So I adore these types of questions because I could yap about my main roleplay character, Naomi Inoue, for literal hours - so, prepare for a pretty long response because I have thought about this a LOT </3
When it comes to character arcs and orchestrating them, a large amount of ideas I've had for Naomi's character arcs have been planned within the restraints of SRP, including permission from my wonderful faction lead to do certain things, amongst others. I don't have any definitive "arcs" that I could reflect on for Naomi, but if I had to describe all of his "eras", as I've taken to calling them, each event/mini-arc/etc. would fall under the following:
- Karakura Hospital
- Attacked by a patient
- Kidnapping & first medical leave
- Descent into crime (BMDA, CC, etc.)
- Second medical leave & what followed
Each of those arcs, or eras, have been immensely influential to his character over the year I've had him! Luckily, all of my general plans and ideas have been able to go forward, even if it's not to the extent I would've wanted from it. Honestly, I generally don't...
plan things for Naomi. I let the current take him wherever he ends up, and this has landed him in more trouble than it's worth more times than I can count. He's a bit of a danger magnet.
But, onto the actual question of the post (sorry for rambling, I love Naomi) - If I could carry out a potential arc for Naomi, without SRP's limitations, what would it be?
I've toyed with two ideas for Naomi; neither of which I went through with due to a) the manpower needed and b) how awkward I'd feel letting it play out. The first was meant to be near the end of his hospital career, where he ends up injuring his psychiatrist. He'd drive off into the night on his motorcycle, and it'd prompt this huuuge chase by KPD, and inevitably end dramatically with Naomi being arrested, probably after attacking or outmanoeuvring a few cops along the way. I didn't want to lose him, though, so... it got scrapped (along with the other two reasons). I don't think I've ever talked about this properly with anyone, to my knowledge, so.. (And I might end up writing something like this if I'm bored one day, as an 'alternate universe' story.. God knows I have plenty of those already...)
The other is a more recent one, which might still play out - just offscreen, but something about him reflecting and coming to a harsh realisation that he doesn't recognise himself anymore (with all of his crimes, his aggression, etc.), and that prompts him running off.. to search for himself (or just isolate himself, because who is he? What if the people he loves don't recognise him anymore?!) - That's a big one! If I
could, I'd want to roleplay the whole thing out, completely in character, with visits and breakdowns and all that jazz - but with the map limitations I wouldn't be able to. Eventually, it might end up being some sort of story if I need to shelve Naomi for a bit, but ultimately it won't ever happen in character. Not the full thing, anyhow; maybe the running away part.
Outside of Naomi, though, there's always been a small spark in my brain where I've wanted my Heddo character, Mewo, to run a flower shop. You'd think I could do this, but being a BMD means I can't be a shopkeeper I fear :( - Character arc wise, this would probably be the best decision I could ever make for Mewo (who hated/hates all of the jobs in Karakura) and he'd probably be stable for once in his life. Maybe when I quit BMD, shopkeeper will be next on my list of factions (to finally give Dr. Heddo a break, bless his heart) - maybe!
But yeah. Sorry for the long post I get really passionate </3