that when Crime Zones were removed, a lot of gangs got disbanded and a lot less people got active. It just proved that people were in GangRP not for the roleplay, but for the grind. I still believe that NoZinth's decision about removing Crime Zones must have been one of the best ones, as it made GangRP more roleplay-based and not '5k or KO'-based.

The rules were not the reason that GangRP got less active, it was the community that made it almost die out. There are still a lot of great gangs around, which are still alive and aim more towards roleplay than the grind.

Also, instead of keeping your suggestion vague and passive aggressive, make it more clear, point out what was removed, and why it should not have been removed. It'll render the chances of this suggestion getting accepted higher.​


Level 8

I'm tired of Gang RP's red-headed step-child treatment. This is a server with mechanics intentionally built to support the effects and economy of crime. Stop seeking to destroy it.


Level 16
Thread starter
Excuse me, but which features were removed?

The only features that I saw that were removed were the ones that made other's peoples lives, who did not take part in GangRP, more miserable (KPS and Majors revamp) and the ones that made GangRP more of a PVP community, and less of a roleplay community (Crime Zones). Of course everyone noticed that when Crime Zones were removed, a lot of gangs got disbanded and a lot less people got active. It just proved that people were in GangRP not for the roleplay, but for the grind. I still believe that NoZinth's decision about removing Crime Zones must have been one of the best ones, as it made GangRP more roleplay-based and not '5k or KO'-based.

The rules were not the reason that GangRP got less active, it was the community that made it almost die out. There are still a lot of great gangs around, which are still alive and aim more towards roleplay than the grind.

Also, instead of keeping your suggestion vague and passive aggressive, make it more clear, point out what was removed, and why it should not have been removed. It'll render the chances of this suggestion getting accepted higher.​
its a w.i.p suggestion im still working on it


Level 8
Excuse me, but which features were removed?

The only features that I saw that were removed were the ones that made other's peoples lives, who did not take part in GangRP, more miserable (KPS and Majors revamp) and the ones that made GangRP more of a PVP community, and less of a roleplay community (Crime Zones). Of course everyone noticed that when Crime Zones were removed, a lot of gangs got disbanded and a lot less people got active. It just proved that people were in GangRP not for the roleplay, but for the grind. I still believe that NoZinth's decision about removing Crime Zones must have been one of the best ones, as it made GangRP more roleplay-based and not '5k or KO'-based.

The rules were not the reason that GangRP got less active, it was the community that made it almost die out. There are still a lot of great gangs around, which are still alive and aim more towards roleplay than the grind.

Also, instead of keeping your suggestion vague and passive aggressive, make it more clear, point out what was removed, and why it should not have been removed. It'll render the chances of this suggestion getting accepted higher.​
Most of the features removed have been due to fears of EULA intervention, to an extreme degree. IE, no more gambling, heavily restricted involvement in businesses, restrictions to who can and cannot gang roleplay all together, etc. I'm not very well integrated into gang roleplay, and yet I can say without a doubt it's been culled a bit. Not to mention the movement towards removing alcohol...


Level 64
Most of the features removed have been due to fears of EULA intervention
Yeah, and that's a good thing, right? We don't want SRP gone because of EULA infraction they might have made. SRP is the biggest roleplay server in Minecraft, they can not risk their server getting multiple strikes, and potentially getting removed.
no more gambling
Remember that there are still minors playing on SchoolRP, I'm pretty sure we don't want them to get addicted to gambling.
restrictions to who can and cannot gang roleplay all together
Could you elaborate on that? I've never heard of restriction on who can GangRP.


Level 116
I don't think that GangRPers should complain that changes to rules are making RP decrease. If you want to see an RP increase, I think you could also put in some effort to RP yourself. You can't expect change to happen if all you're doing is asking for it.

(I'm not saying you aren't making an effort to RP and frankly I don't GangRP much but I still think that needs to be said.)


Level 200
Community Team
Lore Team

nothing stops Crime/Gang Roleplayers from roleplaying. You have to make that interaction through having beef with another character. The removal of certain are due to Minecraft EULA, which we have no say in the matter or the server can get shut down, causing everyone to lose everything we've worked hard on making.

Coming from a Deputy Mayor(Government) standpoint of things, we rarely deal with criminals as is. Yeah, we have Non-Guilty Pleas, but that is really all we do with criminals as we are not allowed to get involved with the criminal side of things without our Faction Leads permission.

Dangerzones in powerplant, The removal did not benefit crime rp or roleplay in genaral if not it decreased it.
Thing with this, and this is coming from a BMDA. Even WHEN we had it be a dangerzone it was still dead if not more dead than when it was a dangerzone. I see more roleplay and involvement in powerplant with it gone than I did when it was one. So, there is no reason for us to bring back a dangerzone as it encouraged PvP than Roleplay, which we arent a pvp server. We are a roleplay server

If you want to gang/crime roleplay, then roleplay it out. Don't do it because of perms because there are a lot of people in the gang/crime roleplay community that only go after perms and nothing else like character building. Only a small percentage of crime roleplayers actually want to develop their character as criminals and do it properly.

In short, what killed Gang/Crime Roleplay is the lack of roleplay


Level 16
Thread starter

nothing stops Crime/Gang Roleplayers from roleplaying. You have to make that interaction through having beef with another character. The removal of certain are due to Minecraft EULA, which we have no say in the matter or the server can get shut down, causing everyone to lose everything we've worked hard on making.

Coming from a Deputy Mayor(Government) standpoint of things, we rarely deal with criminals as is. Yeah, we have Non-Guilty Pleas, but that is really all we do with criminals as we are not allowed to get involved with the criminal side of things without our Faction Leads permission.

Thing with this, and this is coming from a BMDA. Even WHEN we had it be a dangerzone it was still dead if not more dead than when it was a dangerzone. I see more roleplay and involvement in powerplant with it gone than I did when it was one. So, there is no reason for us to bring back a dangerzone as it encouraged PvP than Roleplay, which we arent a pvp server. We are a roleplay server

If you want to gang/crime roleplay, then roleplay it out. Don't do it because of perms because there are a lot of people in the gang/crime roleplay community that only go after perms and nothing else like character building. Only a small percentage of crime roleplayers actually want to develop their character as criminals and do it properly.

In short, what killed Gang/Crime Roleplay is the lack of roleplay
respectfully i get your decision but i don't do gang rp for the perms I do it to develop my characters. 1+


Level 115
My two cents on this whole thing as a person who presently GangRPs is that, while you do have a point that some things have been less focused on or all together removed, it hasn't entirely killed GangRP. While it is definitely difficult for some folk, given what they rely on within certain organizationss (like with Masahiko's now disbanded casino), may need what we used to have for it, some of these removals are for EULA reasons. Not a lot of us like it, but it's not like we can do much unless we want SRP all together removed because of a refusal to get rid of certain things.
There's also the fact that GangRPers were HUGE on grinding permissions back when I was first introduced to GangRP (around 2022), and some people would try to get what they could on your character to prove a point or because of something that shouldn't have happened. GangRP now isn't as chaotic as it used to be, and that's for many good reasons. It's also helped with some people who don't wish to have long lasting effects on their characters, like permanent blindness or something of the sort.


Level 24
Community Team
Event Team
i personally dont think its just a “feature removal” issue. i dont gangrp, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, however feedback i hear from gangrp enthusiasts are that people just do not roleplay. nobody stops you from rping and its unfair to base the status of the faction on just removal of features. i often hear people are just too scared to get into any sort of altercation icly, running away often: create chaos, screw it!

this could be said for other faction, for example the team faction. players can be unhappy about things, ex: dorms over team houses. while yes, that sort of thing affected rp, its also up to the players to do their best to make do with what they have. obviously i wont get into the details of these issues bc this isnt about teams, but i do think the state of factions has to do with the player base too.

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