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Let us be able to cook in multiple ovens at once.

What's your Minecraft Username?: ilovemyplanex21
What's the title of your suggestion?: Let us be able to cook in multiple ovens at once.

What's your suggestion?:
We should be able to cook in multiple ovens at once, I dont really get why we can't. We can cook in multiple frying pans for example, so let us cook in multiple ovens too!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It would help people level up their cooking attribute, but also would make lifes of people who work at restaurants easier!


Level 65

With cooking/baking being done on a lot of ovens comes lag. People could easily make lag machines to lag/crash the server if they fill up an apartment with ovens on which they're cooking/baking something. It comes due to the fact that entities have to be placed on top of the ovens, and we all know that too much entities WILL cause lag, and potentially lower TPS. Bypassers will do anything to make the server lag/crash and potentially loose money due to server down time.

What we could do is raise the amount of ovens you can cook on to 3-5, so we can still cook on multiple ovens, and not cause lag.


Level 3
Thread starter

With cooking/baking being done on a lot of ovens comes lag. People could easily make lag machines to lag/crash the server if they fill up an apartment with ovens on which they're cooking/baking something. It comes due to the fact that entities have to be placed on top of the ovens, and we all know that too much entities WILL cause lag, and potentially lower TPS. Bypassers will do anything to make the server lag/crash and potentially loose money due to server down time.

What we could do is raise the amount of ovens you can cook on to 3-5, so we can still cook on multiple ovens, and not cause lag.
Yes, that's exactly what I meant, it's just annoying to not be able to do for example multiple pizzas at once.


Level 205
I would support this (+1), provided that no additional experience percentiles are gained from cooking multiple meals simultaneously, to preserve the delicate balance of the cooking attribute progression and prevent rapid XP grinding.


Level 72
Neutral leaning +1 if: Make it 2 ovens max per player
When cooking in multiple pans, you must be focused and take the items out before they burn. The more you place, the riskier. In ovens however, you just put the ingredients in and forget about it. There's no risk. I get why there's a one oven limit, but I feel like cooking in two ovens max would be better, as 1. cooking for you and a friend would be easier and 2. two ovens are actually a real thing and can be used realistically in kitchens. No need to put a cooking attribute limit to it, as eggs, bacon, etc. doesn't have one.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to implement it.

- This has been implemented​

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